Oliver Schmitsberger
RG »Quaternary Archaeology«
Email: oliver.schmitsberger(at)oeaw.ac.at
Telephone: +43 1 51581-6136
Location: Dominikanerbastei 16 | 1010 Vienna
Biographical sketch
Studied Prehistory and Early History (with a focus on natural sciences in the subject combination) in Vienna. From 2003 to 2018 research assistant at ASINOE (Archaeological-Social Initiative of Lower Austria). Since 2012, repeated part-time positions as »Research Assistant« at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (project staff of the Quaternary Archaeology Research Group and Raw Materials Laboratory) and regular collaboration in the processing of finds or find reports for the »Findchronik« in the »Fundberichten aus Österreich« (volume 50/2011 to 56/2017) of the BDA. Current research focus is Neolithic chert mining in eastern Austria.
Research interests
- Late Neolithic / Copper Age in the Austrian Danube Region
- Landscape Archaeology / Settlement Geography - Site Inspection
- Late Palaeolithic and Mesolithic in North Danubian Lower Austria
- Absolute dating on the basis of 14C-dates
- Raw material of Palaeolithic and Neolithic flint and rock artefacts
- Prehistoric chert quarries in eastern Austria