One stop government in Austria

The principle of one-stop service, i. e. service integration through one access spot, is becoming increasingly important in the field of public administration, among others. The project investigated the state of the art of one-stop-government initiatives in Austria and undertook a number of case studies. It was carried out within the framework of the international research cooperation COST A14 "Government and Democracy in the Information Age", comprising surveys in eleven countries (A, B, DK, FIN, F, D, IRL, I, NL, E, UK) applying common criteria.

Overall the results indicated rather slow progress towards one-stop government, due to the complexity of barriers to be overcome. They include: lack of institutional cooperation, and legal regulations, inappropriate infrastructures both in regard to technology and human factors, and lack of funding and political support. The EU-wide results have been published in book form.


01/1999 - 12/1999


  • Georg Aichholzer