VLACH uses IPA for all Western Armenian varieties, with the difference that VLACH allows match cases, and prefers (´) for accentuation.

IPA  listen  VLACH Western Armenianphonetic descriptionexample (translation)
ɑA aԱ աopen back unrounded wovelmaz(hair)
bB bՊ պvoiced bilabial plosivebarón (Mister, Baron)
dD dՏ տvoiced alveolar plosivegadú (cat)
d͡zDz dzԾ ծvoiced alveolar sibilant affricatedzar (tree)
d͡ʒDʒ dʒՃ ճvoiced palato-alveolar affricatedʒaʃél (to eat)
ɛE eԵ ե ; Է էopen-mid front unrounded voweltel (thread); eʃ (donkey)
fF fՖ ֆvoiceless labiodental fricativefilm (film)
ɡG gԿ կvoiced velar plosivegerás (cherry)
hH hՀ հ (Յ յ) [1]voiceless glottal fricativehamár (number)
iI iԻ իclose front unrounded vowelintʃ (thing)
jJ jՅ յ (Ե ե ; Ի ի ; Է է) [2]palatal approximantmiájn (only)
K kԳ գ ; Ք քaspirated voiceless velar plosivekir(letter); kit (nose)
lL lԼ լalveolar lateral approximantlogánkʰ (bath)
mM mՄ մbilabial nasalmagán (stick)
nN nՆ նalveolar nasalhin(old)
oO oՈ ո ;  Օ օ(close-)mid back rounded vowelhos (here); dot (heat)
P pԲ բ ; Փ փaspirated voiceless bilabial plosivepar(word); petúr (pen)
ɾR rՌ ռ ; Ր րalveolar taprazián (fennel); majr (mother)
ʁʁ[3]ʁՂ ղvoiced uvular fricativeʁegavarél (to lead)
sS sՍ սvoiceless alveolar sibilantsev (black)
ʃʃ ʃՇ շvoiceless palato-alveolar sibilantʃal(scarf)
T tԴ դ ; Թ թaspirated voiceless alveolar plosivetas (lesson); tas (cup)
t͡sʰTs tsՁ ձ ; Ց ցaspirated voiceless alveolar sibilant affricatetsajn (voice); tsan (seed)
t͡ʃʰTʃ tʃՉ չ ; Ջ ջaspirated voiceless palato-alveolar affricateamán (cumin); an (soul)
uU uՈՒ ուclose back rounded vowelhusám (lavender)
vV vՎ վ (Ւ ւ ; ՈՒ ու ; Ո ո) [4]voiced labiodental fricativeviz (throat)
χΧ xԽ խvoiceless uvular fricativexəntsór (apple)
zZ zԶ զvoiced alveolar sibilantlezú (language)
ʒƷ ʒԺ ժvoiced palato-alveolar sibilantʒajr (rock)
əƏ əԸ ըmid central voweləngújz (nut)
ʏÜ ü [5]ԻՒ / Իւ իւnear-close near-front rounded vowelhür (guest)
œÖö [6]ԷՕ / Էօ էօopen-mid front rounded vowelÖʒén (Eugène)


[1] Alternative letter in brackets: Only in traditional orthography, there only in the beginning of a word, or morpheme.

[2] May in certain words alternatively be expressed by one of the letters indicated in brackets.

[3] Big letter may exist, but is not disposable.

[4] May in certain words alternatively be expressed by one of the letters indicated in brackets.

[5] As like as German ü.

[6] As like as German ö. In loanwords only.


IPAVLACHexample (Western Armenian)example (VLACH)              
jaյաղթjaʁt (strong)              
jeերգjerk (song)             
հայը (the Armenian)              
jijiյիշելjiʃél (to remember)              
jojoյոռիjorí (bad)              
jujuգիտութիւնkidutn (science)              
ajajհայրhajr (father)              
ɛjeiէինein (they were)              
իյնալnál (to fall)              
ujujնարնջագոյնnarntʃakújn (orange)