VLACH uses an adopted IPA for all Greek varieties, with the difference, that VLACH allows match cases, prefers (´) for accentuation, (') for indication of palatalization and (-) instead of liaison, e.g. IPA tiɲ‿ɟirjaˈcí becomes VLACH tiɲ-g'irĭak'í (on Sunday). Lenght of consonants are indicated with repitition, e.g. CY mmera (today), állos (other), grússa (language), SI poɖɖá (many), SI matténno (I learn).

IPA  listen  VLACHphonetic descriptionexample (translation)
a (ɐ)Aanear-open (central) unrounded vowelmána (mother)
æÆænear-open front unrounded vowelP parχáræ (highland)
bBbvoiced bilabial plosiveS brostá (in front)
m͡b ᵐB ᵐbprenasalised voiced bilabial plosiveN ᵐbrostá (in front)
m͡ b m-bcontraction (< n+p)ðem-birázi (does not matter)
cK'k'voiceless palatal plosivek'e (and)
çÇçvoiceless palatal fricativeçeretó (I greet)
ɕ (s̠)ɕɕvoiceless alveolo-palatal sibilantMTT ɕtar' (wheat)
dDdvoiced alveolar plosiveS díno (dress)
n͡d ⁿD ⁿdprenasalised voiced alveolar plosiveN ⁿdíno (dress)
n͡ d n-dcontraction (< n+t)tin-daftótita (the identity ACC)
ðÐðvoiced dental fricativeðío (two)
ɖɖɖvoiced retroflex stopSI poɖí (much)
d͡zDzʣvoiced alveolar sibilant affricateʣépi (pocket)
d͡ʒDʒʤvoiced palato-alveolar affricateP eziréðes (sufferings)
d̠͡ʑDʑʥvoiced alveolo-palatal affricateind., reg. ʥépi (pocket)
e (ɛ)Ee(close-)mid front unrounded voweléna (one)
ɛƐɛopen-mid front unrounded vowelind., reg. έna (one)
fFfvoiceless labiodental fricativeaftós (this)
ɡGgvoiced velar plosiveS gri (gray)
ŋ͡ɡ ᵑG ᵑgprenasalised voiced velar plosiveN ᵑgri (gray)
ŋ͡ ɡ ŋ-gcontraction (< n+k)stiŋ-Gríti (in Crete ACC)
ɣƔɣvoiced velar fricativeavɣó (egg)
iIiclose front unrounded voweltris (three)
jĬĭpalatal approximant (semivocalic)k'irĭak'í (Sunday), skalopátĭa (treps)
ʝꞲʝvoiced palatal fricativeʝaʝá (grandmother)
ɟG'g'voiced palatal plosiveáŋg'elos (angle)
kKkvoiceless velar plosivekaló (good)
lLlalveolar lateral approximantálos (other)
ɫⱢɫvelarized alveolar lateral approximantM(TT) áɫos (other)
ʎʎʎpalatal lateral (postalveolar) approximantaŋgaʎá (hug)
mMmbilabial nasalmílo (apple)
nNnalveolar nasalna (mother)
ɲƝɲ(alveolo-)palatal nasalpròtoχroɲá (new year)
ŋŊŋvelar nasalaŋgaʎá (hug)
o (ɔ)Oo(close-)mid back rounded vowelkaló(good)
pPpvoiceless bilabial plosivepróto (first)
r, ɾ, ɾ̠Rr ɾɾalveolar trill or tap, oftenly rectractedçéri, çéɾi (hand)
 R'r'palatalized alveolar trillçer' (hand)
s (s̠)Ssvoiceless alveolar sibilant (oftenly retracted)sitári (wheat)
ʃƩʃvoiceless palato-alveolar sibilantP ʃéræ (hands)
tTtvoiceless alveolar plosivekrátos (state)
 T't'palatalized voiceless alveolar plosiveMTT palat' (palace)
θΘθvoiceless dental fricativeθe (every)
t͡sTsʦvoiceless alveolar sibilant affricatekoríʦi (maid)
t͡ʃTʃʧvoiceless palato-alveolar affricateCY ʧufálin (head), SI ʧúri (father)
t̠͡ɕTɕʨvoiceless alveolo-palatal affricateind., reg. kuríʨ (maid)
uUuclose back rounded vowelkufós (deaf)
vVvvoiced labiodental fricativevárka (boat)
χΧχvoiceless uvular fricativeχtipó (I hit)
z (z̠)Zzvoiced alveolar sibilant (oftenly retracted)zúse (lived)
ʑʑʑvoiced alveolo-palatal sibilantMTT ʑúɕi (lived)
ʒƷʒvoiced palato-alveolar sibilantMTT karpúʒa (melones)


APIAttica Ionian Peloponnesus
CCCyclades, Crete
EREpirus, Roumeli
HNhalf Northern
MTT Macedonia, Thrace, Thessaly 
SISouth Italy