Anna Dolganov
Postdoctoral Fellow
RG »History of Ancient Law and Papyrology«
Email: anna.dolganov(at)
Location: Dominikanerbastei 16 | 1010 Vienna
Biographical sketch
BA in Classics, Harvard University (magna cum laude, 2005). Gates Cambridge Scholar, MPhil in Ancient History, King's College Cambridge (1st class honors, 2006). MA in Ancient History, Princeton University (2009). Maternity leave, 3 children (2010-2014). DAAD Fellowship, University of Konstanz (2014). Visiting scholar at the Kulturwissenschaftliches Kolleg Konstanz (2014). PhD in ancient history, Princeton University (11.2018). Research Associate (postdoc) in FWF-funded projects at the University of Vienna (2018-2021) and at the ÖAI (2021-2022). APART-GSK Excellence Fellowship of the ÖAW (from 8.2022). Scientific Prize of the City of Vienna 2023.
My research focuses on the edition and interpretation of documentary sources (papyri and inscriptions) as evidence for the social, legal and institutional history of the Roman empire. My current book project (The Administration of Justice in the Roman Empire: Sociology and Institutions, Cambridge University Press, under contract for 2025) investigates the development of the Roman imperial court system and its impact on provincial societies during the late Republic and first three centuries of the Principate (ca.133 BCE-284 CE). This is the first systematic attempt to integrate the rich papyrological documentation from Egypt into a general discussion of Roman imperial jurisdiction. A second book project analyzes the genre of Roman judicial records and presents new or revised critical editions with translation and commentary of ca. 100 records of trials from the Roman empire (Documents of Roman Trials from the Late Republic to the Reign of Diocletian, Cambridge University Press, under contract for 2026).
Research Projects
- »Roman Court Proceedings in Papyri: New Evidence, New Perspectives«
- »Public Archives in Roman Egypt«
Research interests
- Papyrology, edition of documentary papyri
- Social, legal and institutional history of the Roman empire
- Greek and Latin epigraphy
- Archives in the Roman empire
- Graeco-Roman Egypt; Roman North Africa