List of Publications

Zhong, Q., Busetto, AG., Fededa, JP., Buhmann, JM., Gerlich, DW. (2012). Unsupervised modeling of cell morphology dynamics for time-lapse microscopy. Nat Methods. 9(7):711-3

Roudot, P., Legant, WR., Zou, Q (...) Betzig, E., Danuser, G. (2023). u-track3D: Measuring, navigating, and validating dense particle trajectories in three dimensions. Cell Rep Methods. :100655

Lacroix, B., van Dijk, J., Gold, ND (...) Gerlich, DW., Janke, C. (2010). Tubulin polyglutamylation stimulates spastin-mediated microtubule severing. J Cell Biol. 189(6):945-54

Patterson, GH., Hirschberg, K., Polishchuk, RS (...) Phair, RD., Lippincott-Schwartz, J. (2008). Transport through the Golgi apparatus by rapid partitioning within a two-phase membrane system. Cell. 133(6):1055-67

Samwer, M., Dehne, HJ., Spira, F (...) Urlaub, H., Görlich, D. (2013). The nuclear F-actin interactome of Xenopus oocytes reveals an actin-bundling kinesin that is essential for meiotic cytokinesis. EMBO J. 32(13):1886-902

Spicer, MFD., Gerlich, DW. (2023). The material properties of mitotic chromosomes. Curr Opin Struct Biol. 81:102617

Maerki, S., Olma, MH., Staubli, T (...) Sumara, I., Peter, M. (2009). The Cul3-KLHL21 E3 ubiquitin ligase targets aurora B to midzone microtubules in anaphase and is required for cytokinesis. J Cell Biol. 187(6):791-800

Turgay, Y., Champion, L., Balazs, C (...) Meraldi, P., Kutay, U. (2014). SUN proteins facilitate the removal of membranes from chromatin during nuclear envelope breakdown. J Cell Biol. 204(7):1099-109

Marhold, J., Zbylut, M., Lankenau, DH (...) Mechler, BM., Lyko, F. (2002). Stage-specific chromosomal association of Drosophila dMBD2/3 during genome activation. Chromosoma. 111(1):13-21

Tolić, IM., Gerlich, DW. (2019). Spindle mechanics and chromosome segregation. Mol Biol Cell. 30(6):735-736

Mitter, M., Takacs, Z., Köcher, T (...) Langer, CCH., Gerlich, DW. (2022). Sister chromatid-sensitive Hi-C to map the conformation of replicated genomes. Nat Protoc.

Ochs, F., Green, C., Szczurek, AT (...) Schermelleh, L., Nasmyth, KA. (2024). Sister chromatid cohesion is mediated by individual cohesin complexes. Science. 383(6687):1122-1130

Lukinavičius, G., Blaukopf, C., Pershagen, E (...) Wolfram Gerlich, D., Johnsson, K. (2015). SiR-Hoechst is a far-red DNA stain for live-cell nanoscopy. Nat Commun. 6:8497

Wurzenberger, C., Held, M., Lampson, MA (...) Hyman, AA., Gerlich, DW. (2012). Sds22 and Repo-Man stabilize chromosome segregation by counteracting Aurora B on anaphase kinetochores. J Cell Biol. 198(2):173-83

Sumara, I., Giménez-Abián, JF., Gerlich, D (...) Ellenberg, J., Peters, JM. (2004). Roles of polo-like kinase 1 in the assembly of functional mitotic spindles. Curr Biol. 14(19):1712-22

Piwko, W., Olma, MH., Held, M (...) Gerlich, DW., Peter, M. (2010). RNAi-based screening identifies the Mms22L-Nfkbil2 complex as a novel regulator of DNA replication in human cells. EMBO J. 29(24):4210-22

Giménez-Abián, JF., Sumara, I., Hirota, T (...) Ellenberg, J., Peters, JM. (2004). Regulation of sister chromatid cohesion between chromosome arms. Curr Biol. 14(13):1187-93

Gerlich, D., Mattes, J., Eils, R. (2003). Quantitative motion analysis and visualization of cellular structures. Methods. 29(1):3-13

Leung, AK., Gerlich, D., Miller, G (...) Ellenberg, J., Lamond, AI. (2004). Quantitative kinetic analysis of nucleolar breakdown and reassembly during mitosis in live human cells. J Cell Biol. 166(6):787-800

Eils, R., Gerlich, D., Tvaruskó, W., Spector, DL., Misteli, T. (2000). Quantitative imaging of pre-mRNA splicing factors in living cells. Mol Biol Cell. 11(2):413-8

S Pedersen, R., Karemore, G., Gudjonsson, T (...) Lukas, J., Lukas, C. (2016). Profiling DNA damage response following mitotic perturbations. Nat Commun. 7:13887

Sanz-Flores, M., Ruiz-Torres, M., Aguirre-Portolés, C (...) Álvarez-Fernández, M., Malumbres, M. (2024). PP2A-B55 phosphatase counteracts Ki-67-dependent chromosome individualization during mitosis. Cell Rep. 43(7):114494

Wurzenberger, C., Gerlich, DW. (2011). Phosphatases: providing safe passage through mitotic exit. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 12(8):469-82

Neumann, B., Walter, T., Hériché, JK (...) Pepperkok, R., Ellenberg, J. (2010). Phenotypic profiling of the human genome by time-lapse microscopy reveals cell division genes. Nature. 464(7289):721-7

Kukolj, E., Kaufmann, T., Dick, AE (...) Gerlich, DW., Slade, D. (2017). PARP inhibition causes premature loss of cohesion in cancer cells. Oncotarget. 8(61):103931-103951

Gibson, BA., Doolittle, LK., Schneider, MWG (...) Redding, S., Rosen, MK. (2019). Organization of Chromatin by Intrinsic and Regulated Phase Separation. Cell. 179(2):470-484.e21

Beaudouin, J., Gerlich, D., Daigle, N., Eils, R., Ellenberg, J. (2002). Nuclear envelope breakdown proceeds by microtubule-induced tearing of the lamina. Cell. 108(1):83-96

J. Mattes, J. Fieres, J. Beaudoin, D. Gerlich, J. Ellenberg, R. Eils (2001). New Tools for Visualization and Quantification in Dynamic Processes: Applicati to the Nuclear Envelope Dynamics during Mitosis Proceedings of MICCAI. :1323-1325

van der Waal, MS., Saurin, AT., Vromans, MJ (...) Kops, GJ., Lens, SM. (2012). Mps1 promotes rapid centromere accumulation of Aurora B. EMBO Rep. 13(9):847-54

Fededa, JP., Gerlich, DW. (2012). Molecular control of animal cell cytokinesis. Nat Cell Biol. 14(5):440-7

Bollen, M., Gerlich, DW., Lesage, B. (2009). Mitotic phosphatases: from entry guards to exit guides. Trends Cell Biol. 19(10):531-41

Chan, YW., Fava, LL., Uldschmid, A (...) Nigg, EA., Santamaria, A. (2009). Mitotic control of kinetochore-associated dynein and spindle orientation by human Spindly. J Cell Biol. 185(5):859-74

Batty, P., Gerlich, DW. (2019). Mitotic Chromosome Mechanics: How Cells Segregate Their Genome. Trends Cell Biol. 29(9):717-726

Fededa, JP., Esk, C., Mierzwa, B (...) Knoblich, JA., Gerlich, DW. (2016). MicroRNA-34/449 controls mitotic spindle orientation during mammalian cortex development. EMBO J. 35(22):2386-2398

Muratani, M., Gerlich, D., Janicki, SM (...) Eils, R., Spector, DL. (2002). Metabolic-energy-dependent movement of PML bodies within the mammalian cell nucleus. Nat Cell Biol. 4(2):106-10

Mora-Bermúdez, F., Gerlich, D., Ellenberg, J. (2007). Maximal chromosome compaction occurs by axial shortening in anaphase and depends on Aurora kinase. Nat Cell Biol. 9(7):822-31

Mitter, M., Gerlich, DW. (2021). Mapping Sister Chromatid Conformation in Replicated Chromosomes. Trends Biochem Sci. 46(2):169-170

Sommer, C., Gerlich, DW. (2013). Machine learning in cell biology - teaching computers to recognize phenotypes. J Cell Sci. 126(Pt 24):5529-39

Schmitz, MH., Held, M., Janssens, V (...) Peters, JM., Gerlich, DW. (2010). Live-cell imaging RNAi screen identifies PP2A-B55alpha and importin-beta1 as key mitotic exit regulators in human cells. Nat Cell Biol. 12(9):886-93

Gerlich, D., Koch, B., Dupeux, F., Peters, JM., Ellenberg, J. (2006). Live-cell imaging reveals a stable cohesin-chromatin interaction after but not before DNA replication. Curr Biol. 16(15):1571-8

Dechat, T., Gajewski, A., Korbei, B (...) Ellenberg, J., Foisner, R. (2004). LAP2alpha and BAF transiently localize to telomeres and specific regions on chromatin during nuclear assembly. J Cell Sci. 117(Pt 25):6117-28

Dick, AE., Gerlich, DW. (2013). Kinetic framework of spindle assembly checkpoint signalling. Nat Cell Biol. 15(11):1370-7

Cuylen, S., Blaukopf, C., Politi, AZ (...) Hyman, AA., Gerlich, DW. (2016). Ki-67 acts as a biological surfactant to disperse mitotic chromosomes. Nature. 535(7611):308-12

Gibson, BA., Blaukopf, C., Lou, T (...) Gerlich, DW., Rosen, MK. (2023). In diverse conditions, intrinsic chromatin condensates have liquid-like material properties. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 120(18):e2218085120

Bubulya, PA., Prasanth, KV., Deerinck, TJ (...) Ellenberg, J., Spector, DL. (2004). Hypophosphorylated SR splicing factors transiently localize around active nucleolar organizing regions in telophase daughter nuclei. J Cell Biol. 167(1):51-63

Langer, CCH., Mitter, M., Stocsits, RR., Gerlich, DW. (2023). HiCognition: a visual exploration and hypothesis testing tool for 3D genomics. Genome Biol. 24(1):158

Gerlich, D., Beaudouin, J., Kalbfuss, B (...) Eils, R., Ellenberg, J. (2003). Global chromosome positions are transmitted through mitosis in mammalian cells. Cell. 112(6):751-64

Gerlich, D., Beaudouin, J., Gebhard, M., Ellenberg, J., Eils, R. (2001). Four-dimensional imaging and quantitative reconstruction to analyse complex spatiotemporal processes in live cells. Nat Cell Biol. 3(9):852-5

Lukinavičius, G., Reymond, L., D'Este, E (...) Hell, SW., Johnsson, K. (2014). Fluorogenic probes for live-cell imaging of the cytoskeleton. Nat Methods. 11(7):731-3

Lekomtsev, S., Guizetti, J., Pozniakovsky, A., Gerlich, DW., Petronczki, M. (2010). Evidence that the tumor-suppressor protein BRCA2 does not regulate cytokinesis in human cells. J Cell Sci. 123(Pt 9):1395-400

Earnshaw, WC., Allshire, RC., Black, BE (...) Yoda, K., Cleveland, DW. (2013). Esperanto for histones: CENP-A, not CenH3, is the centromeric histone H3 variant. Chromosome Res. 21(2):101-6

Guizetti, J., Gerlich, DW. (2012). ESCRT-III polymers in membrane neck constriction. Trends Cell Biol. 22(3):133-40

Leuzinger, S., Hirth, F., Gerlich, D (...) Furukubo-Tokunaga, K., Reichert, H. (1998). Equivalence of the fly orthodenticle gene and the human OTX genes in embryonic brain development of Drosophila. Development. 125(9):1703-10

Rudolph, D., Impagnatiello, MA., Blaukopf, C (...) Adolf, GR., Kraut, N. (2015). Efficacy and mechanism of action of volasertib, a potent and selective inhibitor of Polo-like kinases, in preclinical models of acute myeloid leukemia. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 352(3):579-89

Skok, J., Gerlich, DW. (2021). Editorial: From chromatin to dynamic loops and liquid-like phases: New views on the cell nucleus. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 70:iii-v

Stanyte, R., Nuebler, J., Blaukopf, C (...) Peters, JM., Gerlich, DW. (2018). Dynamics of sister chromatid resolution during cell cycle progression. J Cell Biol. 217(6):1985-2004

Gerlich, D., Ellenberg, J. (2003). Dynamics of chromosome positioning during the cell cycle. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 15(6):664-71

Mierzwa, BE., Chiaruttini, N., Redondo-Morata, L (...) Roux, A., Gerlich, DW. (2017). Dynamic subunit turnover in ESCRT-III assemblies is regulated by Vps4 to mediate membrane remodelling during cytokinesis. Nat Cell Biol. 19(7):787-798

Samwer, M., Schneider, MWG., Hoefler, R (...) Zuber, J., Gerlich, DW. (2017). DNA Cross-Bridging Shapes a Single Nucleus from a Set of Mitotic Chromosomes. Cell. 170(5):956-972.e23

Hirota, T., Gerlich, D., Koch, B., Ellenberg, J., Peters, JM. (2004). Distinct functions of condensin I and II in mitotic chromosome assembly. J Cell Sci. 117(Pt 26):6435-45

Mierzwa, B., Gerlich, DW. (2014). Cytokinetic abscission: molecular mechanisms and temporal control. Dev Cell. 31(5):525-38

Steigemann, P., Gerlich, DW. (2009). Cytokinetic abscission: cellular dynamics at the midbody. Trends Cell Biol. 19(11):606-16

Guizetti, J., Gerlich, DW. (2010). Cytokinetic abscission in animal cells. Semin Cell Dev Biol. 21(9):909-16

Spira, F., Cuylen-Haering, S., Mehta, S (...) Sixt, M., Gerlich, DW. (2017). Cytokinesis in vertebrate cells initiates by contraction of an equatorial actomyosin network composed of randomly oriented filaments. Elife. 6

Guizetti, J., Schermelleh, L., Mäntler, J (...) Müller-Reichert, T., Gerlich, DW. (2011). Cortical constriction during abscission involves helices of ESCRT-III-dependent filaments. Science. 331(6024):1616-20

Guizetti, J., Mäntler, J., Müller-Reichert, T., Gerlich, DW. (2010). Correlative time-lapse imaging and electron microscopy to study abscission in HeLa cells. Methods Cell Biol. 96:591-601

Mitter, M., Gasser, C., Takacs, Z (...) Micura, R., Gerlich, DW. (2020). Conformation of sister chromatids in the replicated human genome. Nature. 586(7827):139-144

Gerlich, D., Hirota, T., Koch, B., Peters, JM., Ellenberg, J. (2006). Condensin I stabilizes chromosomes mechanically through a dynamic interaction in live cells. Curr Biol. 16(4):333-44

Batty, P., Langer, CC., Takács, Z (...) Peters, JM., Gerlich, DW. (2023). Cohesin-mediated DNA loop extrusion resolves sister chromatids in G2 phase. EMBO J. :e113475

Nagasaka, K., Davidson, IF., Stocsits, RR (...) Gerlich, DW., Peters, JM. (2023). Cohesin mediates DNA loop extrusion and sister chromatid cohesion by distinct mechanisms. Mol Cell.

Nagasaka, K., Davidson, I.F., Stocsits, R (...) Schleiffer, A., Gerlich, D. and Peters, J.-M. (2022). Cohesin mediates DNA loop extrusion and sister chromatid cohesion by distinct mechanisms bioRxiv. 2022.09.23.509019

Gentili, C., Castor, D., Kaden, S (...) Jiricny, J., Ferrari, S. (2015). Chromosome Missegregation Associated with RUVBL1 Deficiency. PLoS One. 10(7):e0133576

Cuylen-Haering, S., Petrovic, M., Hernandez-Armendariz, A (...) Holt, LJ., Gerlich, DW. (2020). Chromosome clustering by Ki-67 excludes cytoplasm during nuclear assembly. Nature. 587(7833):285-290

Sommer, C., Held, M., Fischer, B., Huber, W., Gerlich, DW. (2013). CellH5: a format for data exchange in high-content screening. Bioinformatics. 29(12):1580-2

Held, M., Schmitz, MH., Fischer, B (...) Ellenberg, J., Gerlich, DW. (2010). CellCognition: time-resolved phenotype annotation in high-throughput live cell imaging. Nat Methods. 7(9):747-54

Gerlich, DW. (2017). Cell organization by liquid phase separation. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 18(10):593

Vázquez-Novelle, MD., Sansregret, L., Dick, AE (...) Gerlich, DW., Petronczki, M. (2014). Cdk1 inactivation terminates mitotic checkpoint surveillance and stabilizes kinetochore attachments in anaphase. Curr Biol. 24(6):638-45

Dobrynin, G., Popp, O., Romer, T (...) Gerlich, DW., Meyer, H. (2011). Cdc48/p97-Ufd1-Npl4 antagonizes Aurora B during chromosome segregation in HeLa cells. J Cell Sci. 124(Pt 9):1571-80

Conrad, C., Gerlich, DW. (2010). Automated microscopy for high-content RNAi screening. J Cell Biol. 188(4):453-61

Schmitz, MH., Gerlich, DW. (2009). Automated live microscopy to study mitotic gene function in fluorescent reporter cell lines. Methods Mol Biol. 545:113-34

Steigemann, P., Wurzenberger, C., Schmitz, MH (...) Maar, S., Gerlich, DW. (2009). Aurora B-mediated abscission checkpoint protects against tetraploidization. Cell. 136(3):473-84

Uehara, R., Tsukada, Y., Kamasaki, T (...) Gerlich, DW., Goshima, G. (2013). Aurora B and Kif2A control microtubule length for assembly of a functional central spindle during anaphase. J Cell Biol. 202(4):623-36

Uehara, R., Kamasaki, T., Hiruma, S (...) Gerlich, DW., Goshima, G. (2016). Augmin shapes the anaphase spindle for efficient cytokinetic furrow ingression and abscission. Mol Biol Cell. 27(5):812-27

David, AF., Roudot, P., Legant, WR (...) Danuser, G., Gerlich, DW. (2019). Augmin accumulation on long-lived microtubules drives amplification and kinetochore-directed growth. J Cell Biol. 218(7):2150-2168

Neurohr, G., Gerlich, DW. (2009). Assays for mitotic chromosome condensation in live yeast and mammalian cells. Chromosome Res. 17(2):145-54

Rustom, A., Gerlich, D., Rudolf, R (...) Eils, R., Gerdes, HH. (2000). Analysis of fast dynamic processes in living cells: high-resolution and high-speed dual-color imaging combined with automated image analysis. Biotechniques. 28(4):722-8, 730

Steigemann, P., Gerlich, DW. (2009). An evolutionary conserved checkpoint controls abscission timing. Cell Cycle. 8(12):1814-5

Schneider, MWG., Gibson, BA., Otsuka, S (...) Rosen, MK., Gerlich, DW. (2022). A mitotic chromatin phase transition prevents perforation by microtubules. Nature.

Sommer, C., Hoefler, R., Samwer, M., Gerlich, DW. (2017). A deep learning and novelty detection framework for rapid phenotyping in high-content screening. Mol Biol Cell. 28(23):3428-3436

Samwer, M., Gerlich, DW. (2018). A core problem in nuclear assembly. Nature. 561(7724):467-468

Gerlich, D., Ellenberg, J. (2003). 4D imaging to assay complex dynamics in live specimens. Nat Cell Biol. Suppl:S14-9