3D hp-Finite Elements: Fast Solvers and Adaptivity
3D hp-Finite Elements: Fast Solvers and Adaptivity
Funding: Start
Number: Y-192
Runtime: 01.08.2002–31.07.2008
Website: http://www.hpfem.jku.at
Research Group
- Computational Methods for Direct Field Problems (former Research Group)
Project Team
- Joachim Schöberl (project leader)
- Almedin Becirovic
- Martin Huber
- Astrid Sinwel
- Sabine Zaglmayr
Additive combinatorics over finite fields and applications
Additive combinatorics over finite fields and applications
Funding: FWF
Number: P30405
Runtime: 01.09.2017–31.08.2021
Website: p30405-n32
Research Group
Project Team
- Arne Winterhof (project leader)
- Nurdagül Anbar Meidl
- Mehdi Makhul
- Laszlo Merai
- Oliver Roche-Newton
- Sophie Stevens
- Audie Warren
Affine maps on finite groups
Affine maps on finite groups
Funding: FWF
Number: J 4072
Runtime: 15.10.2019–30.09.2020
Research Group
Project Team
- Alexander Bors (project leader)
Algebra and algorithms for integro-differential equations
Algebra and algorithms for integro-differential equations
Funding: FWF
Number: P 27229
Runtime: 01.01.2015–28.02.2019
Research Group
Project Team
- Georg Regensburger (project leader)
- Jamal Hossein Poor
- Anja Korporal
- Clemens Raab
Algebraic geometry for parallel and serial manipulators
Algebraic geometry for parallel and serial manipulators
Funding: FWF
Number: J 4253
Runtime: 01.01.2019–28.02.2022
Research Group
Project Team
- Matteo Gallet (project leader)
Algebraic Methods in Kinematics: Motion Factorisation and Bond Theory
Algebraic Methods in Kinematics: Motion Factorisation and Bond Theory
Funding: FWF
Number: P 26607-N25
Runtime: 01.10.2014–31.03.2018
Research Group
Project Team
- Josef Schicho (project leader)
- Matteo Gallet
- Jamal Hossein Poor
- Zijia Li
- Niels Lubbes
Algebraic Multigrid and Multilevel Methods for Vector-Field Problems
Algebraic Multigrid and Multilevel Methods for Vector-Field Problems
Funding: FWF
Number: P19170-N18
Runtime: 01.02.2007–31.01.2010
Research Group
Computational Methods for Direct Field Problems (former Research Group)
Project Team
- Johannes Kraus (project leader)
- Erwin Karer
Algebraic Statistics and Symbolic Computation
Algebraic Statistics and Symbolic Computation
Funding: FWF
Number: P 29467
Runtime: 01.01.2017–31.12.2018
Research Group
Project Team
- Christoph Koutschan (project leader)
- Lin Jiu
- Yi Zhang
Approximation Methods for molecular MOdelling and DIagnosis Tools (AMMODIT)
Approximation Methods for molecular MOdelling and DIagnosis Tools (AMMODIT)
Funding: EU - RISE staff exchange
Number: 645672
Runtime: 01.08.2015–31.07.2019
Website: http://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/194356_en.html
Research Group
Project Team
- Sergei Pereverzyev (project leader)
Approximation of Integrals and Functions by New Types of Quasi-Monte Carlo Algorithms
Approximation of Integrals and Functions by New Types of Quasi-Monte Carlo Algorithms
Funding: FWF
Number: F 5506-N26
Runtime: 15.10.2015–31.01.2022
Research Group
Project Team
- Peter Kritzer (project leader)
- Lucia Del Chicca
- Adrian Ebert
- Mario Hefter
- Christian Irrgeher
- Helene Laimer
- Onyekachi Osisiogu
- Tetiana Stepaniuk
- Jaspar Wiart
Approximation of optimal control problems governed by PDEs
Approximation of optimal control problems governed by PDEs
Funding: FWF
Number: P18090-N12
Runtime: 01.08.2005–30.09.2008
Website: http://www.ricam.oeaw.ac.at/projects/PDE_Control_Approximation/
Research Group
- Inverse Problems (former Research Group)
Project Team
- Arnd Rösch (project leader)
- Svetlana Cherednichenko
- Klaus Krumbiegel
Bent Functions and Generalizations and APN Functions
Bent Functions and Generalizations and APN Functions
Funding: FWF
Number: P 30966
Runtime: 01.09.2018–31.08.2021
Website: p30966
Research Group
Project Team
- Wilfried Meidl (project leader)
- Isabel Pirsic
Beobachtungsorientierte Astrophysik in der E-ELT Ära
Beobachtungsorientierte Astrophysik in der E-ELT Ära
Funding: bmwf
Number: E-ELT
Runtime: 01.02.2014–31.12.2019
Research Group
Project Team
- Ronny Ramlau (project leader)
- Jenny Niebsch
- Andreas Obereder
- Markus Pöttinger
- Stefan Raffetseder
- Julia Shatokhina
- Bernadett Stadler
- Roland Wagner
- Mykhaylo Yudytskiy
Certificate-Free Summation and Integration
Certificate-Free Summation and Integration
Funding: FWF
Number: F50-11
Runtime: 01.03.2017–28.02.2021
Website: https://www.sfb050.risc.jku.at/projects/f50-11-certificate-free-summation-and-integration
Research Group
Project Team
- Christoph Koutschan (project leader)
- Hao Du
- Ali Uncu
- Elaine Wong
Computation of Large Amplitude Water Waves - Novel Analytical Representations and Numerical Algorithms
Computation of Large Amplitude Water Waves - Novel Analytical Representations and Numerical Algorithms
Funding: FWF
Number: P 27755
Runtime: 01.05.2015–31.07.2017
Research Group
Project Team
- Konstantinos Kalimeris (project leader)
- Dominic Amann
Computational Inverse Problems and Applications
Computational Inverse Problems and Applications
Funding: SFB
Number: F1308
Runtime: 01.03.1998–28.02.2008
Website: http://www.sfb013.uni-linz.ac.at/index.php?id=f1308
Research Group
- Inverse Problems (former Research Group)
Project Team
- Heinz W. Engl (project leader)
- Lin He
- Hanna Katriina Pikkarainen
- Mourad Sini
Computational Mathematics-DK9/Symbolic-Numeric Techniques for Genus Computation and Parametrization
Computational Mathematics-DK9/Symbolic-Numeric Techniques for Genus Computation and Parametrization
Funding: FWF
Number: W1214-N15
Runtime: 01.10.2008–30.09.2014
Research Group
Project Team
- Josef Schicho (project leader)
- Madalina Hodorog
- Zijia Li
- Niels Lubbes
Computer Algebra for Functional Equations (CAFE)
Computer Algebra for Functional Equations (CAFE)
Funding: ÖAD
Number: FR 10/2016
Runtime: 01.01.2016–04.09.2016
Research Group
Project Team
- Georg Regensburger (project leader)
Computer Algebra for Pure and Applied Functional Analysis
Computer Algebra for Pure and Applied Functional Analysis
Funding: SFB
Number: F1322
Runtime: 01.03.1998–28.02.2008
Research Group
- Inverse Problems (former Research Group)
- Symbolic Computation
Project Team
- Bruno Buchberger (project leader)
- Heinz W. Engl (project leader)
- Georg Regensburger
Computing Optimal Portfolios under Partial Information
Computing Optimal Portfolios under Partial Information
Funding: FWF
Number: P17947-N12
Runtime: 01.02.2005–31.01.2008
Website: http://www.fwf.ac.at/en/abstracts/abstract.asp?L=E&PROJ=P17947
Research Group
- Financial Mathematics (former Research Group)
Project Team
- Jörn Sass (project leader)
- Markus Hahn
- Wolfgang Putschögl
Data-driven and problem-oriented choice of the regularization space
Data-driven and problem-oriented choice of the regularization space
Funding: FWF
Number: P25424
Runtime: 03.06.2013–02.06.2016
Research Group
- Inverse Problems (former Research Group)
- Inverse Problems and Mathematical Imaging
Project Team
- Sergei Pereverzyev (project leader)
- Galyna Kriukova
- Pavlo Tkachenko
DIAdvisor-Personal Glucose Predictive Diabetes Advisor
DIAdvisor-Personal Glucose Predictive Diabetes Advisor
Funding: EU-EC
Number: FP7-216592
Runtime: 01.03.2008–29.02.2012
Research Group
- Inverse Problems (former Research Group)
Project Team
- Sergei Pereverzyev (project leader)
- Valeriya Naumova
- Sivananthan Sampath
Diophantine equations, arithmetic progressions and their applications
Diophantine equations, arithmetic progressions and their applications
Funding: FWF
Number: P24801
Runtime: 01.03.2013–30.09.2014
Research Group
Project Team
- Volker Ziegler (project leader)
Discontinous Galerkin Domain Decomposition Methods in Isogeometric Analysis
Discontinous Galerkin Domain Decomposition Methods in Isogeometric Analysis
Funding: FWF
Number: S 11703-N23
Runtime: 01.03.2012–28.02.2021
Website: http://www.gs.jku.at/gs_proj3.shtml
Research Group
Project Team
- Ulrich Langer (project leader)
- Bernhard Endtmayer
- Christoph Hofer
- Stephen Edward Moore
- Rainer Schneckenleitner
- Hoang Phuong Thai
- Ioannis Toulopoulos
Electromagnetic Scattering by Complex Interfaces
Electromagnetic Scattering by Complex Interfaces
Number: P22341-N18
Runtime: 01.11.2010–31.10.2013
Research Group
- Inverse Problems (former Research Group)
Project Team
- Mourad Sini (project leader)
- Durga Prasad Challa
- Manas Kar
Electromagnetic Scattering by Many Small Inhomogeneities
Electromagnetic Scattering by Many Small Inhomogeneities
Funding: FWF
Number: 28971
Runtime: 01.07.2016–30.06.2019
Research Group
Project Team
- Mourad Sini (project leader)
- Durga Prasad Challa
- Anupam Pal Choudhury
Electrostatic computations of FRET rate constants in fluorescent labeled proteins
Electrostatic computations of FRET rate constants in fluorescent labeled proteins
Funding: FWF
Number: W 1250
Runtime: 01.03.2014–30.09.2018
Research Group
Project Team
- Johannes Kraus (project leader)
- Svetoslav Nakov
Fast hp-solvers for elliptic and mixed problems
Fast hp-solvers for elliptic and mixed problems
Funding: FWF
Number: P20121-N18
Runtime: 01.10.2007–30.09.2010
Research Group
- Computational Methods for Direct Field Problems (former Research Group)
Project Team
- Sven Beuchler (project leader)
- Martin Purrucker
Fast Solvers For Isogeometric Analysis
Fast Solvers For Isogeometric Analysis
Funding: FWF
Number: P 31048
Runtime: 01.09.2018–31.08.2022
Research Group: Computational Methods for PDEs
Project Team
- Stefan Takacs (project leader)
- Jarle Sogn
Five senses-Call 2006, Mathematical Methods for Image Analysis and Processing in the Visual Arts
Five senses-Call 2006, Mathematical Methods for Image Analysis and Processing in the Visual Arts
Funding: WWTF
Number: CI06-003
Runtime: 01.02.2008–31.01.2012
Research Group
- Analysis of Partial Differential Equations (former Research Group)
Project Team
- Massimo Fornasier (project leader)
- Peter Markowich (project leader)
- Andreas Langer
Fixed point regularization schemes for nonlinear ill-posed problems and their discretization
Fixed point regularization schemes for nonlinear ill-posed problems and their discretization
Funding: FWF
Number: P17251-N12
Runtime: 01.08.2004–01.08.2007
Research Group
- Inverse Problems (former Research Group)
Project Team
- Sergei Pereverzyev (project leader)
- Hui Cao
- Shuai Lu
Frequenzabhängige Unwuchtbestimmung für Windenergieanlage
Frequenzabhängige Unwuchtbestimmung für Windenergieanlage
Funding: FFG
Number: 841288
Runtime: 01.02.2014–31.03.2018
Research Group
Project Team
- Ronny Ramlau (project leader)
- Jenny Niebsch
Functions with special Walsh transforms
Functions with special Walsh transforms
Funding: FWF
Number: M 1767
Runtime: 01.02.2015–30.09.2017
Website: m1767-n26
Research Group
Project Team
- Wilfried Meidl (project leader)
Goal-Oriented Error Control for Phase-Field Fracture Coupled to Multiphysics Problems
Goal-Oriented Error Control for Phase-Field Fracture Coupled to Multiphysics Problems
Funding: FWF
Number: P 29181-N31
Runtime: 01.08.2017–31.12.2021
Website: http://www.numa.uni-linz.ac.at/Research/Projects/P29181/index.shtml
Research Group
Project Team
- Ulrich Langer (project leader)
- Thomas Wick (project leader)
- Bernhard Endtmayer
- Daniel Jodlbauer
Indirect regularization in non-Hilbert spaces
Indirect regularization in non-Hilbert spaces
Funding: FWF
Number: P20235-N18
Runtime: 01.09.2007–01.09.2010
Research Group
- Inverse Problems (former Research Group)
Project Team
- Sergei Pereverzyev (project leader)
- Hui Cao
- Shuai Lu
Interdisciplinary Coupled Physics Imaging
Interdisciplinary Coupled Physics Imaging
Funding: FWF
Number: P 26687
Runtime: 16.02.2016–31.03.2018
Research Group
Project Team
- Otmar Scherzer (project leader)
- Alexander Beigl
Inverse Thermal Problems in Electronics
Inverse Thermal Problems in Electronics
Funding: FWF
Number: M984-N18
Runtime: 01.09.2007–01.09.2008
Research Group
- Inverse Problems (former Research Group)
Project Team
- Marcin Janicki (project leader)
Isogeometric method for Partial Differential Equations
Isogeometric method for Partial Differential Equations
Funding: FWF
Number: P21516-N18
Runtime: 15.07.2009–14.07.2012
Research Group
- Computational Methods for Direct Field Problems (former Research Group)
Project Team
- Satyendra Tomar (project leader)
- Krishan P.S. Gahalaut
- Stefan Kleiß
Low Rank Isogeometric Analysis
Low Rank Isogeometric Analysis
Funding: FWF
Number: S 11708-N23
Runtime: 01.03.2016–28.02.2021
Research Group
Project Team
- Bert Jüttler (project leader)
- Teymur Heydarov
- Sukhdavaa Ishtseren
- Sandra Merchel
- Maodong Pan
- Felix Scholz
Mathematical Algorithms and Software for ELT Adaptive Optics
Mathematical Algorithms and Software for ELT Adaptive Optics
Funding: ESO
Number: PRI0464
Runtime: 01.07.2009–30.06.2013
Research Group
Project Team
- Ronny Ramlau (project leader)
- Tapio Helin
- Sergiy Pereverzyev jun.
- Mykhaylo Yudytskiy
Mathematical methods for high-precision balancing of machine-tools
Mathematical methods for high-precision balancing of machine-tools
Funding: FWF
Number: P20237-N14
Runtime: 01.01.2008–31.12.2010
Website: precision-machining
Research Group
Project Team
- Ronny Ramlau (project leader)
- Jenny Niebsch
Mathematical modeling of actin driven cell migration
Mathematical modeling of actin driven cell migration
Number: MA09-004-PRI0482
Runtime: 01.01.2010–31.12.2013
Research Group
- Modelling, Analysis and Numerics of PDEs in Cell Biology (former Research Group)
Project Team
- Christian Schmeiser (project leader)
- Stefanie Hirsch
- Angelika Manhart
- Nikolaos Sfakianakis
- Christoph Winkler
Mathematical Models for Insurance Risk
Mathematical Models for Insurance Risk
Funding: FWF
Number: P18392
Runtime: 01.01.2006–31.12.2012
Website: https://online.tu-graz.ac.at/tug_online/fdb_detail.ansicht?cvfanr=F18976&cvorgnr=7307&sprache=2
Research Group
- Financial Mathematics (former Research Group)
Project Team
- Hansjörg Albrecher (project leader)
- Dominik Kortschak
- Philipp Mayer
- Stefan Thonhauser
Model based imbalance determination in wind power plants
Model based imbalance determination in wind power plants
Funding: FFG
Number: 818098
Runtime: 01.12.2008–30.11.2011
Website: 818098
Research Group
Project Team
- Ronny Ramlau (project leader)
- Jenny Niebsch
Modellierung der Dynamik zellularer Netzwerke mittels inverser Methoden-'Reverse Engineering' in Biologie und Chemie
Modellierung der Dynamik zellularer Netzwerke mittels inverser Methoden-'Reverse Engineering' in Biologie und Chemie
Funding: WWTF
Number: Project
Runtime: 01.06.2005–31.05.2008
Website: http://www.wwtf.at/wwtf/cms/main.php?page_id=124
Research Group
- Inverse Problems (former Research Group)
Project Team
- Heinz W. Engl (project leader)
- Philipp Kügler
- James Lu
- Stefan Müller
Multi-parameter regularization for lifting the curse of dimensionality
Multi-parameter regularization for lifting the curse of dimensionality
Funding: FWF
Number: I 1669
Runtime: 02.02.2015–01.06.2018
Research Group
Project Team
- Sergei Pereverzyev (project leader)
- Oleksandra Borovyk
- Oleksandra Panasiuk
- Pavlo Tkachenko
Multigrid Methods for Geometric Analysis
Multigrid Methods for Geometric Analysis
Funding: FWF
Number: S11702-N23
Runtime: 01.12.2020–31.12.2021
Research Group
Project Team
- Walter Zulehner (project leader)
- Stefan Takacs
Multi-patch isogeometric analysis with C1-smooth functions
Multi-patch isogeometric analysis with C1-smooth functions
Funding: FWF
Number: P33023
Runtime: 01.01.2020–31.12.2022
Research Group: Geometry in Simulations
Project Team
- Mario Kapl (project leader)
- Andrea Farahat
Multiscale modeling and simulation of crowded transport in life and social sciences
Multiscale modeling and simulation of crowded transport in life and social sciences
Funding: ÖAW
Number: NFG
Runtime: 01.02.2014–31.12.2021
Website: nst0001
Research Group
- Multiscale modeling and simulation of crowded transport in the life and social sciences
Project Team
- Marie-Therese Wolfram (project leader)
- Adriano Festa
- Michael Fischer
- Sabine Hittmeir
- Annalisa Iuorio
- Gaspard Jankowiak
- Bartlomiej Matejczyk
- Helene Ranetbauer
- Monika Wolfmayr
Mumford-Shah Models for the Inversion of Tomography Data
Mumford-Shah Models for the Inversion of Tomography Data
Funding: FWF
Number: P19029-N18
Runtime: 15.07.2006–15.07.2009
Website: mumford-shah
Research Group
- Inverse Problems (former Research Group)
Project Team
- Ronny Ramlau (project leader)
- Esther Klann
New Challenges for (adaptive) PDE solvers: the interplay of ANalysis and Geometry (CHANGE)
New Challenges for (adaptive) PDE solvers: the interplay of ANalysis and Geometry (CHANGE)
Funding: ERC
Number: 694515
Runtime: 01.10.2016–30.09.2021
Research Group
Project Team
- Bert Jüttler (project leader)
- Teymur Heydarov
- Somayeh Kargaran
Number theoretic methods in cryptography and pseudorandom number generation
Number theoretic methods in cryptography and pseudorandom number generation
Funding: FWF
Number: S8313
Runtime: 01.06.2002–31.12.2005
Research Group
Project Team
- Arne Winterhof (project leader)
- Nina Brandstätter
- Wilfried Meidl
- Christiaan van de Woestijne
Numerical analysis and discretization strategies for optimal control problems with singularities
Numerical analysis and discretization strategies for optimal control problems with singularities
Funding: FWF
Number: P18971-N18
Runtime: 01.09.2006–01.09.2009
Website: PDE_Control_Singularities
Research Group
Project Team
- Boris Vexler (project leader)
- Olaf Benedix
Numerical and Symbolic Methods for Implicity Defined Spline
Numerical and Symbolic Methods for Implicity Defined Spline
Funding: SFB
Number: F1315
Runtime: 01.03.1998–28.02.2008
Website: http://www.sfb013.uni-linz.ac.at/index.php?id=f1315
Research Group
Project Team
- Bert Jüttler (project leader)
- Josef Schicho (project leader)
- Mario Kapl
OCLOC: From Open to Closed Loop Optimal Control of PDEs
OCLOC: From Open to Closed Loop Optimal Control of PDEs
Funding: ERC
Number: 668998
Runtime: 01.01.2016–31.12.2018
Research Group
Project Team
- Karl Kunisch (project leader)
- Dante Kalise
On the hierarchy of measures of pseudorandomness
On the hierarchy of measures of pseudorandomness
Funding: FWF
Number: F 5511-N26
Runtime: 01.02.2014–31.01.2018
Research Group
Project Team
- Arne Winterhof (project leader)
- Nurdagül Anbar Meidl
- Richard Hofer
- Laszlo Merai
- Isabel Pirsic
- Oliver Roche-Newton
Optimal Control of Stefan Problems with Constraints
Optimal Control of Stefan Problems with Constraints
Funding: FWF
Number: P19918-N14
Runtime: 20.08.2007–19.08.2010
Website: Optimal_Control_Stefan_Problems
Research Group
Project Team
- Roland Griesse (project leader)
- Karl Kunisch (project leader)
- Martin Bernauer
Proving and Solving over the Real
Proving and Solving over the Real
Funding: SFB
Number: F1303
Runtime: 01.03.1998–28.02.2008
Research Group
Project Team
- Josef Schicho (project leader)
- Jose Garcia Vallinas
- Brian Moore
Pseudorandom sequences
Pseudorandom sequences
Funding: FWF
Number: P19004-N18
Runtime: 01.07.2006–30.06.2009
Research Group
- Financial Mathematics (former Research Group)
Project Team
- Arne Winterhof (project leader)
- Nina Brandstätter
- Domingo Gomez Perez
- Gottlieb Pirsic
Pseudorandomness and Cryptography: Number theoretic methods
Pseudorandomness and Cryptography: Number theoretic methods
Funding: FWF
Number: P 31762
Runtime: 01.01.2019–31.08.2022
Website: https://www.oeaw.ac.at/ricam/research/projects/p31762
Research Group: Applied Discrete Mathematics and Cryptography
Project Team
- Laszlo Merai (project leader)
- Vishnupriya Anupindi
Radical parametrizations of algebraic curves
Radical parametrizations of algebraic curves
Number: P22766-N18
Runtime: 01.04.2011–31.03.2014
Research Group
Project Team
- Josef Schicho (project leader)
- Hamid Ahmadinezhad
- Cevahir Demirkiran
Reconstruction Algorithms for PAT im Rahmen des NFN-Photoacoustic Imaging in Biology and Medicine
Reconstruction Algorithms for PAT im Rahmen des NFN-Photoacoustic Imaging in Biology and Medicine
Funding: FWF-NFN
Number: S10505
Runtime: 01.04.2008–31.03.2011
Research Group
- Inverse Problems (former Research Group)
- Mathematical Imaging (former Research Group)
Project Team
- Heinz W. Engl (project leader)
- Otmar Scherzer (project leader)
Second Order Sufficient Conditions and Sequential Quadratic Programming for Optimal Control Problems with Mixed Constraints
Second Order Sufficient Conditions and Sequential Quadratic Programming for Optimal Control Problems with Mixed Constraints
Funding: FWF
Number: P18056-N12
Runtime: 01.09.2005–31.08.2008
Website: PDE_Control_SQP
Research Group
Project Team
- Roland Griesse (project leader)
- Arnd Rösch (project leader)
- Nataliya Metla
Sign Vector Conditions in Chemical Reaction Network Theory
Sign Vector Conditions in Chemical Reaction Network Theory
Funding: FWF
Number: 28406
Runtime: 01.01.2016–30.04.2017
Research Group
- Mathematical Methods in Molecular and Systems Biology (former Research Group)
- Symbolic Computation
Project Team
- Stefan Müller (project leader)
- Balázs Boros
- Georg Regensburger
Solving Algebraic Equations
Solving Algebraic Equations
Funding: FWF
Number: P18992
Runtime: 01.05.2006–30.04.2009
Website: solving
Research Group
Project Team
- Josef Schicho (project leader)
- Niels Lubbes
Solving Algebraic Equations II
Solving Algebraic Equations II
Number: P21461-N23
Runtime: 01.09.2009–31.08.2012
Research Group
Project Team
- Josef Schicho (project leader)
- Michael Harrison
- Niels Lubbes
Sparse Approximation and Optimization in High Dimensions
Sparse Approximation and Optimization in High Dimensions
Funding: FWF
Number: Y432-N15
Runtime: 01.07.2009–30.06.2015
Website: http://hdsparse.ricam.oeaw.ac.at/
Research Group
- Sparse Approximation and Optimization in High Dimensions (former Research Group)
Project Team
- Massimo Fornasier (project leader)
- Martin Eller
- Jan Haskovec
- Dante Kalise
- Karin Schnass
- Juliane Sigl
- Jan Vybiral
Sparse Reconstruction for Inverse Problems
Sparse Reconstruction for Inverse Problems
Funding: FWF
Number: P19496-N18
Runtime: 01.03.2007–31.03.2011
Website: sparsity
Research Group
- Inverse Problems (former Research Group)
Project Team
- Ronny Ramlau (project leader)
- Stephan Anzengruber
Stabilization to trajectories for equations of fluid mechanics
Stabilization to trajectories for equations of fluid mechanics
Funding: FWF
Number: P26034
Runtime: 01.12.2013–31.03.2017
Research Group
Project Team
- Sergio S. Rodrigues (project leader)
- Duy Phan-Duc
Subspace Correction Methods for indefinite Problems
Subspace Correction Methods for indefinite Problems
Funding: FWF
Number: P22989-N18
Runtime: 01.12.2010–30.11.2014
Research Group
- Computational Methods for Direct Field Problems (former Research Group)
Project Team
- Johannes Kraus (project leader)
- Nadir Bayramov
- Ivan Georgiev
- Qingguo Hong
Terahertz Computer Tomography for Plastics Extrusion Profiles
Terahertz Computer Tomography for Plastics Extrusion Profiles
Number: 777222
Runtime: 20.05.2019–31.10.2020
Research Group
Project Team
- Ronny Ramlau (project leader)
- Simon Hubmer
- Alexander Ploier
Theory and Algorithms for Approximation with Polynomials and Splines
Theory and Algorithms for Approximation with Polynomials and Splines
Funding: OeAD
Number: BG 03/2019
Runtime: 29.08.2019–28.08.2021
Research Group
Project Team
- Stefan Takacs (project leader)
- Clemens Hofreither
Tomography in astronomical applications
Tomography in astronomical applications
Funding: FWF
Number: F6805
Runtime: 01.03.2018–28.02.2022
Website: https://tomography.univie.ac.at/category/projects/astronomy/
Research Group: Transfer Group
Project Team
- Ronny Ramlau (project leader)
- Simon Hubmer
Variational Methods for Imaging on Manifolds
Variational Methods for Imaging on Manifolds
Funding: FWF
Number: S 11704-N23
Runtime: 01.03.2012–29.02.2020
Research Group
Project Team
- Otmar Scherzer (project leader)
- Clemens Kirisits
Verfication of optimality for optimal control problems
Verfication of optimality for optimal control problems
Funding: FWF
Number: P21564-N18
Runtime: 01.11.2009–31.10.2012
Research Group
Project Team
- Daniel Wachsmuth (project leader)
- Saheed Ojo Akindeinde
Weighted X-ray transform and applications
Weighted X-ray transform and applications
Funding: FWF
Number: P 31053
Runtime: 01.01.2019–31.12.2021
Research Group
Project Team
- Kamran Sadiq (project leader)
- David Omogbhe