Laura Dietrich
RG »Prehistoric Phenomena«
Email: laura.dietrich(at)oeaw.ac.at
Telephone: +43 1 51581-6124
Location: Dominikanerbastei 16 | 1010 Vienna
Biographical sketch
Study of Prehistoric Archaeology, Southwestasian Archaeology, Classical Archaeology and History at the Universities of Bucharest and Berlin. Doctorate (Dr.) 2010 (Supervisor Professor Bernhard Hänsel) and Habilitation (Dr. Habil) 2022 (Supervisor Professor Wolfram Schier) at the Institute for Prehistoric Archaeology of Freie Universität Berlin. Venia legendi in Prehistoric Archaeology (2022) at the Institute for Prehistoric Archaeology of Freie Universität Berlin. 2004-2007 Elsa-Neumann-Grant of the State of Berlin for the doctoral study, 2008-2010 staff member at the Institute for Prehistoric Archaeology of Freie Universität Berlin. 2011-2019 staff member (researcher) at the German Archaeological Institute, Orient Department and Damasc Department, Berlin. Participation in numerous projects in Turkey, Syria, Jordan. 2016-2017 staff member (scientific coordinator) at the German Archaeological Institute, Romano-Germanic Commission, Frankfurt / Main. 2004-2013 Principal Investigator of the excavation in the Bronze Age settlement at Rotbav (Romania). 2019-2022 Postdoc at the German Archaeological Institute Gerda-Henkel Stiftung am Deutschen Archäologischen Institut. 2016-2022 Principal Investigator of the Project »Plant food processing tools at Early Neolithic Göbekli Tepe«. Since 2022 PostDoc at the Austrian Archaeological Institute, Department Prehistory and WANA Archaeology, and deputy leader of the research group „Prehistoric Phenomena“. Associate Professor at the University Berlin, and Visiting Professor at the Universities Freiburg and Alba Iulia (Prehistoric Archaeology). Actual research in several projects in Turkey, Serbia, Romania, Spain, Germany.
Research Projects
- »Use of Early Neolithic Grinding Stones from Western Anatolia and Southeastern Europe«
- »Neolithic Stone Axes from Çukuriçi Höyük. Artefacts, usewear and 3D visualization«
- »How did bread come to Central Europe? Investigations into the role of the Neolithic settlement of Brunn am Gebirge near Vienna«
Research interests
- Functional analyses on stone and bone tools
- Use-wear and residue analyses
- Experimental Archaeology
- Archaeology of food
- Documentation of finds (photogrammetry, microscopy)
- Epipaleolithic, Neolithic, Neolithization, Copper Age