Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dr.

Stefan Hagel

Group Leader

RG »Ancient Music«


Telephone: +43 1 51581-2341

Location: Dominikanerbastei 16 | 1010 Vienna

Biographical sketch

Classicist. Starting from an analysis of melody patterns in Greek epic verse, Stefan Hagel specialised in ancient music, with publications on ancient music theory and its relation with musical practice, on musical instruments with focus on lyres and double pipes, and on questions of metre and rhythm. His work involves reconstruction of instruments and playing techniques, which have frequently been demonstrated to an international public in form of lecture-concerts. Characteristic for Hagel’s research is an extensive application of computer techniques and mathematical methods; he also created the »Classical Text Editor«, now the most widely used specialised word processor for critical editions as well as the free available keyboard utility MultiKey


Research Projects



Journal Publication (30)

Book/Monograph (2)

Conference Contribution: Publication in Proceedings (7)

Contribution in Collection (39)

Editorship (3)

Book or Essay review (4)

Other Publication (1)

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