1242 results:
Archaeological Stratigraphy Conference 2023  
Conference | Graz, Austria  
OeAI Running Group  
Fellow sports! Since the summer of 2022, an OeAI running group has been meeting more or less regularly for after-work runs. Especially in winter, when it's cold, dark and the notorious Viennese wind blows, experience has shown that it's easier to get together to do sports. When the temperatures are warm, a weekly casual after-work run with colleagues along the Danube Canal, the Ring or on the Prater Hauptallee is a real pleasure. A 5 km loop at a comfortable pace that can be run by everyone has proven to be a good idea. When many runners come together, groups form by themselves, depending on individual fitness. Our motto is always: »No one is left behind«. Whether it's a morning run, a night run, a fit for brain run – if you want to do some sport after work and do something for your health, you've come to the right place. We organise and coordinate via MS teams and Termino. If you have time, want to do something and are in the mood, simply enter your name in the calendar and you can meet up for an after-work run with as few as two or three participants. If you are interested in joining this group, please write to benjamin.frerix(at)oeaw.ac.at   Next runs 2023 (Last update: 5.7.2023) Sept 19: The 17th Vienna Night Run will take place on Tuesday, 19 September 2023. We would be happy if we – like last year – would start together as the OeAI team. In a relaxed atmosphere, the focus is on sporting togetherness and not on chasing best times. The course is a 5 km loop around the ring. After the group start, running groups form by themselves. No one runs alone. This year, the start and finish areas will be in front of the city hall, where there will be plenty of opportunities for refreshments and toasts after the run. The start fee for company registration would initially be paid in advance, but we are asking the OeAW works council for a refund afterwards. → If you are enthusiastic about a night run with thousands of runners and a great running T-shirt, please register with the OeAI running group by 1 September 2023. Oct 21: On 21 October 2023, the »Fit for brain run 2023« will take place on the Prater Hauptallee, where we will run for a good cause. The entry fee of 30 € will be donated to the Austrian Stroke Aid. Two distances of 5 and 10 km are offered. Registration by email is requested by 17 October. Oct 21: For the Thessaloniki Night Run on 21 October 2023, we are also looking for runners for the half marathon distance. Contact Benjamin Frerix  
Austrian Archaeological Institute Dpt. of Prehistory & West Asian/Northeast African Archaeology Hollandstraße 11–13, 5th floor | 1020 Vienna T + 43 1 51581-6101 Dpt. of Historical Archaeology Franz Klein-Gasse 1 | 1190 Vienna T + 43 1 51581-4000 Dpt. of Classical Studies Hollandstraße 11–13, 6th floor | 1020 Vienna T + 43 1 51581-3483 oeai@oeaw.ac.at Follow us on OEAI Newsletter Sign up now for our newsletter and receive regular information about the OEAI. Head Office Austrian Archaeological Institute Austrian Academy of Sciences Franz Klein-Gasse 1 1190 Vienna, Austria T (+43 1) 51581-4000 E oeai(at)oeaw.ac.at Intern  
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Copper Age grave: male chief was actually a woman  
The most prominent person of the Iberian Copper Age was not a man, as previously assumed, but a woman. In cooperation with the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the University of Vienna archaeologists in Spain have now discovered this astonishing result by means of tooth enamel analyses. It indicates that even in the earliest period of human history, leadership positions were occupied by women.  
Welcome to the oeai.web!  
In the internal area of the OeAI website, the oeai.web, important information on organisational procedures, forms and templates are available to all OeAI staff. Questions, problems or suggestions? Please address to oeai-webmaster@oeaw.ac.at Quick Links OEAI  Webgis OEAI.DAM Multimedia dATABASE OEAI RUNNING GROUP  
Overview Events in which the OeAI is involved as organiser or co-organiser are coordinated by the unit »Public Relations & Events«. There are three types of OeAI events: 1. of a research group (to be assigned to a RG in terms of content) 2. of a department (e.g. OeAI lecture of a department, departmental workshops etc.) 3. of the entire institute: inter-departmental events (e.g. big conferences, Christmas party, in-house colloquium) or public events (e.g. Lange Nacht der Forschung) Those events that can be assigned to an research group or department are organised by the person in charge of events at the department  in cooperation with the responsible researcher.  All other events are assigned to the overall institute and are organised by the person responsible for overall institute events. Each event must be reported to the respective contact person: Sigrid Pratsch (Events of the Dpt. of Prehistory & West Asian/Northeast African Archaeology) Ida Muharemović | Birgit Balean (Events of the Dpt. of Classical Studies) Thomas Schwarnthorer (Events of the Dpt. of Historical Archaeology and of the overall institute) LOCATIONS The following rooms are available in the PSK as of the end of June 2023: 3rd floor: 3A.1: 14 pax 3A.2: 24 pax both rooms can be connected to form one room for 45 people 4th floor: 4A.2: 20 pax 4A.1: 10 pax planned: 4A.3: 6 pax 5th floor: 5B.1: 42 pax 5B.2: 30 pax planned: 4 rooms between 10 and 42 pax Please note that for larger events, rooms usually have to be reserved in the OeAW main building, at the Sonnenfelsgasse or Bäckerstraße, for which costs are charged by the OeAW. These rooms are also very much in demand. Please make sure to request and fix event dates with the event managers as early as possible! Event Calendar The OeAI event calendar can be integrated by OeAI staff members into their personal Outlook calendar and enables them to view the current event planning. GUIDE Integration Event CalendAr Participation in OeAI events by OeAI staff members is generally possible during working hours. Announcement and invitation The persons in charge of events are responsible for the announcement of events on all communication channels of the OeAI (email, event calendar on the institute's website, internal event calendar, social media) as well as for the preparation of invitations and programmes in coordination with the responsible researcher. Event planning in detail 1. Events of a research group A project leader informs the RG leader about an event idea for approval (not obligatory for third-party funded projects) The scientific director in charge decides on the realisation of the event The project leader informs the person in charge of events to discuss further planning (obligatory). She/he will book the location, announce the event in relevant calendars, organise catering, design the invitation/programme and also take care that the event is announced on all OeAI communication channels. Allocated cost centre: RG (for third-party funded projects: project budget) The project leader plans the budget in coordination with the research group leader as these events are paid for out of the RG budget For events financed by third-party funded projects, budget planning is done by the project leader. Orders are to be authorised by the RG leader (third-party funded projects: by the project leader). 2. Events of a department The scientific director in charge decides on the realisation of an event The person in charge of events is to be informed to discuss further planning (obligatory). She/he will book the location, announce the event in relevant calendars, organise catering, design the invitation/programme and also take care that the event is announced on all OeAI communication channels. Allocated cost centre: Admin of the Department Budget planning is done by the person in charge of events. Orders are to be authorised by scientific director in charge.   3. Event of the entire Institute The Board of Directors decides on the realisation of an event The person in charge of events is to be informed to discuss further planning (obligatory). She/he will book the location, announce the event in relevant calendars, organise catering, design the invitation/programme and also take care that the event is announced on all OeAI communication channels. Allocated cost centre: Admin-VÖF Budget planning is done by the person in charge of events. Orders are to be authorised by scientific director in charge. Orders are to authorised by the Coordinator o fthe unit "Public Relations and Events". Reimbursement of travel expenses If someone is invited to give a single lecture, the OeAI will normally reimburse the entire travel costs. However, if someone gives a lecture in the context of an OeAI conference or workshop, the upper limit for reimbursement is EUR 350. Exceptions are colleagues who have to travel further. In this case, individual agreements must be made. In the case of events financed by third-party funds, the project leader decides. Form_GERMAN Form_enGLISH External lectures by OeAI staff members If you are giving a lecture at an event where the OeAI is not (co-)organising, you can distribute the invitation via our social media channels. Please send a short text including a picture and a link to the programme (if available) to astrid.pircher@oeaw.ac.at. Due to the large number of external lectures, these cannot be announced in the event calendar of our website. Note: In general, please ensure that the correct affiliation and spelling of the institute name is used in programmes and announcements. Please also ask the event organiser whether the OeAI logo can be displayed or whether the OeAI can be involved as a co-organiser. If you have any questions, please contact astrid.pircher@oeaw.ac.at Contact Astrid Pircher (Coordinator Unit »Public Relations & Events«)