IPA  listen  VLACH phonetic descriptionexample (translation)
a (ɑ)Aa(near-)open central unrounded vowelmájka (mother)
æƐɛnear-open front unrounded vowelcra. pɛ́tok (Friday)
bBbvoiced bilabial plosivebába (old lady)
cK'k'voiceless palatal stopk'íša (rain)
çH'h'voiceless palatal fricativeh'íljada (thousand)
ɕŚśvoiceless alveolo-palatal sibilantɕto (what)
dDdvoiced alveolar plosivedúgo (long)
d͡ʒDždžvoiced palato-alveolar affricateep (bag)
e, ɛEe (ε)(open-)mid front unroundedc(j)éna (price)
əƏəschwacra. rékəl (he said)
fFfvoiceless labiodental fricativefála (thanks)
Đđvoiced alveolo-palatal affricateđak (pupil)
ɡGgvoiced velar plosivegláva (head)
hHhvoiceless glottal fricativehájdemo (come on)
iIiclose front unrounded vowelčisto (clean)
ɨYyclose central unrounded vowelcra. sýnce (sun)
jJjpalatal approximantjábuka (apple)
kKkvoiceless velar plosivekúća (house)
lLlalveolar lateral approximantáli (but)
ɫⱢɫvelarized alveolar lateral appr.ɫo (nice) 
ʎL'l'palatal lateral approximantl'úbav (love)
mMmbilabial nasalmóre (sea)
nNnalveolar nasalnos (nose)
ŋŊŋvelar nasalbáŋka (bank)
ɲN'n'palatal nasalkon' (horse)
o, ɔOoclose-mid (open-mid) back rounded vowelsol (salt)
pPpvoiceless bilabial plosivepet (five)
rRralveolar trillrádi (he/she works)
sSsvoiceless alveolar sibilantsol (salt)
ʃ, ʂŠšvoiceless palato-alveolar (retroflex) sibilantšuma (forest)
tTtvoiceless alveolar plosivetájna (secret)
t͡sCcvoiceless alveolar sibilant affricate cr̩kva (church)
t͡ʃČčvoiceless palato-alveolar affricatečékati (wait)
t̠͡ɕĆćvoiceless alveolo-palatal affricatećup (jug, jar)
uUuclose back rounded vowelput (way)
vVvvoiced labiodental fricativevíno (wine)
xXxvoiceless velar fricativexir (caprice)
zZzvoiced alveolar sibilantzíma (winter)
ʑ Źźvoiced alveolo-palatal sibilantmne. źénica (pupil)
ʒŽžvoiced palato-alveolar sibilantžuta (yellow)
ˌ l̩ n̩ r̩syllabic consonantbicík(bike), spski (Serbian)

Tones (example /e/)
e    non-tonic short vowelsezóna
non-tonic long voweluzéːti
ěshort vowel with rising tonedjě́ca
ěːlong vowel with rising tonekrě́ːda
êshort vowel with falling tone  sjếme
êːlong vowel with falling tonerȇːp
mne.  Montenegrin