Ioana Aminian Jazi, MA
Scientific staff in the IRDICH Project (2018-2020)
Tel.: +43 (0) 68110659860
ORCID: 0000-0001-9663-6545
An outline of the PhD project can be found here.
Research areas
Research areas
- Romance linguistics
- Romance variety linguistics and sociolinguistics
- Minority languages in Southeast Europe and Asia Minor
- Documentation of endangered languages and dialects
- Languages in contact, language and ethnicity
- Social multilingualism, language shift, language revitalization
Academic positions & career breaks
Academic positions & career breaks
since 2019 | Career breaks: 05.2019–03.2020 and 11.2020–present; maternity leave for my two daughters born in July 2019 and November 2020; during this time, I have been working on the completion of the Judeo-Spanish documentation work (2018–2021), writing of my PhD thesis (completion July 2023), the publication of a monograph (2019) and an edited book (2023) |
since 2018 | Vice – Chairwoman and Managing Director of the Roots Revival Association, Vienna: promotion of worlds linguistic and musical heritage |
2018 – 2020 | Research fellow in the project Innovation in Research and Documentation of Intangible Cultural Heritage (IRDICH) (100%) of the Vanishing Languages and Cultural Heritage (VLACH) Commission, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna |
10/14 – 09/18 | Prae-Doc University Assistant, Institute for Romance Studies (75%), Vienna University, Vienna |
since 2016 | Regular member of the Commission Vanishing Languages and Cultural Heritage (VLACH), Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna |
09/14 – 09/15
| Scientific staff for the preparation of an application for DFG (German Research Foundation) "Language Strategies Between Symbiotic and Conflictary Neighborhood in the Black Sea Area" (25%), Friedrich Schiller University, Jena |
01/13– 08/14 | Scientific staff in the EU-Project IPHRAS – Interphraseologisms for students and professionals (75%), Institute for German Studies, FSU, Jena |
10/11 – 07/12 | Research assistant, Institute for South Slavic Studies, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena |
10/10 – 07/11 | Research assistant within the Balkan Commission of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
07/10 – 09/10 | Internship at the Phonogrammarchiv, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna |
since 2015 | PhD in Romance Philology (completion July 2023), Institute of Romance Studies, University of Vienna; PhD title: Language Shift and Identity among the Sephardim in Turkey and Kalmyk in Russia; (including 4 years maternity leave for my 2 daughters) |
2011 – 2013 | Romanistik (M.A.) Romance Languages and Cultures in an European Context, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena |
2009 – 2011 | Romanistik (B.A.) with extension modules in German, English Studies and Applied Linguistics, University of Vienna, Vienna |
2006 – 2009 | Translation Studies (B.A.) at Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca and Friedrich Alexander University, Erlangen |
Peer Reviewed | |||
2023 | edition with Thede Kahl. Ethno-cultural Diversity in the Balkans and the Caucasus. Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences. | ||
2023 | (in press) article: Le roumain parlé en Hongrie. In: Wolfgang Dahmen & Eugen Munteanu(eds.) Manuel de linguistique roumaine. Berlin/Boston: Mouton de Gruyter. ISBN: 978-3-11-030209-7 | ||
2019 | monograph with Thede Kahl. The Boyash in Hungary. A Comparative Study among the ‘Argeleni’ and ‘Munceni’ Communities. Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences. | ||
2015 | article with Thede Kahl. Feldforschungen zu den Kalmücken und ihrer Kultur. Ziele und Inhalte eines neuen Dokumentationsprojektes. In:Helmut Kowar(ed.). International forum on audio-visual research.Vienna: Jahrbuch des Phonogrammarchivs der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften VI. 11-26. | ||
2014 | article with Thede Kahl and Svetlana Cholutaeva. Die Kalmücken. Beobachtungen zur Revitalisierung einer westmongolischen Sprache und Kultur in Osteuropa. Europa Ethnica 1-2, 19-23. | ||
Other publications | |||
2016 | book section with Thede Kahl. Minderheitensprachen und Kulturkontakt im Budschak. Eindrücke einer Feldforschung in Südbessarabien (Ukraine). In:Wolfgang Dahmen, Günther Holtus, Johannes Krammer, Michael Metzeltin et al.(eds.). Südosteuropäische Romania. Siedlungs- Migrationsgeschichte und Sprachtypologie, XXVI | ||
| book section: ‘Ich kann singen, aber nicht sprechen‘. Die sephardische Renaissance auf der Bühne. In: Thede Kahl, Johannes Krammer & Elton Prifti (eds.). Romanica et Balcanica. Festschrift für Wolfgang Dahmen zum 65. Geburtstag. München: AMV-Verlag. 181-214. ISBN: 978-3-95477-036-6 |
| |
2013 | translation with Clemens Wigger: „Stadt der Verlockungen. Das vormoderne Bukarest zwischen Orient und Europa“. Berlin: Frank & Timme (Original Romanian title: Cum se distrau românii odinioară von Adrian Majuru ) | ||
| book section with Thede Kahl: Aschenputtel bei den Bajeschi und Rudari. Vergleich zweier Märchen anhand von Feldaufnahmen in Ungarn und Griechenland. In: Wolfgang Dahmen, Günther Holtus & Johannes Krammer (eds.). Südosteuropäische Romania. Siedlungs-, Migrationsgeschichte und Sprachtypologie, XXV Romanistisches Kolloquium. Tübingen: Narr. 191-226. ISBN: 978-3-82-33-6740-6 |
Invited talks | |
22.05.2023 | “Hidden Fears: The intergenerational impact of language trauma on the Turkish Sephardim im Rahmen des Linguistischen Kolloquiums, Institut für Romanistik, Wien |
25.05.2021 | The Boyash in Hungary. A sociolinguistic outline of two (Romanian) vernaculars at the Anglia Ruskin–Cambridge Romance Linguistics Seminars – online event |
13.07.2018 | Le judéo-espagnol d’Istanbul vu à travers l'objectif de ses locuteurs et non-locuteurs. Université d’été Judéo-Espagnole, Paris |
06.05.2018 | Language vulnerability in the field. Methodological implications. Language contact in the field, Vanishing Languages and Cultural Heritage Commission, Lecce |
09.05.2017 | The illocutionary force of performance on the linguistic and cultural reassertion of the Kalmyks, symposium Heavinly Acts IV Aspects of Performance through an interdisciplinary lens, University of Sheffield, Sheffield |
16.01.2017 | De la gramama a la inyeta – from multi to monolingualism among the Sephardim in Istanbul, Linguistisches Kolloquium, Vienna |
| Researcher-Participant relationship. Linguistic Minorities in Dialogue: Maya, Sephardim, Kalmyk and Boyash, Symposium of Urban Anthropology: Periferii culturale și spații globale, Bucharest |
Presentations | |
14.09.2023 | New Insights on Zargari Romani at the 15th International Conference on Romani Linguistics (ICRL), State University of Milan, Milan. |
05.10.2019 | Language Documentation among the Sephardim in Turkey at the Workshop Documenting Vanishing Languages, Vanishing Languages and Cultural Heritage (VLACH) Commission, ÖAW, Vienna |
09.08.2017 | Language ‘Knowledge’ and Attitudes among Speakers of Judeo-Spanish in Istanbul and Northern Africa at the international Congress The Seventeenth-World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem |
03.07.2017 | The 'banana effect': effects of migration on the linguistic behaviour of the Oirat-Kalmyk youth at the Cambridge Endangered Languages and Cultures Group, Cambridge |
05.05.2017 | Bottom-up strategies for the revitalization of Kalmyk, at the Strategie-Workshop VLACH: Dokumentation - Organisation - Vernetzung, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna |
19.04.2017 | ‘I am like a dog, I understand but cannot speak’. Language knowledge and attitudes among Kalmyks and Sephardim, Primer Congrés Internacional sobre Revitalització de Llengües Indígenes I Minoritzades, Barcelona |
| ’Vatandaş Türkçe Konuş’ – el nuevo orden lingüístico y la disminución del judeo-español en Estambul, XXI Deutscher Hispanistentag, “Orte hispanisher Kultur in einer globalisierten Welt”, Munich |
15.03.2017 | Dynamics of language shift and revitalisation among the Sephardim and the Kalmyks, XXXIII Forum Junge Romanistik, 'Wandel, Bewegung, Geschwindigkeit', Göttingen |
06.10.2016 | Importance of oral history in sociolinguistic field research – a contrastive approach, at the conference Musikethnologische Feldforschung der Kommission zur Erforschung musikalischer Volkskulturen, Oberbayern (with T. Kahl) |
| Constructivism and Positivism. An endless Dialogue of Deaf. An attempt to bring together two – quantitative and qualitative – methodological approaches on ‘language awareness’, at the conference ALA (Association for Language Awareness), Vienna (with Marc Chalier) |
14.06.2016 | Language shift vs. language of religiosity in the Sephardic community in Turkey and the Kalmyk in Russia, at the Sociolinguistics Symposium 21, Murcia |
06.05.2016 | Pulidos Donauschifffahrt. Wiederentdeckung der 'Spanier ohne Heimat' at the XII Balkanromanistentag, Regensburg |
14.04.2016 | Language policy in Kalmykia. Dynamics of language change and language awareness, 21st Annual ASN World Convention, Columbia University, New York |
30.11.2015 | Sprachbewusstsein bei Sepharden und Kalmücken, Linguistisches Kolloquium, Institut für Romanistik, Vienna |
20.07.2015 | Djangar, healing cure for a dying culture?, at the ICTM conference, Astana (with T. Kahl) |
19.06.2015 | Zwischen Sprachverlust und Revitalisierung. Neue Perspektiven zur Dynamik von Sprachwandel, Sprachbewusstsein und Identitätsbildung am Beispiel der Sepharden und Kalmücken, Payerbach |
03.03.2015 | The ‘Ladino’ renaissance on the stage. Singing world music in a ‘dying’ language, 4th internationalen ucLADINO Symposium: Documenting Judeo-Spanish in Los Angeles (UCLA) |
28.11.2014 | A Comparative Study among the Arĝeleni and Munĉeni Boyash Communities in Hungary, at the conference Current Issues in Linguistic Variation in Bukarest |
24.11.2014 | „Wo die Sprache aufhört, beginnt die Musik. Das Sephardische im Kontext“, Linguistisches Kolloquium, Institut für Romanistik, Vienna |
29.05.2014 | Schwindende romanische Sprachminderheiten in Südosteuropa. Perspektiven aus der Feldforschung“, XI Balkanromanistentag in Münster (with T. Kahl) |
26.04.2014 | Reversing language shift through musical performances among Boyash in Hungary and Kalmyk in Russia, Biennial Conference on Balkan and South Slavic Linguistics, Literature and Folklore, Chicago |
24.02.2014 | Das Kalmückische: Revitalisierung vs. Museifizierung? at the anual linguistic gatherings at the Kalmyk State University, Elista |
17.10.2013 | Music beyond language: ‘I don’t speak but I can sing’. Portraits of cultural and linguistic survival of minorities in Eastern Europe, International Conference on Endangered Languages in Europe, Minde (with T. Kahl) |
16.09.2013 | Значение языков малых народов. Результаты полевых исследований [Importance of minority languages. Results from the field], Biysk (with T. Kahl) |
24.05.2012 | „Märchenatelier: Das Aschenputtelmotiv bei den Rudari/Bajeschi. Sprachwissenschaftliche Analyse von Feldforschungsaufnahmen“, Präsentationstag Orale Literatur - Sammeln, Darstellen, Interpretieren, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena (with T. Kahl) |
Language documentation
Language documentation
2010-2022 | Language documentation as part of various reasearch projects I have been working on; objective: documenting and analysis of the linguistic, sociolinguistic and ethnographic situation of the different minority languages, corpus creation
The documentation of Judeo-Spanish in Istanbul was carried out as part of the IRDICH project. The total volume of raw multimedia data (audio/video) comprises more than 45 hours and was collected between 2014 and 2017 in Istanbul. A total of 50 fully annotated videoclips (transcription, translation, content description, metadata) ranging in length from 7 to 20 minutes on a high variety of topics and genres have been published in collaboration with Deyvi Papo and Imane Sghiouar. |
2012-2018 | Teaching at the Institute of Romance Studies at the Vienna University (c. 1-6); Kalmyk State University, Kalmykia (c. 7-8); Chair for Romance Language, University of Mannheim (c. 9); Institute of Romance Studies, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena (c. 10-11)
2023 | SHIFT grant Roots Revival Afghanistan for the promotion of Afghan linguistic and musical heritage. City of Vienna: (€50k) |
2016-18 | 8 field-research grants for field research in Kalmykia, Xinjiang, Western Mongolia, Turkey and Northern Afrika and 19 international conference travel grants from Austrian Science Fund, University of Vienna, Rosita Schjerve Rindler Memorial Fund and Proforschung, Jena (~ €27k) |