Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jozef Keckes

Function: Vice Chair Material Physics / Group Leader
Room: 303
Phone: +43 (0) 3842-804-303
E-Mail: jozef.keckes(at)unileoben.ac.at


Micro- and Nanostructure Characterization and Micro- and Nanomechanics


In-situ X-ray scattering on micro- and nano-scaled materials, structure and mechanical properties of thin films, structure-property relationship in biological materials, application of synchrotron radiation, XRD, SAXS, WAXS, GISAXS


Materialkundliche Arbeitsverfahren/Metallkundliche Arbeitsverfahren, Seminar aus Werkstoffphysik I and II, Übungen zu Materialkundliche Arbeitsverfahren




  • Peculiarity of hydrogen absorption in duplex steels: Phase-selective lattice swelling and stress evolutionPogrielz T., M. Eichinger, A. Weiser, J. Todt, A. Hohenwarter, A. Ascii, B. Sarac, D. Brandl, G. Ressel, M. Jary, A. Dlouhy, G. Mori, J. KeckesSCRIPTA MATER248, ARTN 116142 (2024)
  • Toughness enhancement in TiN/Zr 0.37 Al 0.63 N 1.09 multilayer filmsLorentzon M., M. Meindlhumer, J. Palisaitis, G. Greczynski, J. Keckes, J. Rosen, L. Hultman, J. Birch, N. GhafoorACTA MATER273, ARTN 119979 (2024)
  • Micromechanical properties of micro- and nanocrystalline CVD diamond thin films with gradient microstructures and stressesMeindlhumer M., T. Ziegelwanger, J. Grau, H. Sternschulte, M. Sztucki, D. Steinmüller-Nethl, J. KeckesJ. Vac. Sci. Technol., 023401-12 (2024)
  • Operando Spatial and Temporal Tracking of Axial Stresses and Interfaces in Solid-state BatteriesMicky S., E. Simon, J. Todt, K. Vegsö, P. Nadazdy, P. Krizik, E. Majkova, J. Keckes, J. Li, P. SiffalovicRESEARCH ARTICLE, 2307837 (2023)
  • The suitability of common reed (Phragmites australis) for load‑bearing structural materialsAlbrecht K., F. Neudecker, S. Veigel, S. Bodner, J. Keckes, W. Gindl-AltmutterComposites & nanocomposites, 15411–15420 (2023)
  • Design of high-strength martensitic steels by novel mixed-metal nanoprecipitates for high toughness and suppressed hydrogen embrittlementMoshtaghi M., E. Maawad, A. Bendo, A. Krause, J. Todt, J. Keckes, M. SafyariMATER DESIGN234, ARTN 112323 (2023)
  • Deflecting Dendrites by Introducing Compressive Stress in Li7La3Zr2O12 Using Ion ImplantationFlatscher F., J. Todt, M. Burghammer, H.S. Soreide, L. Porz, Y. Li, S. Wenner, V. Bobal, S. Ganschow, B. Sartory, R. Brunner, C. Hatzoglou, J. Keckes, D. RettenwanderRESEARCH ARTICLE, 1-8 (2023)
  • Ti40Zr10Cu36Pd14 bulk metallic glass as oral implant materialRezvan A., E. Sharifikolouei, V. Soprunyuk, W. Schranz, J. Todt, A. Lassnig, C. Gammer, N.A. Sifferlinger, A. Asci, I. Okulov, S. Schlogl, J. Keckes, Z. Najmi, A. Cochis, A.C. Scalia, L. Rimondini, B. Sarac, J. EckertMATER DESIGN233, ARTN 112256 (2023)
  • Revealing dynamic-mechanical properties of precipitates in a nanostructured thin film using micromechanical spectroscopyAlfreider M., M. Meindlhumer, T. Ziegelwanger, R. Daniel, J. Keckes, D. KienerMRS Bulletin, 1-10 (2023)
  • Delignification and Densification as a Route to Enable the Use of Wheat Straw for Structural MaterialsNeudecker F., M. Jakob, S.C. Bodner, J. Keckes, H. Buerstmayr, W. Gindl-AltmutterACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 7596−760 (2023)