
Andrea Bachmaier new member of the Wolfgang Pauli Institute (WPI) Vienna

Andrea Bachmaier was elected as a new member of the Wolfgang Pauli Institute (WPI) Vienna (www.wpi.ac.at).


The WPI, legally an independent non-profit association, was initiated by a handful of START and Wittgenstein awardees, in a perfect “bottom-up” approach. The main motivation is to use personal awards to create a structure that boosts international interdisciplinary research & training and benefits also other and future scientists in Vienna, Austria, Europe and worldwide.

The WPI comprises as full members ~ 30 „excellence group leaders" (ERC grantees, Wittgenstein - START award winners,…). The WPI hosts/coordinates numerous research (training) projects funded by EU, Austrian FFG, FWF, WWTF, etc. and the Unité Mixte Internationale „Institut CNRS Pauli“.