Peer Reviewed Journal Publication

  • Guth, Philipp A.; Kunisch, Karl; Rodrigues, Sergio S. (2025, online: 2024) Stabilization of uncertain linear dynamics: an offline-online strategy. Math. Control Relat. Fields., Bd. Early Access, S. 1-30.
  • Ducomet, Bernard; Necasova, Sarka; Simon, John Sebastian H. (2024) Global solutions of Euler-Maxwell equations with dissipation. Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (1923 -), Bd. -, S. -.
  • Karl Kunisch, ; Vásquez-Varas, Donato (2024) Consistent smooth approximation of feedback laws for infinite horizon control problems with non-smooth value functions. Journal of Differential Equations, Bd. 411, S. 438-477.
  • Rodrigues, Sergio S.; Seifu, Dagmawi A. (2024) Stabilization of 2D Navier-Stokes equations by means of actuators with locally supported vorticity. J. Dyn. Control Syst., Bd. 30, S. art8.
  • Kunisch, Karl; Rodrigues, Sergio S.; Walter, Daniel (2024) Stabilizability for nonautonomous linear parabolic equations with actuators as distributions. ESAIM: Control Optim. Calc. Var., Bd. 30, S. art43.
  • Guth, Philipp A.; Schillings, Claudia; Weissmann, Simon (online: 2024) One-Shot Learning of Surrogates in PDE-Constrained Optimization under Uncertainty. SIAM/ASA J. UNCERTAINTY QUANTIFICATION, Bd. 12 (2), S. 614--645.
  • Guth, Philipp A.; Kunisch, Karl; Rodrigues, Sérgio S. (online: 2024) Tracking optimal feedback control under uncertain parameters. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, Bd. 467, S. 134245.
  • Nečasová, Šárka; Simon, John Sebastian H. (2024) On a Nonlocal Two-Phase Flow with Convective Heat Transfer. Journal of Nonlinear Science, Bd. 34 (65), S. 1-32.
  • Guth, Philipp A.; Kaarnioja, Vesa (2024) Generalized dimension truncation error analysis for high-dimensional numerical integration: lognormal setting and beyond. SIAM J. Numer. Anal., Bd. 62 (2), S. 872-892.
  • Corella, Alberto Domínguez; Jork, Nicolai; Nečasová, Šárka; Simon, John Sebastian H. (2024) Stability analysis of the Navier–Stokes velocity trackingproblem with bang-bang controls. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Bd. 201, S. 790-824.
  • Guth, Philipp A.; Kaarnioja, Vesa; Kuo, Frances Y.; Schillings, Claudia; Sloan, Ian H. (online: 2024) Parabolic PDE-constrained optimal control under uncertainty with entropic risk measure using QMC integration. Numerische Mathematik, Bd. 156, S. 565--608.
  • Casas, Eduardo; Kunisch, Karl (2023) Infinite Horizon Optimal Control for a General Class of Semilinear Parabolic Equations. APPL MATH OPT, Bd. 88 (2), S. ARTN 47.
  • Donato Vásquez-Varas, ; Kunisch, Karl (2023) Optimal polynomial feedback laws for finite horizon control problems. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Bd. 148, S. 113-125.
  • Karl Kunisch, ; Vásquez-Varas, Donato; Walter, Daniel (2023) Learning Optimal Feedback Operators and their Sparse Polynomial Approximations. Journal of Machine Learning Research, Bd. 40, S. 1-38.
  • Kovtunenko, Victor A.; Kunisch, Karl (2023) Directional differentiability for shape optimization with variational inequalities as constraints. ESAIM CONTR OPTIM CA, Bd. 29, S. ARTN 64.
  • Guth, Philipp A.; Van Barel, Andreas (2023) Multilevel quasi-Monte Carlo for optimization under uncertainty. NUMER MATH, Bd. 154 (3-4), S. 443-484.
  • Kunisch, Karl; Rodrigues, Sergio S. (2023) Global stabilizability to trajectories for the Schloegl equation in a Sobolev norm. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., Bd. 43 (6), S. 2457-2493.
  • Casas, Eduardo; Kunisch, Karl (2023) Infinite horizon optimal control problems with discount factoron the state, Part I: Analysis of the controlled state equation. SIAM J. Control Optim, Bd. 61 (3), S. 1375-1393.
  • Casas, Eduardo; Kunisch, Karl (2023) Infinite horizon optimal control problems with discount factor on the state, Part II: Analysis of the control problem. SIAM J. Control Optim, Bd. 61 (3), S. 1438-1459.
  • Kunisch, Karl; Walter, Daniel (2023) Optimal feedback control of dynamical systems via value-function approximation. Comptes Rendus Mécanique, Bd. 351 (S1), S. 1-37.
  • Kroener, Axel; Rautenberg, Carlos N.; Rodrigues, Sergio S. (online: 2023) Existence, uniqueness, and stabilization results for parabolic variational inequalities. ESAIM Control Optim. Calc., Bd. 29, S. art. 37.
  • Rodrigues, Sergio S. (2023, online: 2022) Stabilization of nonautonomous linear parabolic-like equations: oblique projections versus Riccati feedbacks. Evol. Equ. Control Theory, Bd. 12(2), S. 647-686.
  • Trautmann, Philip; Walter, Daniel (2023) A fast primal-dual-active-jump method for minimization in BV((0, T); R-d). OPTIMIZATION.
  • Azmi, Behzad; Kunisch, Karl; Rodrigues, Sergio S. (2023) Saturated feedback stabilizability to trajectories for the Schloegl parabolic equation. IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, Bd. 68 (12), S. 7089-7103.
  • Rodrigues, Sergio S. (2023, online: 2022) Remarks on finite and infinite time-horizon optimal control problems. Syst. Control Lett., Bd. 172 (105441), S. --.
  • Rodrigues, Sergio S.; Seifu, Dagmawi A. (2023) Feedback semiglobal stabilization to trajectories for the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. IMA J. Math. Control Inform., Bd. 40 (1), S. 38-80.
  • Azmi, Behzad; Kunisch, Karl K.; Herrmann, Lukas (online: 2023) Analysis of rhc for stabilization of nonautonomous parabolic equations under uncertainty. SIAM J CONTROL OPTIM.
  • Court, Sebastien; Kunisch, Karl (2022) DESIGN OF THE MONODOMAIN MODEL BY ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS. Discret. Contin. Dyn. Syst.
  • Azmi, Behzad; Kunisch, Karl (2022) On the convergence and mesh-independent property of the Barzilai-Borwein method for PDE-constrained optimization. IMA J. Numer. Anal., Bd. 42 (4), S. 2984-3021.
  • Casas, Eduardo; Kunisch, Karl (online: 2022) Infinite Horizon Optimal Control Problems for a Class of Semilinear Parabolic Equations. SIAM J. Control Optim., Bd. 60 (4), S. 2070–2094.
  • Casas, Eduardo; Kunisch, Karl; Mateos, Mariano (2022) Error estimates for the numerical approximation of optimal control problems with nonsmooth pointwise-integral control constraints. IMA J. Numer. Anal.
  • Kovtunenko, Victor A.; Kunisch, Karl (2022) Shape Derivative for Penalty-Constrained Nonsmooth-Nonconvex Optimization: Cohesive Crack Problem. J. Optim. Theory Appl.
  • Kunisch, Karl; Priyasad, Buddhika (2022) Continuous Differentiability of the Value Function of Semilinear Parabolic Infinite Time Horizon Optimal Control Problems on L-2(Omega) Under Control Constraints. Appl. Math. Optim.
  • Holler, Gernot; Kunisch, Karl (2022) LEARNING NONLOCAL REGULARIZATION OPERATORS. Math. Control Relat. Fields, Bd. 12 (1), S. 81-114.
  • Kobler, Erich; Kunisch, Karl; Effland, Alexander; Pock, Thomas (2022) Total deep variation for linear inverse problems. Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.
  • Casas, Eduardo; Kunisch, Karl (2022) Optimal Control of Semilinear Parabolic Equations with Non-smooth Pointwise-Integral Control Constraints in Time-Space. Appl. Math. Optim., Bd. 85 (1).
  • Kimiaei, Morteza; Neumaier, Arnold; Azmi, Behzad (2022) LMBOPT: a limited memory method for bound-constrained optimization. MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING COMPUTATION.
  • Peralta, Gilbert; Kunisch, Karl (2022) Mixed and hybrid Petrov-Galerkin finite element discretization for optimal control of the wave equation. Numer. Math.
  • Azmi, Behzad; Kunisch, Karl; Rodrigues, S. Sergio (2021) Stabilization of nonautonomous parabolic equations by a single moving actuator. Discret. Contin. Dyn. Syst., Bd. 41 (12), S. 5789-5824.
  • Rodrigues, Sergio S. (2021) Semiglobal Oblique Projection Exponential Dynamical Observers for Nonautonomous Semilinear Parabolic-Like Equations. J. Nonlinear Sci., Bd. 31 (6), S. ARTN 100.
  • Rodrigues, Sergio S. (2021, online: 2018) Feedback Boundary Stabilization to Trajectories for 3DNavier–Stokes Equations. Appl. Math. Optim., Bd. 84 (2), S. 1149-1186.
  • Azmi, Behzad; Kalise, Dante; Kunisch, Karl (2021) Optimal Feedback Law Recovery by Gradient-Augmented Sparse Polynomial Regression. J. Mach. Learn. Res., Bd. 22, S. 1-32.
  • Rodrigues, Sergio S. (2021) Oblique projection exponential dynamical observer for nonautonomous linear parabolic-like equations. SIAM J. Control Optim., Bd. 59 (1), S. 464-488.
  • Dolgov, Sergey; Kalise, Dante; Kunisch, Karl K. (2021) TENSOR DECOMPOSITION METHODS FOR HIGH-DIMENSIONAL HAMILTON-JACOBI-BELLMAN EQUATIONS. SIAM J. Sci. Comput., Bd. 43 (3), S. A1625-A1650.
  • Kunisch, Karl; Trautmann, Philip (2021) An Inverse Problem Involving a Viscous Eikonal Equation with Applications in Electrophysiology. VIETNAM JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS.
  • Kundu, Sudeep; Kunisch, Karl (2021) Policy iteration for Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations with control constraints. Comput. Optim. Appl.
  • Kunisch, Karl; Rodrigues, Sergio S.; Walter, Daniel (2021) Learning an Optimal Feedback Operator Semiglobally Stabilizing Semilinear Parabolic Equations. Appl. Math. Optim., Bd. 84 (1), S. 277-318.
  • Rodrigues, Sergio S. (online: 2021) Oblique projection output-based feedback exponential stabilization ofnonautonomous parabolic equations. Automatica, Bd. 129, S. art. no. 109621.
  • Kunisch, Karl; Walter, Daniel (2021) Semiglobal optimal feedback stabilization of autonomous systems via deep neural network approximation. ESAIM-Control OPtim. Calc. Var., Bd. 27, S. ARTN 16.
  • Breiten, Tobias; Kunisch, Karl (2021) Neural network based nonlinear observers. Syst. Control Lett., Bd. 148, S. ARTN 104829.
  • Kalise, Dante; Kunisch, Karl; Rao, Zhiping (online: 2020) Sparse and switching infinite horizon optimal controls with mixed-norm penalizations. ESAIM: COCV (26), S. 25.
  • Engel, Sebastian; Kunisch, Karl (2020) OPTIMAL CONTROL OF THE LINEAR WAVE EQUATION BY TIME-DEPENDING BV-CONTROLS: A SEMI-SMOOTH NEWTON APPROACH. Math. Control Relat. Fields, Bd. 10 (3), S. 591-622.
  • Kunisch, Karl; Pfeiffer, Laurent (online: 2020) The effect of the terminal penalty in Receding Horizon Control for a class of stabilization problems. ESAIM: COCV (26), S. 26.
  • Pieper, Konstantin; Tang, Bao Quoc; Trautmann, Philip; Walter, Daniel (2020) Inverse point source location with the Helmholtz equation on a bounded domain. Computational Optimization and Applications, Bd. 77, S. 213–249.
  • Kunisch, Karl; Meinlschmidt, Hannes (2020) Optimal control of an energy-critical semilinear wave equation in 3D with spatially integrated control constraints. J. Math. Pures Appl., Bd. 138, S. 46-87.
  • Kalise, Dante; Kundu, Sudeep; Kunisch, Karl (2020) Robust Feedback Control of Nonlinear PDEs by Numerical Approximation of High-Dimensional Hamilton-Jacobi-Isaacs Equations. SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst., Bd. 19 (2), S. 1496-1524.
  • Azmi, Behzad; Kunisch, Karl (2020) Analysis of the Barzilai-Borwein Step-Sizes for Problems in Hilbert Spaces. J. Optim. Theory Appl.
  • Effland, Alexander; Kobler, Erich; Kunisch, Karl; Thomas, Pock (online: 2020) Variational Networks: An Optimal Control Approach to Early Stopping Variational Methods for Image Restoration. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision (62), S. 396-416.
  • Ghilli, Daria; Kunisch, Karl; Kovtunenko, Victor A. (2020) Inverse problem of breaking line identification by shape optimization. J. Inverse Ill-Posed Probl., Bd. 28 (1), S. 119-135.
  • Breiten, Tobias; Kunisch, Karl; Pfeiffer, Laurent (2019) Feedback Stabilization of the Two-Dimensional Navier-Stokes Equations by Value Function Approximation. Appl. Math. Optim., Bd. 80 (3), S. 599-641.
  • Peralta, Gilbert; Kunisch, Karl (2019) Analysis of a nonlinear fluid-structure interaction model with mechanical dissipation and delay. Nonlinearity, Bd. 32 (12), S. 5110-5149.
  • Casas, E.; Kunisch, K. (2019) Using sparse control methods to identify sources in linear diffusion-convection equations. Inverse Problems, Bd. 35 (11), S. 114002.
  • Rodrigues, Sergio S. (online: 2019) Semiglobal exponential stabilization of nonautonomous semilinear parabolic-like systems. Evol. Equ. Control Theory, Bd. -, S. -.
  • Ghilli, Daria; Kunisch, Karl (2019) On a Monotone Scheme for Nonconvex Nonsmooth Optimization with Applications to Fracture Mechanics. J. Optim. Theory Appl., Bd. 183 (2), S. 609-641.
  • Kunisch, Karl; Rodrigues, Sergio S. (online: 2019) Explicit exponential stabilization of nonautonomous linear parabolic-like systems by a finite number of internal actuators. ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var., Bd. 25, S. art.67.
  • Kunisch, Karl; Rodrigues, Sergio S. (online: 2019) Oblique projection based stabilizing feedback for nonautonomous coupled parabolic-ode systems. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., Bd. 39 (11), S. 6355-6389.
  • Neitzel, Ira; Pieper, Konstantin; Vexler, Boris; Walter, Daniel (2019) A sparse control approach to optimal sensor placement in PDE-constrained parameter estimation problems. Numerische Mathematik, Bd. 143, S. 943-984.
  • Aigner, Christoph S.; Rund, Armin; Seada, Samy Abo; Price, Anthony N.; Hajnal, Joseph, V et al. [..] (2019) Time optimal control-based RF pulse design under gradient imperfections. Magn. Reson. Med.
  • Casas, E.; Kunisch, K. (2019) Optimal control of the two-dimensional Stationary Navier-Stokes Equations with Measured Valued Controls. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Bd. 57 (2), S. 1328-1354.
  • Court, S.; Kunisch, K.; Pfeiffer, L. (2019) Optimal control problem for systems of conservation laws, with geometric parameter, and application to the Shallow-Water equations. Interfaces and Free Boundaries, Bd. 21, S. 273-311.
  • Kunisch, K.; Neic, A.; Plank, G.; Trautmann, P. (online: 2019) Inverse localization of earliest cardiac activation sites from activation maps based on the viscous Eikonal equation. Journal of Mathematical Biology, S. 1-36.
  • Breiten, Tobias; Kunisch, Karl; Pfeiffer, Laurent (2019) Taylor expansions of the value function associated with a bilinear optimal control problem. Ann. Inst. Henri Poincare-Anal. Non Lineaire, Bd. 36 (5), S. 1361-1399.
  • Bonifacius, L.; Kunisch, K. (2019) Time-optimality by distance-optimality for parabolic control systems. ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis.
  • Azmi, Behzad; Kunisch, Karl (2019) A HYBRID FINITE-DIMENSIONAL RHC FOR STABILIZATION OF TIME-VARYING PARABOLIC EQUATIONS. SIAM J. Control Optim., Bd. 57 (5), S. 3496-3526.
  • Kalise, Dante; Kunisch, Karl; Rao, Zhiping (2019) Sparse and switching infinite horizon optimal control with nonconvex penalizations. ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, Bd. n.a., S. n.a.
  • G. Peralta, ; Kunisch, K. (2018) Analysis and Finite Element Discretization for Optimal Control of a Linear Fluid-Structure Interaction Problem with Delay. IMAJNA.
  • Iglesias, José A.; Sturm, Kevin; Wechsung, Florian (2018) Two-Dimensional Shape Optimization with Nearly Conformal Transformations. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Bd. 40 (6), S. A3807-A3830.
  • Rodrigues, Sergio S.; Sturm, Kevin (2018) On the explicit feedback stabilisation of one-dimensional linear nonautonomous parabolicequations via oblique projections. IMA J. Math. Control Inform., Bd. vv, S. pp.
  • D. Ghilli, ; Kunisch, K. (online: 2018) On monotone and primal-dual active set schemes for ℓp-type problems, p∈(0,1]. Computational Optimization and Applications, S. 1-41.
  • Kunisch, Karl; Rodrigues, Sergio S. (2018) Explicit exponential stabilization of nonautonomous linear parabolic-like systems by a finite number of internal actuators. ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var., Bd. vv, S. pp.
  • D. Kalise, ; K. Kunisch, ; Sturm, K. (2018) Optimal actuator design based on shape calculus. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, Bd. 28 (13), S. 2667-2717.
  • Breiten, Tobias; Kunisch, Karl; Pfeiffer, Laurent (2018) NUMERICAL STUDY OF POLYNOMIAL FEEDBACK LAWS FOR A BILINEAR CONTROL PROBLEM. Math. Control Relat. Fields, Bd. 8 (3-4), S. 557-582.
  • Kunisch, Karl; Souza, Diego A. (2018) On the one-dimensional nonlinear monodomain equations with moving controls. J. Math. Pures Appl., Bd. 117, S. 94-122.
  • G. Holler, ; K. Kunisch, ; Barnard, R.C. (online: 2018) A bilevel approach for parameter learning in Inverse Problems. Inverse Problems, Bd. 34 (11).
  • V. Kovtunenko, ; Kunisch, K. (online: 2018) Revisiting gernalized fem: a petrov-galerkin enrichment based fem interpolation for helmholtz problem. Calcolo, Bd. 55 (3).
  • Phan, Duy; Rodrigues, Sergio S. (2018) Stabilization to trajectories for parabolic equations. Math. Control Signals Syst., Bd. 30 (2), S. 11.
  • Phan, Duy; Rodrigues, Sergio S. (2018) Approximate controllability for Navier-Stokesequations in 3D rectangles under Lions boundaryconditions. J Dyn Control Syst, Bd. vv, S. pp.
  • Z. Peng, ; Kunisch, K. (2018) Optimal Control of Elliptic Variational–Hemivariational Inequalities. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Bd. 178 (1), S. 1-25.
  • Breiten, Tobias; Kunisch, Karl; Pfeiffer, Laurent (2018) INFINITE-HORIZON BILINEAR OPTIMAL CONTROL PROBLEMS: SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS AND POLYNOMIAL FEEDBACK LAWS. SIAM J. Control Optim., Bd. 56 (5), S. 3184-3214.
  • G. Peralta, ; Kunisch, K. (2018) Interface stabilization of a parabolic-hyperbolic pde system with delay in the interaction. AIMS: Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Bd. 38 (6), S. 3055-3083.
  • Clason, Christian; Kruse, Florian; Kunisch, Karl (2018) TOTAL VARIATION REGULARIZATION OF MULTI-MATERIAL TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION. ESAIM-Math. Model. Numer. Anal.-Model. Math. Anal. Numer., Bd. 52 (1), S. 275-303.
  • E. Casas, ; Kunisch, K. (online: 2018) Analysis of Optimal Control Problems of Semilinear Elliptic Equations by BV-Functions. Set-Valued and Variational Analysis, S. 1-25.
  • Friesecke, Gero; Henneke, Felix; Kunisch, Karl (2018) FREQUENCY-SPARSE OPTIMAL QUANTUM CONTROL. Math. Control Relat. Fields, Bd. 8 (1), S. 155-176.
  • A. Rund, ; C.S. Aigner, ; K. Kunisch, ; Stollberger, R. (online: 2018) Simultaneous multislice refocusing by time-optimal control. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Bd. 80 (4), S. 1416-1428.
  • A. Rund, ; C.S. Aigner, ; K. Kunisch, ; Stollberger, R. (2018) Magnetic Resonance RF pulse design by optimal control with physical constraints. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Bd. 37 (2), S. 461-472.
  • Azmi, Behzad; Kunisch, Karl (2018) Receding Horizon Control for the Stabilization of the Wave Equation. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A, Bd. 38 (2), S. 449-484.
  • Azmi, Behzad; Boulanger, Anne-Céline; Kunisch, Karl (online: 2018) On the semi-global Stabilizability of the Korteweg-de Vries Equation via Model Predictive Control. ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, Bd. 24 (1), S. 237-263.
  • Rodrigues, Sergio S. (online: 2018) Feedback Boundary Stabilization to Trajectories for 3DNavier-Stokes Equations. Appl. Math. Optim., Bd. -, S. -.
  • C. Clason, A. Rund, and K. Kunisch (2017) "Total variation regularization of multi-material topology optimization". ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, Bd. 52, S. 275-303.
  • Court, Sébastien; Kunisch, Karl; Pfeiffer, Laurent (2017) Optimal control for a class of infinite dimensional systems invloving an L∞-term in the cost functional. ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics.
  • Ghilli, Daria; Kunisch, Karl (2017) A monotone scheme for sparsity optimization in lp with p Є (0,1]. IFAC-PapersOnLine, Bd. 50 (1).
  • Rund, Armin; Aigner, Christoph Stefan; Kunisch, Karl; Stollberger, Rudolf (2017) Magnetic Resonance RF pulse design by optimal control with physical constraints. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Bd. PP (99).
  • Clason, Christian; Rund, Armin; Kunisch, Karl (2017) Nonconvex penalization of switching control of partial differential equations. Syst. Control Lett., Bd. 106, S. 1-8.
  • T. Breiten, ; K. Kunisch, ; Pfeiffer, L. (2017) A reduction method for Riccati-based control of the Fokker-Planck equation. IFAC-PapersOnLine, Bd. 50 (1), S. 1631-1636.
  • Breiten, Tobias; Kunisch, Karl; Rodrigues, Sergio S. (2017) Feedback stabilization to nonstationary solutions of a class of reaction diffusion equations of FitzHugh-Nagumo type. SIAM J. Control Optim., Bd. 55 (4), S. 2684-2713.
  • Casas, Eduardo; Kruse, Florian; Kunisch, Karl (2017) Optimal Control of Semilinear Parabolic Equations by BV-Functions. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Bd. 55 (3), S. 1752-1788.
  • Albi, Giacomo; Choi, Young-Pil; Fornasier, Massimo,; Kalise, Dante (2017) Mean field control hierarchy. Applied Mathematics and Optimization, Bd. 76 (1), S. 93--135.
  • Casas, Eduardo; Kunisch, Karl (online: 2017) Stabilization by Sparse Controls for a Class of Semilinear Parabolic Equations. SIAM J.Control Optim., Bd. 55 (1), S. 512-532.
  • Kalise, Dante; Kunisch, Karl; Rao, Zhiping (2017, online: 2016) Infinite Horizon Sparse Optimal Control. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Bd. 172 (2), S. 481-517.
  • Rodrigues, Sergio S.; Phan, Duy (2017) Gevrey regularity for Navier-Stokes equations under Lions boundary conditions. J. Funct. Anal., Bd. 272 (7), S. 2865-2898.
  • Kunisch, Karl; Rao, Zhiping (2017, online: 2015) Minimal time problem with impulsive controls. Applied Mathematics & Optimization, Bd. 75 (1), S. 75-97.
  • Chamakuri, Nagaiah; Kunisch, Karl (2017, online: 2016) Primal-dual active set strategy for large scale optimization of cardiac defibrillation. Applied Mathematics and Computation, Bd. 292, S. 178-193.
  • Clason, Christian; Kunisch, Karl (2016) A CONVEX ANALYSIS APPROACH TO MULTI-MATERIAL TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION. ESAIM-Math. Model. Numer. Anal.-Model. Math. Anal. Numer., Bd. 50 (6), S. 1917-1936.
  • Kunisch, Karl; Keeling, Stephen L. (2016) Robust l1 approaches to computing the geometric median and principal and independent components. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Bd. 56, S. 99-124.
  • Azmi, Behzad; Kunisch, Karl (2016) On the Stabilizability of the Burgers Equation by Receding Horizon Control. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Bd. 54 (3), S. 1378-1405.
  • Kunisch, Karl; Trautmann, Philip; Vexler, Boris (2016) Optimal control of the undamped linear wave equation with measure valued controls. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Bd. 54 (3), S. 1212-1244.
  • Albi, Giacomo; Bongini, Mattia; Cristiani, Emiliano; Kalise, Dante (2016) Invisible control of self-organizing agents leaving unknown environments. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, Bd. 76 (4), S. 1683–1710.
  • Kalise, Dante; Kroener, Axel; Kunisch, Karl (2016) Local Minimization Algorithms for Dynamic Programming Equations. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Bd. 38 (3), S. 1587-1615.
  • Fuentes, Esteban; Kalise, Dante; Kennel, Ralph (2016) Smoothened quasi-time-optimal control for the torsional torque in a two-mass-system. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Bd. 63 (6), S. 3954-3963.
  • Kunisch, Karl; Ito, Kazufumi (2016) A sequential method for a class of stable mathematical programming problems. SIAM Journal on Optimization, Bd. 26 (2), S. 1262-1292.
  • Casas, E.; Kunisch, K. (2016) Parabolic control problems in space-time measure spaces. ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, Bd. 22 (2), S. 355-370.
  • Kunisch, Karl; Pieper, Konstantin; Rund, Armin (2016) Time optimal control for a reaction diffusion system arising in cardiac electrophysiology - a monolithic approach. ESAIM, Bd. 50 (2), S. 381-414.
  • Braun, Philipp; Hernandez, Erwin; Kalise, Dante (2016) Reduced-order LQG control of a Timoshenko beam model. Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, Bd. 47 (1), S. 143-155.
  • Clason, Christian; Rund, Armin; Kunisch, Karl; Barnard, Richard C. (2016) A convex penalty for switching control of partial differential equations. Systems & Control Letters, Bd. 89, S. 66-73.
  • Alla, Alessandro; Falcone, Maurizio; Kalise, Dante (2016) A HJB-POD feedback synthesis approach for the wave equation. Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, Bd. 47 (1), S. 51-64.
  • Kunisch, Karl; Rund, Armin (2015) Time optimal control of the monodomain model in cardiac electrophysiology. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, Bd. 80 (6), S. 1664-1683.
  • Chamakuri, N.; Kunisch, K.; Plank, G. (online: 2015) PDE constrained optimization of electrical defibrillation in a 3D ventricular slice geometry. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering.
  • Chamakuri, Nagaiah; Kunisch, Karl; Plank, Gernot (2015) Application of optimal control to the cardiac defibrillation problem using a physiological model of cellular dynamics. Appl. Numer. Math., Bd. 95, S. 130-139.
  • Kunisch, Karl; Müller, Markus (2015) Uniform convergence of the POD method and applications to optimal control. Journal Discrete and Continuous Dynamical System - A., Bd. 35 (9), S. 4477-4501.
  • M. Bongini, M. Fornasier and D. Kalise (2015) (Un)conditional consensus emergence under perturbed and decentralized feedback controls. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A, Bd. 35 (9), S. 4071 - 4094.
  • O. Bokanowski, M. Falcone, R. Ferretti, L. Gruene, D. Kalise and H. Zidani (2015) Value iteration convergence of epsilon-monotone schemes for stationary Hamilton-Jacobi equations. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A, Bd. 35 (9), S. 4041 - 4070.
  • Kröner, Axel; Rodrigues, Sérgio S. (2015) Remarks on the internal exponential stabilization to a nonstationary solution for 1D Burgers equations. SIAM J. Control Optim., Bd. 53 (2), S. 1020-1055.
  • Rodrigues, Sérgio S. (2015) Boundary observability inequalites for the 3D Oseen-Stokes system and applications. ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var., Bd. 21 (3), S. 723-756.
  • Kunisch, Karl; Reiterer, Stefan H. (2015, online: 2014) A Gautschi time-stepping approach to optimal control of the wave equation. Applied Numerical Mathematics, Bd. 90, S. 55–76.
  • Clason, Christian; Ito, Kazufumi; Kunisch, Karl (online: 2015) A convex analysis approach to optimal controls with switching structure for partial differential equations. ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations.
  • A. Alla, M. Falcone and D. Kalise (online: 2015) An efficient policy iteration algorithm for dynamic programming equations. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Bd. 37 (1), S. 181-200.
  • Martin Rueckl, Ian Parker, Jonathan S. Marchant, Chamakuri Nagaiah, Friedrich W. Johenning, Sten Ruediger (2015) Modulation of Elementary Calcium Release Mediates a Transition from Puffs to Waves in an IP3R Cluster Model. PLoS Computational Biology, Bd. 11 (1), S. 1-12.
  • Breiten, Tobias; Kunisch, Karl (online: 2014) Riccati-Based Feedback Control of the Monodomain Equations With the Fitzhugh-Nagumo Model. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Bd. 52 (6), S. 4057–4081.
  • Clason, Christian; Kunisch, Karl (2014, online: 2013) Multi-bang control of elliptic systems. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (C) Non Linear Analysis, Bd. 31 (6), S. 1109-1130.
  • Holler, Martin; Kunisch, Karl (online: 2014) On Infimal Convolution of TV-Type Functionals and Applications to Video and Image Reconstruction. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, Bd. 7 (4), S. 2258–2300.
  • Kunisch, Karl; Pieper, Konstantin; Vexler, Boris (online: 2014) Measure Valued Directional Sparsity for Parabolic Optimal Control Problems. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Bd. 52 (5), S. 3078–3108.
  • H. Kasumba, ; K. Kunisch, ; Laurain, A. (2014, online: 2013) A bilevel shape optimization problem for the exterior Bernoulli free boundary value problem. Interfaces and Free Boundaries, Bd. 16 (4), S. 459–487.
  • Chamakuri, Nagaiah; Engwer, Christian; Kunisch, Karl (2014) Boundary control of bidomain equations with state-dependent switching source functions in the ionic model. Journal of Computational Physics, Bd. 273, S. 227-242.
  • Sebastian Götschel, Nagaiah Chamakuri, Karl Kunisch, Martin Weiser (2014, online: 2013) Lossy Compression in Optimal Control of Cardiac Defibrillation. Journal of Scientific Computing, Bd. 60 (1), S. 35-59.
  • E. Fuentes, D. Kalise, R. Kennel and J. Rodríguez (2014) Cascade-Free Predictive Speed Control for Electrical Drives. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Bd. 61 (5), S. 9.
  • Ito, Kazufumi; Kunisch, Karl (online: 2014) Optimal Control with $L^p(Omega)$, $pin [0,1)$, Control Cost. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Bd. 52 (2), S. 1251-1275.
  • Ito, Kazufumi; Kunisch, Karl (online: 2014) A Note on the Existence of Nonsmooth Nonconvex Optimization Problems. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Bd. 163 (3), S. 697-706.
  • Kunisch, Karl; Wang, Lijuan (2014) The bang-bang property of time optimal controls for the Burgers equation. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Bd. 34 (9), S. 361-3637.
  • Kovtunenko, A. Victor; Kunisch, Karl (online: 2014) High Precision Identification of an Object: Optimality-Conditions-Based Concept of Imaging. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Bd. 52 (1), S. 773-796.
  • Kasumba, Henry (2014) Shape optimization approaches to Free Surface Problems. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Bd. 74 (11), S. 81-845.
  • Kasumba, Henry; Kunisch, Karl (2014) On computation of the shape Hessian of the cost functional without shape sensitivity of the state variable. Optimization Theory and Applications, Bd. 160, S. 26.
  • Ito, Kazufumi; Kunisch, Karl (2014) A variational approach to sparsity optimization based on Lagrange multiplier theory. Inverse Problems, Bd. 30 (1), S. 015001.
  • Guglielmi, R. (2014) Stabilization and control of partial differential equations of evolution. Rendiconti di Matematica e delle sue Applicazioni. Serie VII, Bd. 33 (3-4), S. 83--222.
  • Beauchard, K.; Cannarsa, P.; Guglielmi, R. (2014) Null controllability of Grushin-type operators in dimension two. Journal of European Mathematical Society, Bd. 16 (1), S. 67-101.
  • Rodrigues, Sérgio S.; Aguiar, A. Pedro (online: 2014) On the iinearization up to multi-output injection for a class of systems with implicitly defined outputs. IEEE Trans. Automat. Control, Bd. 59 (5), S. 1310 -1315.
  • Rodrigues, Sérgio S. (2014, online: 2013) Local exact boundary controllability of 3D Navier-Stokes equations. Nonlinear Anal., Bd. 95, S. 175-190.
  • Goetschel, S. and Chamakuri, N. and Kunisch, K. and Weiser, M. (online: 2013) Lossy Compression in Optimal Control of Cardiac Defibrillation. Journal of Scientific Computing.
  • Götschel, S.; Chamakuri, N.; Kunisch, K.; Weiser, M. (online: 2013) Lossy Compression in Optimal Control of Cardiac Defibrillation. Journal on Scientific Computing.
  • Chamakuri, Nagaiah; Kunisch, Karl; Plank, Gernot (2013) On boundary stimulation and optimal boundary control of the bidomainequations. Mathematical Biosciences, Bd. 245 (2), S. 206-215.
  • Kröner, Axel; Kunisch, Karl (online: 2013) A minimum effort optimal control problem for the wave equation. Computational Optimization and Applications.
  • Fernández-Cara, Enrique; Horsin, Thierry; Kasumba, Henry (2013) Some inverse and control problems for fluids. Annales Mathématiques Blaise Pascal, Bd. 20 (1), S. 101-138.
  • Kröner, Axel (2013) Semi-smooth Newton methods for optimal control of the dynamical Lamé system with control constraints. Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, Bd. 34, S. 7.
  • Kunisch, K.; Wang, L. (2013) Time optimal control of the heat equation with pointwise control constraints. ESAIM, Bd. 19 (2), S. 460-485.
  • Kunisch, K.; Wachsmuth, D. (2013) On time optimal control of the wave equation and its numerical realization as parametric optimization problem. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Bd. 51 (2), S. 1232-1262.
  • Herzog, R.; Kunisch, K.; Sass, J. (2013, online: 2012) Primal-dual methods for the computation of trading regions under proportional transaction costs. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, Bd. 77 (1), S. 101-130.
  • Bredies, K.; Kunisch, K.; Valkonen, T. (2013) Properties of L1-TGV2: The one-dimensional case. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Bd. 398 (1), S. 438-454.
  • Ch. Nagaiah, N. Suresh Kumar, A.Bueck, G.Warnecke (2013) Parallel and high resolution numerical solution of concentration andtemperature distributions in fluidized beds. Computers and Chemical Engineering, Bd. 52, S. 122-133.
  • Kunisch, K.; Cacas, E.; Clason, C. (2013) Parabolic control problems in measure spaces with sparse solutions. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Bd. 51 (1), S. 28-63.
  • Kasumba, H.; Kunisch, K. (online: 2012) Vortex control of instationary channel flows using translation invariant cost functionals. Computational Optimization and applications, Bd. 52 (3), S. 1-37.
  • Chamakuri, N.; Sten, R. (2012) Whole-cell simulation of hybrid stochastic and deterministic calcium dynamics in 3D geometry. Journal of Computational Interdisciplinary Sciences, Bd. 3 (1-2), S. 3-18.
  • Kunisch, K.; Wang, L. (2012) Time optimal control of the Fitzhugh-Nagumo equation. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Bd. 395 (1), S. 114-130.
  • Kunisch, K.; Kasumba, H. (2012) On shape sensitivity analysis of the cost functional without shape sensitivity of the state variable. Control and cybernetics, Bd. 40 (4), S. 989-1017.
  • Kasumba, Henry; Kunisch, Karl (2012, online: 2011) Vortex control in channel flows using translation invariant cost functionals. Computational Optimization and applications, Bd. 52 (3), S. 691-717.
  • Kasumba, H.; Kunisch, K. (2012) On free surface PDE constrained shape optimization problems. Applied Mathematics and Computation, Bd. 218 (23), S. 11429–11450.
  • Nagaiah, C.; Kunisch, K.; Plank, G. (2012) Optimal control approach to termination of re-entry waves in cardiac electrophysiology. Journal of Mathematical Biology (6), S. 1-30.
  • Kunisch, K.; Wachsmuth, D. (2012) On Time Optimal Control of the Wave Equation, its Regularization and Optimality System. ESAIM.
  • Gerd Wachsmuth, Daniel Wachsmuth (2011) Convergence and regularization results for optimal control problems with sparsity functional. ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, Bd. 17, S. 858-886.
  • Kröner, Axel (2011) Adaptive finite element methods for optimal control of second order hyperbolic equations. Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, Bd. 11 (2), S. 214-240.
  • Viorel Barbu, Sérgio S. Rodrigues and Armen Shirikyan (2011) Internal exponential stabilization to a nonstationary solution for 3D Navier-Stokes equations. SIAM J. Control Optim., Bd. 49 (4), S. 1454-1478.
  • Arnd Roesch, ; Wachsmuth, Daniel (2011) Semi-smooth Newton's Method for an optimal control problem with control and mixed control-state constraints. Optimization Methods and Software, Bd. 26, S. 169-186.
  • Alabau-Boussouira, F.; Cannarsa, P.; Guglielmi, R. (2011) Indirect stabilization of weakly coupled systems with hybrid boundary conditions. Mathematical Control and Related Fields, Bd. 1 (4), S. 413--436.
  • Nagaiah, Chamakuri; Kunisch, Karl (2010) Higher order optimization and adaptive numerical solution for optimal control of monodomain equations in cardiac electrophysiology. Applied Numerical Mathematics, Bd. 61, S. 53-65.
  • Herzog, R.; Kunisch, Karl (2010) Algorithms for PDE - constrained optimization. GAMM, Bd. 33 (2), S. 163-176.
  • Clason, C.; Ito, K.; Kunisch, Karl (2010) An optimal L1 state constraint problem. ESAIM: M2AN.
  • Clason, C.; Ito, K.; Kunisch, Karl (2010) An optimal L1 state constraint problem. ESAIM: M2AN.
  • Kasumba, H.; Kunisch, Karl (2010) Shape design optimization for viscous ows in open channel with a bump and an obstacle. Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics.
  • Clason, C.; Jin, B.; Kunisch, Karl (2010) A semismooth Newton Method for L1 data tting with automatic choice of regularization arameters and noise calibration. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, Bd. 3, S. 199{231.
  • Ito, K.; Kunisch, Karl; Schulz, V.; Gherman, I. (2010) Approximate nullspace iterations for KKT systems in model based optimization. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, Bd. 31.
  • Kunisch, Karl; Lu, X. (2010) Optimal control for multi-phase fluids Stokes Problems. Nonlinear Analysis Series A: Theory, Methods and Applications, Bd. 74.
  • Kunisch, Karl; Volkwein, S. (2010) Optimal snapshot location for computing POD basis functions. ESAIM: M2AN, Bd. 44, S. 509-522.
  • Clason, C.; Kunisch, Karl (2010) A duality-based approach to elliptic control problems in non-re exive Banach spaces. ESAIM: COCV.
  • Kunisch, Karl; Chang, Y.Z.; Liu, W.B.; Yan, N.N.; Li, R. (2010) Adaptive fi nite element approximation for a class of parameter estimation problems. Journal of Computational Mathematics, Bd. 28, S. 1-31.
  • Clason, C.; Jin, B.; Kunisch, Karl (2010) A duality-based splitting method for L1-TV image restoration with automatic regularization parameter choice. SIAM Journal on Scienti c Computing, Bd. 32 (3), S. 1484-1505.
  • D. Wachsmuth, T. Roubíček (2010) Optimal control of planar flow of incompressible non-Newtonian fluids. Journal for Analysis and its Applications, Bd. 29 (3), S. 351-376.
  • Ito, K.; Kunisch, Karl; Schulz, V.; Gherman, I. (2010) Approximate Nullspace Iterations for KKT Systems in Model Based Optimization. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications (31), S. 1835-1847.
  • C. John, D. Wachsmuth (2009) Optimal Dirichlet boundary control of Navier-Stokes equations with state constraint. Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, Bd. 30 (11 & 12), S. 1309 - 1338.
  • Griesse, Roland; Wachsmuth, Daniel (2009) Sensitivity Analysis and the Adjoint Update Strategy for Optimal Control Problems with Mixed Control-State Constraints. Computational Optimization and Applications, Bd. 44 (1), S. 57-81.
  • Dempe, Ayalew Getachew Mersha and Stephan (2009) Direct search algorithm for bilevel programming problems. Computational Optimization and Applications.
  • Daniel Wachsmuth, Arnd Roesch (2008) Numerical verification of optimality conditions. SIAM Journal Control and Optimization, Bd. 47 (5), S. 2557-2581.
  • Griesse, Roland; Grund, Thomas; Wachsmuth, Daniel (2008) Update Strategies for Perturbed Nonsmooth Equations. Optimization Methods and Software.
  • Rösch, A.; Wachsmuth, D. (2005) Regularity of solutions for an optimal control problem with mixed control-state constraints..
  • Hannes Meinlschmidt, Joachim Rehberg Extrapolated elliptic regularity and application to the van Roosbroeck system of semiconductor equations. Journal of Differential Equations.
  • Kunisch, K.; Pfeiffer, L. The effect of the terminal penalty in receding horizon control for a class of stabilization problems. ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations.
  • Kunisch, Karl Optimal control of the principal coefficient in a scalar wave equation. Applied Mathematics and Optimization.
  • Court, Sébastien; Kunisch, Karl Almost global existence of weak solutions for the nonlinear elastodynamics system with general strain energy. Advances in Differential Equations, Bd. 23 (1/2), S. 135-160.
  • Xiliang Lu, Ping Lin Error Estimate of the P1 Nonconforming FiniteElement Method for the Penalized Unsteady Navier-Stokes Equations. Numerische Mathematik, Bd. accept.
  • Ito, K.; Kunisch, Karl Asymptotic Properties of Feedback Solutions for a Class of Quantum Control Problems. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Bd. 48, S. 2323-2343.
  • Hintermüller, M.; Kunisch, Karl Stationary Optimal Control Problems with Pointwise State Constraints. SIAM Journal on Optimization, Bd. 20, S. 1133-1156.
  • Hintermüller, M.; Kovtunenko, V.; KUNISCH, Karl A Papkovich-Neuber-Based Numerical Approach to Cracks with Contact in 3D. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics (74), S. 325-343.
  • Ito, K.; Kunisch, Karl On the semi-smooth Newton method and its globalization., Bd. 118, S. 347-370.
  • de los Reyes, J. C.,; Kunisch, Karl, Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations with Affine Control Constraints. Control and Cybernetics.
  • dde los Reyes, J.C.; Kunisch, Karl Optimal Control of Coupled Systems of PDE. International Series on Numerical Mathematics (158), S. 105-122.
  • Hintermüller, M.; Kunisch, Karl PDE-Constrained Optimization Subject to Pointwise Constraints on the Control, the State and its Derivative. SIAM Journal on Optimization (20), S. 1133-1156.
  • Kovtunenko, V.A.,; Kunisch, Karl; Ring, W. Propagation and Bifurcation of Cracks based on Implicit Surfaces and Discontinuous Velocities. Computing and Visualization in Science (12), S. 397-408.
  • Griesse, Roland; Kunisch, Kar A Semi-Smooth Newton Method for Solving Elliptic Equations with Gradient Constraints. ESAIM, MMAN (43), S. 209-238.
  • HASLINGER, J.; ITO, K.; KOZUBEK, T.; KUNISCH, Karl; PEICHL, G. On the Shape Derivative for Problems of Bernoulli Type. Interfaces and Free Boundaries (11), S. 317--330.
  • Chamakuri Nagaiah, Sten Ruediger, Gerald Warnecke, Martin Falcke Adaptive space and time hybrid simulations of reaction-diffusion systems in intracellular calcium dynamics. Applied Mathematics and Computations, Bd. 218, S. 10194-10210.
  • Ruediger, Nagaiah Chamakuri and Sten Whole-cell simulations of hybrid stochastic and deterministic calcium dynamics in 3D geometry. Journal of Computational Interdisciplinary Sciences, Bd. 3 (1-2), S. 3-18.
  • Breiten, T.; Kunisch, K.; Pfeiffer, L. Control strategies for the Fokker-Planck equation. ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations.
  • Axel Kröner, Karl Kunisch, Hasnaa Zidani Optimal feedback control of undamped wave equations by solving a HJB equation. ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations.


  • D. Kalise, ; K. Kunisch, ; Rao, Z. (2018) Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equations. In Reihe: Radon Series on Computational and Applied Mathematics: Walter De Gruyter Inc.

Conference Contribution: Publication in Proceedings

  • Guth, Philipp A.; Kaarnioja, Vesa (online: 2024) Application of Dimension Truncation Error Analysis to High-Dimensional Function Approximation in Uncertainty Quantification. In: Hinrichs, Aicke; Kritzer, Peter; Pillichshammer, Friedrich (Hrsg.), Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods (15th International Conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing): Springer.
  • Abdullah, Abdullah; Holler, Martin; Kunisch, Karl; Landman, Malena S. (online: 2023) Latent-space disentanglement with untrained generator networks for the isolation of different motion types in video data. (Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision: 9th International Conference, SSVM), Bd. 88, S. 326-338.
  • Kunisch, Karl; Casas, Eduardo (2022) Boundary control of semilinear parabolic equations with non-smooth pointwise-integral control constraints in time-space.
  • Court, Sebastien; Kunisch, Karl; Pfeiffer, Laurent (2018) HYBRID OPTIMAL CONTROL PROBLEMS FOR A CLASS OF SEMILINEAR PARABOLIC EQUATIONS., Bd. 11, S. 1031-1060.
  • Albi, Giacomo; Fornasier, Massimo; Kalise, Dante (2017) A Boltzmann approach to mean-field sparse feedback control. (IFAC World Congress 2017), S. 1-7.
  • Fleig, A.; Guglielmi, R. (2016) Bilinear Optimal Control of the Fokker-Planck Equation., Proceedings of the 2nd IFAC Workshop on Control of Systems Governed by Partial Differential Equations (IFAC-PDE 2016), Bd. 16; Bertinoro, S. 254-259.
  • Kröner, Axel; Rodrigues, Sérgio S. (2015) Internal exponential stabilization to a nonstationary solution for 1D Burgers equations with piecewise constant controls., Proceedings of the European Control Conference, July 15-17, 2015, Linz, Austria. (ECC15); Linz, S. 2676-2681.
  • Phan, Duy; Rodrigues, Sérgio S. (2015) Approximate controllability for equations of fluid mechanics with a few body controls., Proceedings of the European Control Conference, July 15-17, 2015, Linz, Austria. (ECC15); Linz, S. 2682-2687.
  • A. Alla, M. Falcone and D. Kalise (2015) An Accelerated Value/Policy Iteration Scheme for Optimal Control Problems and Games. (ENUMATH 2013); Lausanne.
  • Fleig, A.; Grüne, L.; Guglielmi, R. (2014) Some results on Model Predictive Control for the Fokker-Planck equation., Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2014), Bd. 16; Groningen, S. 1203-1206.
  • Dante Kalise, Axel Kröner (2014) Reduced-order minimum time control of advection-reaction-diffusion systems via dynamic programming. (The 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2014)); Groningen, S. 1196-1202.
  • Maurizio Falcone, Dante Kalise, Axel Kröner (2014) A semi-Lagrangian scheme for Lp-penalized minimum time problems. (The 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2014)); Groningen, S. 1798-1803.
  • Kalise, D. (2014) A study of a WENO-TVD finite volume scheme for the numerical simulation of atmospheric advective and convective phenomena., Proceedings of Hyp2012 - the 14th International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems held in Padova, Italy. (HYP2012); Padova: AIMS.
  • Rodrigues, Sérgio S.; Aguiar, A. Pedro (2013) A new algorithm for linearization up to multi-output and multi-inputinjection for a class of systems with implicitly defined outputs., Proceedings of the European Control Conference, July 17-19, 2013, Zürich, Switzerland. (ECC13); Zurich, S. 1734-1739.
  • Kröner, Axel (2011) Dual weighted residual method for optimal control of hyperbolic equations of second order. In: Brenn, G.; Holzapfel, G.A.; Schanz, M.; Steinbach, O. (Hrsg.), PAMM, Special Issue: 82nd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Graz 2011 (82nd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM)).
  • David Sevilla, Daniel Wachsmuth (2010) Polynomial integration on regions defined by a triangle and a conic., Proceedings of ISSAC 2010 (ISSAC 2010).
  • Tobias Breiten, Karl Kunisch Feedback Stabilization of the Schlögl Model by LQG-Balanced Truncation. (European Control Conference 2015), Bd. 60.
  • Kunisch, Karl; Kasumba, Henry Shape design optimization for viscous flows in a channel with a bump and an obstacle., 15th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (15th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics), S. 284-289.
  • Kröner, Axel Adaptive Finite Element Methods for Optimal Control of Elastic Waves. (MATHMOD 2012 - 7th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling).

Contribution in Collection

  • Kunisch, Karl; Casas, Eduardo,; Tröltzsch, Fredi (2022) Optimal control of PDEs and FE-approximation. In: Trélat, Emmanual; Zuazua, Enrique (Hrsg.), Numerical Control: Part A: Elsevier, S. 115–163.
  • Kalise, M. Falcone and D. (2014) A High-Order Semi-Lagrangian/Finite Volume Scheme for Hamilton-Jacobi-Isaacs Equations. In: Springer (Hrsg.), System Modeling and Optimization, S. 105-117.
  • Cannarsa, P.; Guglielmi, R. (2014) Null controllability in large time for the parabolic Grushin operator with singular potential., Geometric control theory and sub-Riemannian geometry, 5. Aufl.: Springer, S. 87-102.
  • John, C. and Noack, B. R. and Schlegel, M. and Troeltzsch, F. and Wachsmuth, D. (2010) Optimal Boundary Control Problems Related to High-Lift Configurations., Active Flow Control II; Berlin: Springer.
  • Daniel Wachsmuth, Arnd Roesch (2009) How to check numerically the sufficient optimality conditions for infinite-dimensional optimization problems. In: Kunisch, K.; Leugering, G.; Sprekels, J.; Tröltzsch, F. (Hrsg.), Optimal Control of Coupled Systems of Partial Differential Equations; Basel: Birkhaeuser.
  • Kunisch, Karl; Kröner, A.; Vexler, B. Semismooth Newton methods for an optimal boundary control problem of wave equations. In: Diehl, M.; Glineur, F.; Jarlebring, E.; Michiels, W. (Hrsg.), Recent Advances in Optimization and its Applications in Engineering: Verlag, S. 389-398.


  • Phan, Duy (2016) Stabilization to trajectories and approximate controllability for the equations of fluid mechanics., RICAM-OeAW, Johannes Kepler University, Linz.
  • Kröner, Axel (2011) Numerical methods for control of second order hyperbolic equations., Technische Universität München.


  • Rodrigues, Sergio S. (2019) Feedback exponential stabilizability of nonautonomous parabolic-like systems., Institut für Mathematik und Wissenschaftliches Rechnen, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Graz.


  • Bredies, K.; Clason, C.; Kunisch, K.; Winckel, G. von (Hrsg.) (2013) Control and Optimization with PDE Constraints. In Reihe: International Series of Numerical Mathematics (Buch 164): Birkhäuser.
  • Bredies, K.; Clason, C.; Kunisch, K.; Winckel, G. von (Hrsg.) (2013) Control and Optimization with PDE Constraints. In Reihe: International Series of Numerical Mathematics, hrsg. v. Birkhäuser.
  • Kunisch, K.; Leugering, G.; Sprekels, J.; Tröltzsch, F. (Hrsg.) (2009) Optimal Control of Coupled Systems of Partial Differential Equations. In Reihe: International Series of Numerical Mathematics, hrsg. v. Birkhäuser.
  • Kunisch, K.; Leugering, G.; Sprekels, J.; Tröltzsch, F. (Hrsg.) Control of Coupled Partial Differential Equations. In Reihe: International Series of Numerical Mathematics, hrsg. v. Birkhäuser.