Mag. Dr.

Stefanos Gimatzidis

RG »Historical Archaeology in the Mediterranean«


Telephone: +43 1 51581-4109

Location: Dominikanerbastei 16 | 1010 Vienna

Biographical sketch

Degree in Classical Archaeology from the Aristotles University Thessaloniki. 1997 graduation as Magister Artium at the Aristotles University Thessaloniki. 2007 Doctorate at the Free University Berlin. 2005-2011 employed as Epimelites at the Ministry of Culture of Greece. Since 2011, director of various FWF-projects at the Austrian Academy of Sciences. Since 2015, lecturer at the Institute for Classical Archaeology at the University of Vienna. Since December 2017, senior researcher at the OeAI. 

Research Projects

Research interests

  • Colonization and colonialism
  • The Mediterranean in the early iron age and Archaic period
  • Burial customs and social organization
  • Reception of antiquity
  • Method and theory