• The Annual Conference on European Tort Law

    The Institute for European Tort Law (ETL) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the University of Graz is an internationally-recognised centre of research excellence in the field of European and comparative private law. ETL aims to contribute to the understanding and development of European and comparative private law through its ground-breaking comparative legal research on fundamental issues of the law of torts and bordering legal categories.

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  • The Institute for European Tort Law (ETL) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the University of Graz is an internationally-recognised centre of research excellence in the field of European and comparative private law. ETL aims to contribute to the understanding and development of European and comparative private law through its ground-breaking comparative legal research on fundamental issues of the law of torts and bordering legal categories.

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  • The Institute for European Tort Law (ETL) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the University of Graz is an internationally-recognised centre of research excellence in the field of European and comparative private law. ETL aims to contribute to the understanding and development of European and comparative private law through its ground-breaking comparative legal research on fundamental issues of the law of torts and bordering legal categories.

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The Institute for European Tort Law (ETL) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the University of Graz is an internationally-recognised centre of research excellence in the field of European and comparative private law. ETL aims to contribute to the understanding and development of European and comparative private law through its ground-breaking comparative legal research on fundamental issues of the law of torts and bordering legal categories.

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Mon, 09.12.2024
Mon, 18.11.2024
Wed, 05.06.2024



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Geistfeld/Karner/Koch/Wendehorst (eds)

Civil Liability for Artificial Intelligence and Software

Barbara C. Steininger

Die Anweisung

Ernst Karner and Alexander Longin

Vertragsstrafe und Schadenspauschalierung

Ernst Karner, Ulrich Magnus, Jaap Spier and Pierre Widmer (ed.)

Essays in Honour of Helmut Koziol

Ernst Karner/Barbara C Steininger

European Tort Law Yearbook 2022