Code of Conduct
All IMBA staff are obliged to comply with the Code of Conduct developed jointly with the Institute for Molecular Pathology (IMP). This set of guidelines provides a framework for maintaining a professional, fair, and welcoming work culture. You can download the Code of Conduct below.
Anti-Discrimination Policy
IMBA has established a zero-tolerance policy against any type of discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment and bullying. The institute has designated ombudspersons to provide confidential and informal support to any employee who feels the need to share their experience. You can download the Anti-Discrimination Policy below.
IMBA encourages people who witness potential non-compliance with our policies to report this to the relevant unit head, the HR department, or any other manager responsible for the function where the offending action or behavior occurred. The institute also has a designated whistleblower officer that acts as a reference point for all reports.
For witnesses who want to report potential non-compliance, but are uncomfortable contacting these persons, or if attempts to raise concerns have not yielded results, IMBA provides BKMS® Incident Reporting, a third-party whistleblower web portal that ensures complete confidentiality regardless of whether reports are named or anonymous.
IMBA whistleblower tooL (EN) IMBA whistleblower tooL (DE)
Mental fitness and wellbeing

IMBA participates in the Mind Matters initiative of the Vienna BioCenter, which aims to help its employees maintain a healthy mind and ease pressure in straining periods. The initiative offers free and anonymous counselling through an external service. IMBA also offers in-house coaching to support personal development, a service that is free for staff members. All IMBA newcomers receive detailed information about these services on our Welcome Day.
In addition, the Mind Matters initiative includes several events, at which experts in the field of mental health provide advice on topics such as mindfulness, improving well-being in research, boundary management and general mental health.
Equity, diversity, and inclusion
IMBA pledges to create and maintain a secure, efficient, and inclusive workplace environment, ensuring all employees can succeed. This commitment extends to ensuring fair access to professional development, support, and equitable representation in leadership and decision-making roles.
Together with our partner organizations Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP) and the Gregor Mendel Institute (GMI) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, IMBA established an action-based Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) plan. The plan aims to bring equity, diversity, and inclusion to the foreground, fostering an environment in which each individual or group feels supported, respected, and valued. For each of the three institutes, an appointed EDI officer serves to promote and implement the goals of the EDI action plan. The EDI plan can be downloaded below.
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Plan
IMBA supports the activities of the volunteer Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) group on campus. The EDI group is comprised of volunteers from IMBA, IMP, GMI and Max Perutz Labs. The EDI group organizes events such as seminars and social activities but also advocates for a work environment that is more inclusive of underrepresented groups. The group can be contacted by email at edi(at)
The EDI group has supported the implementation of several initiatives to support gender equality and sexual inclusion. Together with the Austrian Academy of Sciences, IMBA has established a Women’s Promotion Plan that aims to raise the number of women in fields and bodies in which they are underrepresented, both scientific and non-scientific. The plan includes changes in recruiting practices and personnel development and can be downloaded here:
In addition, IMBA participates in outreach events like Töchtertag (Daughter's Day) that highlight women in science and aim to interest young women in research.
In 2024, the EDI group and Science Meets Art organized “Women Groundbreakers”, a 4-day art exhibition with paintings by Anya Vero that highlighted groundbreaking women and involved scientific presentations by scientists in the various institutes.
IMBA is committed to supporting the careers of its female employees regardless of their familial situations. To facilitate the balance between work and family life, IMBA provides support for pregnant employees, including a designated technician for experimental work and a private nursing room. Additionally, the Vienna BioCenter offers its own day-care center for kids from 3 months of age.
To foster equality and sexual inclusion, IMBA has established gender-free toilets on every floor, and provides free hygiene products.
Mentoring and leadership
IMBA acknowledges the importance of mentoring and leadership in shaping the scientists of the future. The institute cultivates a healthy work environment where all employees can develop and succeed. For this, open leadership courses are offered. Together with the other institutes at the Vienna Biocenter, IMBA designed a comprehensive program to provide our team leaders with inspiration, support, and tools to continuously improve in their role. This program brings on board research group leaders, administrative, support, and facility leaders to ensure appreciation is built with common goals in mind. The program is designed to create community and mentorship amongst leaders on campus, thereby contributing to a positive and productive work environment. You can find more information about the leadership program here:
Vienna Biocenter Leadership Program
Welcome Office
The Vienna BioCenter Association has set up an on-Campus Welcome Office dedicated to support new international employees. The Welcome Office provides support and information on arrival, visa & residence permits, housing, health & mobility as well as life in Vienna in general. The Welcome Office Website offers relevant information to support the transition to a new country and culture:
The Welcome Office can also be reached via email:
Euraxess Membership

In 2015, IMBA joined the Euraxess network, an initiative to enhance researchers’ careers and mobility in Europe. The aim of Euraxess is to support researchers and their families with dedicated service centres that provide personalised assistance and information on job opportunities, mobility services, visa and residence regulations, as well as social security issues and taxation.
The Euraxess membership involves the implementation of the “European Charter for Researchers” and the “Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers”. In line with these two documents, IMBA has expressed its commitment to the following principles:
IMBA as an employer is committed to prevent any discriminatory acts against individual staff members based on age, origin or gender.
As far as recruiting is concerned, IMBA supports a commitment towards a balanced ratio between male and female staff members.