The Summer School focuses on recent developments in urban housing markets: how do financialisation, economic crisis and austerity policies impinge upon housing provision? How do these forces translate into patterns of sub-/re-urbanisation, segregation and gentrification? Against the backdrop of these general questions, the Summer School enquires into the conditions that frame housing markets, showing a strong variation amongst European cities.
It is open to Masters and PhD-students from disciplines such as geography, history, architecture, anthropology and other disciplines focussing on different aspects of housing and real estate dynamics in an urban context. We invite students who are interested in the mutual links between physical and social structures, in particular the transformations on the housing market and its economic and social dynamics.
The registration is open until March 31, 2020. For further information visit the Summer School Website.
Date: September 7 to 17, 2020
Places: Vienna, Belgrade and Athens
Registration Deadline: March 31, 2020
Hosting Insitutions: Austrian Academy of Sciences, University of Vienna, University of Belgrade and Harokopio University Athens.