First published in 1898, the ›Jahreshefte‹ have long been among the leading international journals in the field of Classical Archaeology. They are published by the Department of Historical Archaeology of the OeAI.

For the ÖJh, contributions are accepted in German, English and French. All contributions submitted for printing are subjected to an anonymous, international peer review process. This does not apply to reports on excavations, prospections and surveys, which are reviewed by the editors (Martin Steskal, Alice Waldner und Barbara Beck-Brandt) of the journal.

Manuscripts can be submitted at any time. Depending on the duration of the respective review process and the limitation of the volume, the editors will decide whether the manuscript will be included in the next or the following volume.

Contributions to the ÖJh are to be submitted with an abstract in German or English of a maximum of 200 words and five keywords.

The ÖJh can be found at: 

  • ISSN-Register (ISSN 2309-1207)
  • VLB
Tables of contents of previous editions