Univ. Prof. Dr. Reinhard Pippan

Function: Senior Scientist, retired
Freelancer at ESI and Mercator Fellow of DFG
Room: 114
Phone: +43 (0) 3842-804-114
E-Mail: reinhard.pippan(at)oeaw.ac.at


  • How to catch a shear band and explain plasticity of metallic glasses with continuum mechanicsGlushko O., R. Pippan, D. Sopu, C. Mitterer, J. EckertNATURE COMMUNICATIONS15, ARTN 5601 (2024)
  • Unveiling the mechanism of deformation-induced supersaturationKormout K.S., L. Romaner, D. Scheiber, S. Zeiler, R. Pippan, A. BachmaierSCI REP-UK14, ARTN 15247 (2024)
  • Artificial thermal shock cracks in WRe - A proof of concept studySommerauer M., M. Siller, R. Pippan, N. Bostrom, V. Maier-KienerNUCLEAR MATERIALS AND ENERGY39, ARTN 101685 (2024)
  • Understanding the damage initiation and growth mechanisms of two DP800 dual phase gradesTian C., C.F. Kusche, A. Medina, S. Lee, M.A. Wollenweber, R. Pippan, S. Korte-Kerzel, C. KirchlechnerMATER DESIGN238, ARTN 112630 (2024)
  • Synthesis of hard magnetic & alpha;-MnBi phase by high pressure torsion and field assisted annealingWeissitsch L., S. Wurster, M. Stueckler, T. Mueller, H. Krenn, R. Pippan, A. BachmaierJ MAGN MAGN MATER584, ARTN 171082 (2023)
  • Assessment of different processing strategies to fabricate bulk Mg-Fe nanocompositesRoostaei M., P.J. Uggowitzer, R. Pippan, O. RenkJournal of Alloys and Metallurgical Systems4, 100034 (2023)
  • Impact of microstructure on the performance of WRe10 conversion layers for stationary and rotating anodesSiller M., N. Bostrom, P. Bogust, J. Schatte, S. Gerzoskovitz, H. Clemens, R. Pippan, V. Maier-KienerINT J REFRACT MET H114, ARTN 106244 (2023)
  • Severe plastic deformation close to the melting point enables Mg-Fe nanocomposites with exceptional strengthRoostaei M., P.J. Uggowitzer, R. Pippan, O. RenkSCRIPTA MATER230, ARTN 115428 (2023)
  • Effect of boron doping on grain boundary cohesion in technically pure molybdenum investigated via meso-scale three-point-bending testsJakob S., A. Hohenwarter, A. Lorich, W. Knabl, R. Pippan, H. Clemens, V. Maier-KienerINT J REFRACT MET H113, ARTN 106173 (2023)
  • Recent Advances in Mechanisms of Fracture and FatiguePokluda J., R. PippanIn: MDPI, ed. (2023)