
Megan Cordill is a finalist for the Houskapreis 2020

One of five finalists for a Houskapreis is Priv. Doz. Dr. Megan Cordill of ESI in the category “University Research” for her project on “Unbreakable Flexible Electronics.”

Flexible electronic devices, such as foldable cell phones or displays, are not yet sufficiently reliable. The multidisciplinary team headed by Dr. Megan Cordill and Prof. Christian Mitterer (MUL) are studying the electromechanical behavior of metal-polymer systems used in flexible electronics. The interface between the metallic conductive lines and the polymer substrates required for flexibility is particularly critical. With high-resolution electron microscopy and spectroscopic methods, the research team has succeeded in measuring the adhesive strength of the materials, which can be modified in terms of structure and chemical properties. This created the necessary basis for tailor-made transitions from polymer to metal. The team’s research achievement is particularly relevant for the industries that produces microelectronic devices for everyday use.

More information about the Houskapreis can be found at: www.houskapreis.at