Transnational study on the socio-economic impact of Alzheimer´s disease in the European Union

Comparative analysis of the organisation and finance of health and social services in the formal and informal sectors (1997/98)

The EU-project – coordinated by the London School of Economics – brings together country-reports of all EU-member states on the local patterns of the disease M. Alzheimer and organisational and financial models adopted in the formal and informal sectors. Key components of country-reports are:

  • A review of the economic, sociological, epidemiological and psychological literature on AD available in each country,
  • a systematic description of the organisational features and methods of financing health and social care in both the informal and the formal sectors, including inpatient and outpatient care, long term residential care, community care, home care;
  • a review of the legislation regulating access to health and social services for patients affected by AD, and support available to caregivers;
  • an analysis of actual access to and utilisation of health and social services available in each country, as well as utilisation of support programmes for caregivers, where these are available.

The transnational study which is carried out in close cooperation with the „Alzheimer caregivers Austria" was finished in April 1998.


01/1997 - 12/1998