Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jozef Keckes

Function: Vice Chair Material Physics / Group Leader
Room: 303
Phone: +43 (0) 3842-804-303
E-Mail: jozef.keckes(at)unileoben.ac.at


Micro- and Nanostructure Characterization and Micro- and Nanomechanics


In-situ X-ray scattering on micro- and nano-scaled materials, structure and mechanical properties of thin films, structure-property relationship in biological materials, application of synchrotron radiation, XRD, SAXS, WAXS, GISAXS


Materialkundliche Arbeitsverfahren/Metallkundliche Arbeitsverfahren, Seminar aus Werkstoffphysik I and II, Übungen zu Materialkundliche Arbeitsverfahren




  • Effect of pulse-current-based protocols on the lithium dendrite formation and evolution in all-solid-state batteriesReisecker V., F. Flatscher, L. Porz, C. Fincher, J. Todt, I. Hanghofer, V. Hennige, M. Linares-Moreau, P. Falcaro, S. Ganschow, S. Wenner, Y.-m. Chiang, J. Keckes, J. Fleig, D. RettenwanderNATURE COMMUNICATIONS14, ARTN 2432 (2023)
  • Intragranular thermal fatigue of Cu thin films: Near-grain boundary hardening, strain localization and voidingHlushko K., T. Ziegelwanger, M. Reisinger, J. Todt, M. Meindlhumer, S. Beuer, M. Rommel, I. Greving, S. Flenner, J. Kopecek, J. Keckes, C. Detlefs, C. YildirimActa Materialia, 118961 (2023)
  • Manufacturing size effect on the structural and mechanical properties of additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V microbeamsYin K., B. Cao, J. Todt, F. Gutmann, H.F. Tunçay, A. Roth, F. Fischer, N. Grübel, A. Pfaff, G.C. Ganzenmüller, J. Keckes, S. Hiermaier, C. EberlJournal of Materials Science & Technology, 18-30 (2023)
  • Graded Inconel-stainless steel multi-material structure by inter- and intralayer variation of metal alloysBodner S., K. Hlushko, L.T.G. van de Vorst, M. Meindlhumer, J. Todt, M.A. Nielsen, J.W. Hooijmans, J.J. Saurawald, S. Mirzaei, J. Keckesjmr&t, 4846-4859 (2022)
  • Local microstructural evolution and the role of residual stresses in the phase stability of a laser powder bed fused cold-work tool steelPlatl J., S. Bodner, H. Leitner, C. Turk, M.A. Nielsen, J. Keckes, R. SchnitzerMater. Charact.193, ARTN 112318 (2022)
  • Precipitation-based grain boundary design alters Inter- to Trans-granular Fracture in AlCrN Thin FilmsMeindlhumer M., T. Ziegelwanger, J. Zalesak, M. Hans, L. Loefler, S. Spor, N. Jaeger, A. Stark, H. Hruby, R. Daniel, D. Holec, J.M. Schneider, C. Mitterer, J. KeckesActa Mater.237, ARTN 118156 (2022)
  • Combining hardness measurements of a heat-treated crankshaft bearing with cross-sectional residual stress and retained austenite distributions measured by HEXRDMevec D.G., V. Jaszfi, P. Prevedel, J. Todt, E. Maawad, J. Keckes, P. RaningerMaterials Today Communications33, 1-8 (2022)
  • Influence of Hatch Strategy on Crystallographic Texture Evolution, Mechanical Anisotropy of Laser Beam Powder Bed Fused S316L SteelBodner S., K. Hlushko, K. Kutlesa, J. Todt, O. Renk, M. Meindlhumer, F. Resch, M.A. Nielsen, J. Keckes, J. EckertAdv. Eng. Mater.1234, ARTN 2200524 (2022)
  • Degradation of regenerated cellulose filaments by hydrogen chloride under aqueous and non-aqueous conditionsUngerer B., I. Sulaeva, S. Bodner, A. Potthast, J. Keckes, U. Müller, S. VeiglCarbohydrate Polymer Technologies and Applications100238, 1-9 (2022)
  • X-ray nanodiffraction analysis of residual stresses in polysilicon electrodes of vertical power transistorsKarner S., O. Blank, M. Rösch, M. Burghammer, J. Zalesak, J. Keckes, J. TodtMaterialia, 101484 (2022)