Katarzyna Ludwichowska-Redo
Researcher (post doc)
+43 1 4277-29655
Dr. Katarzyna Ludwichowska-Redo is Senior Scientist at the Institute for European Tort Law since March 2016 and a member of the European Centre of Tort and Insurance Law since 2021. Katarzyna holds a master’s degree (2003) and a doctoral degree (2007) from the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland, where she was Assistant Professor between 2008 and 2020. She is an attorney-at-law (radca prawny) in Poland as well as a member of the Institute for European Traffic Law in Luxembourg, of which she was a board member between 2010 and 2014. Katarzyna has published extensively in the fields of tort law, insurance law and the conflict of laws. She has lectured at, i.a., the National University of Singapore, the Academy of European Law (Trier, Germany), the International Forum of Travel and Tourism Advocates (Vienna) and the European Centre of Tort and Insurance Law/Institute for European Tort Law of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Vienna). She has given presentations at numerous private law conferences as well as at training courses for law and insurance practitioners. In 2009 she was awarded ‘Insurance debut’ prize by the Polish Insurance and Risk Management Chamber of Commerce. In 2008 her doctoral thesis: ‘Liability for Car Accidents in Tort and Insurance Law’ was awarded first prize as well as a special prize funded by the Polish Motor Insurers’ Bureau in a nationwide contest organised by the Polish Insurance Ombudsman.
Main Areas of Research
Main Areas of Research
- Polish and European tort law
- Insurance law
- Private international law
- Comparative law
Selected Publications
Selected Publications
- Uncertain Causation, Loss of a Chance and Proportional Liability in Medical Malpractice Cases – A Few Reflections with a Special Focus on Polish Law, Journal of European Tort Law 2024, Vol. 15, issue 3, p. 327-357.
- Drive (back) into Lane 5:101? A Few Remarks on the Future of Road Traffic Liability within PETL, Journal of European Tort Law 2023, Vol. 14, issue 1, p. 99-112.
- Polen, in: M. Buse, A. Staudinger (eds.), Münchener Kommentar zum Strassenverkehrsrecht. Bd. 3: Internationales Strassenverkehrsrecht (2019), p. 688-754.
- Autonomous Cars – a Challenge for Polish Private Law? (Samochody autonomiczne – wyzwanie dla polskiego prawa cywilnego?), in: A. Olejniczak/M. Orlicki/J. Pokrzywniak (eds.) Studies in Private Law – Festschrift for Prof. Andrzej Koch (Z badań nad prawem prywatnym – Księga pamiątkowa dedykowana Profesorowi Andrzejowi Kochowi) (2017), p. 203-218.
- Basic Questions of Tort Law from a Polish Perspective, in: H. Koziol (ed.), Basic Questions of Tort Law from a Comparative Perspective (2015), p. 165-248.
- The Road Traffic Act 1988 and EU Motor Insurance Standards: a few reflections on Churchill, Journal of Professional Negligence 2013, Vol 29, No. 1, p. 49-58.
- Damage (together with K. Oliphant), in: A. Fenyves/E. Karner/H. Koziol/E. Steiner (eds.), Tort Law in the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights (2011), p. 397-447.
- Traffic Accident Compensation – Modern Insurance Solutions / Kompensacja szkód komunikacyjnych – nowoczesne rozwiązania ubezpieczeniowe (2011) (editor; bilingual book), 256 pp.
- Liability for Car Accidents in Tort and Insurance Law (Odpowiedzialność cywilna i ubezpieczeniowa za wypadki samochodowe) (2008), 405 pp.