
Fusion Day


On November 15th, 2022, the ninth Fusion Day organized by the Austrian Fusion Research Unit took place at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien). 40 participants came from all over Austria to attend the event, presented their latest results and exchange ideas with their colleagues.

The event was opened by Prof. Friedrich Aumayr, Director of the Austrian Fusion Research Unit and Professor at TU Wien, who warmly welcomed all participants and introduced this year's guest speaker, Prof. Daniel Primetzhofer, who is at the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Uppsala University in the field of applied nuclear physics. He is also the director of the Tandem Laboratory, whose goal is to provide and develop tools for ion beam-based research.

The guest lecture was followed by interesting talks by students as well as project group leaders who presented recent research results of their research groups. The contribution of the Erich Schmid Institute, on “Fatigue crack behaviour of rolled tungsten above the DBTT” was given by Michael Pegritz.

The Austrian fusion research program currently comprises 10 research groups from Vienna, Graz, Salzburg, Leoben and Innsbruck.
