Univ. Prof. Dr. Reinhard Pippan

Function: Senior Scientist, retired
Freelancer at ESI and Mercator Fellow of DFG
Room: 114
Phone: +43 (0) 3842-804-114
E-Mail: reinhard.pippan(at)oeaw.ac.at


  • Cyclic response of copper single crystal micro-beamsKiener Daniel M.C.Scripta Materialia, 500-503 (2010)
  • Magnetic characteristics of HPTdeformed soft-magnetic materialsScheriau Stephan K.M.Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2984-2988 (2010)
  • Discrete dislocation modelling of near threshold fatigue crack propagationPippan Reinhard W.H.International Journal of Fatigue, 1503-1510 (2010)
  • Effect of Rhenium on the Dislocation Core Structure in TungstenRomaner L., C. Ambrosch-Draxl, R. PippanPhysical Review Letters, 195503-1-4 (2010)
  • Absolute concentration of free volume-type defects in ultrafine-grained Fe prepared by high-pressure torsionOberdorfer Bernd L.B.Scripta Materialia, 452-455 (2010)
  • Broadband optoacoustic measurements of ultrasound attenuation in severly plastically deformed nickelKozhushko Victor V. P.G.Journal of Applied Physics, 094905-1-9 (2010)
  • Microstructure and mechanical properties of UFG medium carbon steel processed by HPT at increased temperatureZrnik Jozef P.R.Journal of Materials Science, 4822-4826 (2010)
  • Saturation of Fragmentation During Severe Plastic DeformationPippan R., S. Scheriau, A. Taylor, M. Hafok, A. Hohenwarter, A. BachmaierAnnual Review of Materials Research, 319-343 (2010)
  • Homogeneous Cu–Fe supersaturated solid solutions prepared by severe plastic deformationQuelennec Xavier M.A.Philosophical Magazine, 1179-1195 (2010)
  • Effect of microstruture on fatigue properties of WC-Co hard metalsKlünsner Thomas M.S.Procedia Engineering, 2001-2010 (2010)