Dr. Anton Hohenwarter

Function: Group Leader
Room: 312
Phone: +43 (0) 3842-804-312
E-Mail: anton.hohenwarter(at)unileoben.ac.at


Nanomaterials by Severe Plastic Deformation and Deformation, Fatigue and Fracture


Mechanical properties of severely plastically deformed metals, High Pressure Torsion, SEM, EBSD


Mechanics in Small Dimensions (Mechanik in kleinen Dimensionen), Übungen zu Materialkundliche Arbeitsverfahren


Deformation- and fracture behavior of advanced materialsBulk-nanocomposite synthesis through severe plastic deformationEffect of grain architecture on the ductility in ultrafine grained and nanocrystalline SPD materials


  • Peculiarity of hydrogen absorption in duplex steels: Phase-selective lattice swelling and stress evolutionPogrielz T., M. Eichinger, A. Weiser, J. Todt, A. Hohenwarter, A. Ascii, B. Sarac, D. Brandl, G. Ressel, M. Jary, A. Dlouhy, G. Mori, J. KeckesSCRIPTA MATER248, ARTN 116142 (2024)
  • Selective Cu electroplating enabled by surface patterning and enhanced conductivity of carbon fiber reinforced polymers upon air plasma etchingRafailovic L.D., T. Trisovic, M. Stupavska, P. Soucek, P. Velicsanyi, S. Nixon, A. Elbataioui, S. Zak, M.J. Cordill, A. Hohenwarter, C. Kleber, J. RahelJ ALLOY COMPD992, ARTN 174569 (2024)
  • Saturation of Grain Fragmentation upon Severe Plastic Deformation: Fact or Fiction?Renk O., A. Hohenwarter, K. Edalati, M.W. KappADV ENG MATER2400578, 1-12 (2024)
  • Uniform strain high‑pressure torsion (US‑HPT): an approach to reduce strain gradientsHochenwarter A., S. WursterProcessing bulk nanostructured materials, 1-12 (2023)
  • Effect of boron doping on grain boundary cohesion in technically pure molybdenum investigated via meso-scale three-point-bending testsJakob S., A. Hohenwarter, A. Lorich, W. Knabl, R. Pippan, H. Clemens, V. Maier-KienerINT J REFRACT MET H113, ARTN 106173 (2023)
  • Microstructural influences on fatigue threshold behavior and fracture toughness of an additively manufactured gamma-titanium aluminideZeiler S., A. Lintner, M. Schloffer, R. Pippan, A. HohenwarterINTERMETALLICS156, ARTN 107852 (2023)
  • SPD deformation of pearlitic, bainitic and martensitic steelsKapp M.W., A. Hohenwarter, A. Bachmaier, T. Mueller, R. PippanMATER TRANS2023, 1-11 (2023)
  • Modeling of Fatigue Crack Growth: Dislocation ModelsPippan R., A. HohenwarterIn: Comprehensive Structural Integrity (Second Edition) (2023, 56-70)
  • Fatigue crack growth behavior of a nanocrystalline low Young's modulus beta-type Ti-Nb alloyPillmeier S., R. Pippan, J. Eckert, A. HohenwarterMAT SCI ENG A-STRUCT871, ARTN 144868 (2023)
  • Fatigue life assessment of metal foils in multifunctional composites via combined experiments and simulationsTrost C., S. Zak, K. Ruderes, R. Hammer, J. Rosc, T. Krivec, N. Schell, H.P. Gänser, A. Hohenwarter, M.J. CordillComposites Part B.259, 110715 (2023)