Inner city neighbourhoods are often charged with the double task of nurturing socio-economic areas so that they produce new practices leading to wealth creation whilst also lessening social polarisation by creating environments in which social and ethnic integration can take place. This dilemma must be viewed through a useful framework. The Gentrification 2.0 project argues that gentrification, despite its many critiques, remains a useful concept when analysing strategies designed to solve this dilemma. Gentrification 2.0 adopts an interdisciplinary approach to closely examine the inner city neighbourhoods of Zurich, Istanbul, Vienna, and Arnhem. The project analyses these cities by using the opinions and experiences of all the stakeholders, including citizens, to map demographic, economic, and planning developments. Gentrification 2.0 argues this method will generate new ideas to improve these neighbourhoods and in turn solve this dilemma.
The insights of stakeholders are published on the participatory website, which uses groundbreaking GIS to visualise the project’s results for the local communities: -> PNIG
Freek de Haan, Yvonne Franz 2016. Social tectonics and volcanic singularities: a relational approach to social mixing. In preparation.
Rossana Torri, Yvonne Franz 2016. The Impact of Gentrification in Times of Economic Crisis: Emerging New Socio-Economic Divisions of Urban Space. In: Roberta Cucca, Costanzo Ranci (Hrsg.), 2016: Unequal cities in Europe: the challenge of post-industrial transition in times of austerity. Routledge. 69-88.
Unterdorfer Dario 2016: Ich habe keinen Kontakt zu anderen BewohnerInnen…“ Soziale Durchmischung in einem Wiener Bezirk. Die Dichotomie eines Konzeptes. Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft. 158. 109-132.
Yvonne Franz, Martina Jakovčić und Nenad Buzjak 2015. Creating New Urban Quarters from Underutilised Industrial and Infrastructural Sites: Vienna and Zagreb in Focus. In: Fritz, J., N. Tomaschek (eds.): Die Stadt der Zukunft. Aktuelle Trends und zukünftige Herausforderungen. Waxmann. 121-136.
Heinz Faßmann, Yvonne Franz 2015. Soziale Mischung und soziale Durchmischung: Ein gesellschaftspolitisches Ideal zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit. In: Fritz, J., N. Tomaschek (eds.): Die Stadt der Zukunft. Aktuelle Trends und zukünftige Herausforderungen. Waxmann. 193-207.
November 2016:
Bezirkszeitung,Rudolfsheim bliebt immer wild
Der Standard Forschung. Beilage zu „Stadt 4.0 Wie wir leben werden“, Nr. 1, 2016/2017. Wohnen zwischen Hipster und Hausmeister. 26-27.
November 2016:
Die Presse, Zum Wohl des Grätzels Geschichten erfassen
Juni 2016:
Der Standard, Wohnen zwischen Hipster und Hausmeister
August 2015: OEAW
ISR-Project team
September 2013 – August 2017
JPI Urban Europe