List of Publications

Sommer, C., Held, M., Fischer, B., Huber, W., Gerlich, DW. (2013). CellH5: a format for data exchange in high-content screening. Bioinformatics. 29(12):1580-2

Nagasaka, K., Davidson, I.F., Stocsits, R (...) Schleiffer, A., Gerlich, D. and Peters, J.-M. (2022). Cohesin mediates DNA loop extrusion and sister chromatid cohesion by distinct mechanisms bioRxiv. 2022.09.23.509019

Rustom, A., Gerlich, D., Rudolf, R (...) Eils, R., Gerdes, HH. (2000). Analysis of fast dynamic processes in living cells: high-resolution and high-speed dual-color imaging combined with automated image analysis. Biotechniques. 28(4):722-8, 730

Gibson, BA., Doolittle, LK., Schneider, MWG (...) Redding, S., Rosen, MK. (2019). Organization of Chromatin by Intrinsic and Regulated Phase Separation. Cell. 179(2):470-484.e21

Samwer, M., Schneider, MWG., Hoefler, R (...) Zuber, J., Gerlich, DW. (2017). DNA Cross-Bridging Shapes a Single Nucleus from a Set of Mitotic Chromosomes. Cell. 170(5):956-972.e23

Gerlich, D., Beaudouin, J., Kalbfuss, B (...) Eils, R., Ellenberg, J. (2003). Global chromosome positions are transmitted through mitosis in mammalian cells. Cell. 112(6):751-64

Steigemann, P., Wurzenberger, C., Schmitz, MH (...) Maar, S., Gerlich, DW. (2009). Aurora B-mediated abscission checkpoint protects against tetraploidization. Cell. 136(3):473-84

Patterson, GH., Hirschberg, K., Polishchuk, RS (...) Phair, RD., Lippincott-Schwartz, J. (2008). Transport through the Golgi apparatus by rapid partitioning within a two-phase membrane system. Cell. 133(6):1055-67

Beaudouin, J., Gerlich, D., Daigle, N., Eils, R., Ellenberg, J. (2002). Nuclear envelope breakdown proceeds by microtubule-induced tearing of the lamina. Cell. 108(1):83-96

Steigemann, P., Gerlich, DW. (2009). An evolutionary conserved checkpoint controls abscission timing. Cell Cycle. 8(12):1814-5

Sanz-Flores, M., Ruiz-Torres, M., Aguirre-Portolés, C (...) Álvarez-Fernández, M., Malumbres, M. (2024). PP2A-B55 phosphatase counteracts Ki-67-dependent chromosome individualization during mitosis. Cell Rep. 43(7):114494

Roudot, P., Legant, WR., Zou, Q (...) Betzig, E., Danuser, G. (2023). u-track3D: Measuring, navigating, and validating dense particle trajectories in three dimensions. Cell Rep Methods. :100655

Marhold, J., Zbylut, M., Lankenau, DH (...) Mechler, BM., Lyko, F. (2002). Stage-specific chromosomal association of Drosophila dMBD2/3 during genome activation. Chromosoma. 111(1):13-21

Neurohr, G., Gerlich, DW. (2009). Assays for mitotic chromosome condensation in live yeast and mammalian cells. Chromosome Res. 17(2):145-54

Earnshaw, WC., Allshire, RC., Black, BE (...) Yoda, K., Cleveland, DW. (2013). Esperanto for histones: CENP-A, not CenH3, is the centromeric histone H3 variant. Chromosome Res. 21(2):101-6

Gerlich, D., Hirota, T., Koch, B., Peters, JM., Ellenberg, J. (2006). Condensin I stabilizes chromosomes mechanically through a dynamic interaction in live cells. Curr Biol. 16(4):333-44

Sumara, I., Giménez-Abián, JF., Gerlich, D (...) Ellenberg, J., Peters, JM. (2004). Roles of polo-like kinase 1 in the assembly of functional mitotic spindles. Curr Biol. 14(19):1712-22

Gerlich, D., Koch, B., Dupeux, F., Peters, JM., Ellenberg, J. (2006). Live-cell imaging reveals a stable cohesin-chromatin interaction after but not before DNA replication. Curr Biol. 16(15):1571-8

Vázquez-Novelle, MD., Sansregret, L., Dick, AE (...) Gerlich, DW., Petronczki, M. (2014). Cdk1 inactivation terminates mitotic checkpoint surveillance and stabilizes kinetochore attachments in anaphase. Curr Biol. 24(6):638-45

Giménez-Abián, JF., Sumara, I., Hirota, T (...) Ellenberg, J., Peters, JM. (2004). Regulation of sister chromatid cohesion between chromosome arms. Curr Biol. 14(13):1187-93

Gerlich, D., Ellenberg, J. (2003). Dynamics of chromosome positioning during the cell cycle. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 15(6):664-71

Skok, J., Gerlich, DW. (2021). Editorial: From chromatin to dynamic loops and liquid-like phases: New views on the cell nucleus. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 70:iii-v

Spicer, MFD., Gerlich, DW. (2023). The material properties of mitotic chromosomes. Curr Opin Struct Biol. 81:102617

Mierzwa, B., Gerlich, DW. (2014). Cytokinetic abscission: molecular mechanisms and temporal control. Dev Cell. 31(5):525-38

Leuzinger, S., Hirth, F., Gerlich, D (...) Furukubo-Tokunaga, K., Reichert, H. (1998). Equivalence of the fly orthodenticle gene and the human OTX genes in embryonic brain development of Drosophila. Development. 125(9):1703-10

Spira, F., Cuylen-Haering, S., Mehta, S (...) Sixt, M., Gerlich, DW. (2017). Cytokinesis in vertebrate cells initiates by contraction of an equatorial actomyosin network composed of randomly oriented filaments. Elife. 6

Fededa, JP., Esk, C., Mierzwa, B (...) Knoblich, JA., Gerlich, DW. (2016). MicroRNA-34/449 controls mitotic spindle orientation during mammalian cortex development. EMBO J. 35(22):2386-2398

Samwer, M., Dehne, HJ., Spira, F (...) Urlaub, H., Görlich, D. (2013). The nuclear F-actin interactome of Xenopus oocytes reveals an actin-bundling kinesin that is essential for meiotic cytokinesis. EMBO J. 32(13):1886-902

Piwko, W., Olma, MH., Held, M (...) Gerlich, DW., Peter, M. (2010). RNAi-based screening identifies the Mms22L-Nfkbil2 complex as a novel regulator of DNA replication in human cells. EMBO J. 29(24):4210-22

Batty, P., Langer, CC., Takács, Z (...) Peters, JM., Gerlich, DW. (2023). Cohesin-mediated DNA loop extrusion resolves sister chromatids in G2 phase. EMBO J. :e113475

van der Waal, MS., Saurin, AT., Vromans, MJ (...) Kops, GJ., Lens, SM. (2012). Mps1 promotes rapid centromere accumulation of Aurora B. EMBO Rep. 13(9):847-54

Langer, CCH., Mitter, M., Stocsits, RR., Gerlich, DW. (2023). HiCognition: a visual exploration and hypothesis testing tool for 3D genomics. Genome Biol. 24(1):158

Bubulya, PA., Prasanth, KV., Deerinck, TJ (...) Ellenberg, J., Spector, DL. (2004). Hypophosphorylated SR splicing factors transiently localize around active nucleolar organizing regions in telophase daughter nuclei. J Cell Biol. 167(1):51-63

David, AF., Roudot, P., Legant, WR (...) Danuser, G., Gerlich, DW. (2019). Augmin accumulation on long-lived microtubules drives amplification and kinetochore-directed growth. J Cell Biol. 218(7):2150-2168

Stanyte, R., Nuebler, J., Blaukopf, C (...) Peters, JM., Gerlich, DW. (2018). Dynamics of sister chromatid resolution during cell cycle progression. J Cell Biol. 217(6):1985-2004

Wurzenberger, C., Held, M., Lampson, MA (...) Hyman, AA., Gerlich, DW. (2012). Sds22 and Repo-Man stabilize chromosome segregation by counteracting Aurora B on anaphase kinetochores. J Cell Biol. 198(2):173-83

Maerki, S., Olma, MH., Staubli, T (...) Sumara, I., Peter, M. (2009). The Cul3-KLHL21 E3 ubiquitin ligase targets aurora B to midzone microtubules in anaphase and is required for cytokinesis. J Cell Biol. 187(6):791-800

Conrad, C., Gerlich, DW. (2010). Automated microscopy for high-content RNAi screening. J Cell Biol. 188(4):453-61

Lacroix, B., van Dijk, J., Gold, ND (...) Gerlich, DW., Janke, C. (2010). Tubulin polyglutamylation stimulates spastin-mediated microtubule severing. J Cell Biol. 189(6):945-54

Leung, AK., Gerlich, D., Miller, G (...) Ellenberg, J., Lamond, AI. (2004). Quantitative kinetic analysis of nucleolar breakdown and reassembly during mitosis in live human cells. J Cell Biol. 166(6):787-800

Chan, YW., Fava, LL., Uldschmid, A (...) Nigg, EA., Santamaria, A. (2009). Mitotic control of kinetochore-associated dynein and spindle orientation by human Spindly. J Cell Biol. 185(5):859-74

Uehara, R., Tsukada, Y., Kamasaki, T (...) Gerlich, DW., Goshima, G. (2013). Aurora B and Kif2A control microtubule length for assembly of a functional central spindle during anaphase. J Cell Biol. 202(4):623-36

Turgay, Y., Champion, L., Balazs, C (...) Meraldi, P., Kutay, U. (2014). SUN proteins facilitate the removal of membranes from chromatin during nuclear envelope breakdown. J Cell Biol. 204(7):1099-109

Lekomtsev, S., Guizetti, J., Pozniakovsky, A., Gerlich, DW., Petronczki, M. (2010). Evidence that the tumor-suppressor protein BRCA2 does not regulate cytokinesis in human cells. J Cell Sci. 123(Pt 9):1395-400

Dobrynin, G., Popp, O., Romer, T (...) Gerlich, DW., Meyer, H. (2011). Cdc48/p97-Ufd1-Npl4 antagonizes Aurora B during chromosome segregation in HeLa cells. J Cell Sci. 124(Pt 9):1571-80

Dechat, T., Gajewski, A., Korbei, B (...) Ellenberg, J., Foisner, R. (2004). LAP2alpha and BAF transiently localize to telomeres and specific regions on chromatin during nuclear assembly. J Cell Sci. 117(Pt 25):6117-28

Sommer, C., Gerlich, DW. (2013). Machine learning in cell biology - teaching computers to recognize phenotypes. J Cell Sci. 126(Pt 24):5529-39

Hirota, T., Gerlich, D., Koch, B., Ellenberg, J., Peters, JM. (2004). Distinct functions of condensin I and II in mitotic chromosome assembly. J Cell Sci. 117(Pt 26):6435-45

Rudolph, D., Impagnatiello, MA., Blaukopf, C (...) Adolf, GR., Kraut, N. (2015). Efficacy and mechanism of action of volasertib, a potent and selective inhibitor of Polo-like kinases, in preclinical models of acute myeloid leukemia. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 352(3):579-89

Gerlich, D., Mattes, J., Eils, R. (2003). Quantitative motion analysis and visualization of cellular structures. Methods. 29(1):3-13

Guizetti, J., Mäntler, J., Müller-Reichert, T., Gerlich, DW. (2010). Correlative time-lapse imaging and electron microscopy to study abscission in HeLa cells. Methods Cell Biol. 96:591-601

Schmitz, MH., Gerlich, DW. (2009). Automated live microscopy to study mitotic gene function in fluorescent reporter cell lines. Methods Mol Biol. 545:113-34

Sommer, C., Hoefler, R., Samwer, M., Gerlich, DW. (2017). A deep learning and novelty detection framework for rapid phenotyping in high-content screening. Mol Biol Cell. 28(23):3428-3436

Uehara, R., Kamasaki, T., Hiruma, S (...) Gerlich, DW., Goshima, G. (2016). Augmin shapes the anaphase spindle for efficient cytokinetic furrow ingression and abscission. Mol Biol Cell. 27(5):812-27

Tolić, IM., Gerlich, DW. (2019). Spindle mechanics and chromosome segregation. Mol Biol Cell. 30(6):735-736

Eils, R., Gerlich, D., Tvaruskó, W., Spector, DL., Misteli, T. (2000). Quantitative imaging of pre-mRNA splicing factors in living cells. Mol Biol Cell. 11(2):413-8

Nagasaka, K., Davidson, IF., Stocsits, RR (...) Gerlich, DW., Peters, JM. (2023). Cohesin mediates DNA loop extrusion and sister chromatid cohesion by distinct mechanisms. Mol Cell.

Mierzwa, BE., Chiaruttini, N., Redondo-Morata, L (...) Roux, A., Gerlich, DW. (2017). Dynamic subunit turnover in ESCRT-III assemblies is regulated by Vps4 to mediate membrane remodelling during cytokinesis. Nat Cell Biol. 19(7):787-798

Dick, AE., Gerlich, DW. (2013). Kinetic framework of spindle assembly checkpoint signalling. Nat Cell Biol. 15(11):1370-7

Fededa, JP., Gerlich, DW. (2012). Molecular control of animal cell cytokinesis. Nat Cell Biol. 14(5):440-7

Schmitz, MH., Held, M., Janssens, V (...) Peters, JM., Gerlich, DW. (2010). Live-cell imaging RNAi screen identifies PP2A-B55alpha and importin-beta1 as key mitotic exit regulators in human cells. Nat Cell Biol. 12(9):886-93

Gerlich, D., Beaudouin, J., Gebhard, M., Ellenberg, J., Eils, R. (2001). Four-dimensional imaging and quantitative reconstruction to analyse complex spatiotemporal processes in live cells. Nat Cell Biol. 3(9):852-5

Muratani, M., Gerlich, D., Janicki, SM (...) Eils, R., Spector, DL. (2002). Metabolic-energy-dependent movement of PML bodies within the mammalian cell nucleus. Nat Cell Biol. 4(2):106-10

Gerlich, D., Ellenberg, J. (2003). 4D imaging to assay complex dynamics in live specimens. Nat Cell Biol. Suppl:S14-9

Mora-Bermúdez, F., Gerlich, D., Ellenberg, J. (2007). Maximal chromosome compaction occurs by axial shortening in anaphase and depends on Aurora kinase. Nat Cell Biol. 9(7):822-31

Lukinavičius, G., Blaukopf, C., Pershagen, E (...) Wolfram Gerlich, D., Johnsson, K. (2015). SiR-Hoechst is a far-red DNA stain for live-cell nanoscopy. Nat Commun. 6:8497

S Pedersen, R., Karemore, G., Gudjonsson, T (...) Lukas, J., Lukas, C. (2016). Profiling DNA damage response following mitotic perturbations. Nat Commun. 7:13887

Held, M., Schmitz, MH., Fischer, B (...) Ellenberg, J., Gerlich, DW. (2010). CellCognition: time-resolved phenotype annotation in high-throughput live cell imaging. Nat Methods. 7(9):747-54

Lukinavičius, G., Reymond, L., D'Este, E (...) Hell, SW., Johnsson, K. (2014). Fluorogenic probes for live-cell imaging of the cytoskeleton. Nat Methods. 11(7):731-3

Zhong, Q., Busetto, AG., Fededa, JP., Buhmann, JM., Gerlich, DW. (2012). Unsupervised modeling of cell morphology dynamics for time-lapse microscopy. Nat Methods. 9(7):711-3

Mitter, M., Takacs, Z., Köcher, T (...) Langer, CCH., Gerlich, DW. (2022). Sister chromatid-sensitive Hi-C to map the conformation of replicated genomes. Nat Protoc.

Wurzenberger, C., Gerlich, DW. (2011). Phosphatases: providing safe passage through mitotic exit. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 12(8):469-82

Gerlich, DW. (2017). Cell organization by liquid phase separation. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 18(10):593

Cuylen, S., Blaukopf, C., Politi, AZ (...) Hyman, AA., Gerlich, DW. (2016). Ki-67 acts as a biological surfactant to disperse mitotic chromosomes. Nature. 535(7611):308-12

Samwer, M., Gerlich, DW. (2018). A core problem in nuclear assembly. Nature. 561(7724):467-468

Mitter, M., Gasser, C., Takacs, Z (...) Micura, R., Gerlich, DW. (2020). Conformation of sister chromatids in the replicated human genome. Nature. 586(7827):139-144

Cuylen-Haering, S., Petrovic, M., Hernandez-Armendariz, A (...) Holt, LJ., Gerlich, DW. (2020). Chromosome clustering by Ki-67 excludes cytoplasm during nuclear assembly. Nature. 587(7833):285-290

Schneider, MWG., Gibson, BA., Otsuka, S (...) Rosen, MK., Gerlich, DW. (2022). A mitotic chromatin phase transition prevents perforation by microtubules. Nature.

Neumann, B., Walter, T., Hériché, JK (...) Pepperkok, R., Ellenberg, J. (2010). Phenotypic profiling of the human genome by time-lapse microscopy reveals cell division genes. Nature. 464(7289):721-7

Kukolj, E., Kaufmann, T., Dick, AE (...) Gerlich, DW., Slade, D. (2017). PARP inhibition causes premature loss of cohesion in cancer cells. Oncotarget. 8(61):103931-103951

Gentili, C., Castor, D., Kaden, S (...) Jiricny, J., Ferrari, S. (2015). Chromosome Missegregation Associated with RUVBL1 Deficiency. PLoS One. 10(7):e0133576

Gibson, BA., Blaukopf, C., Lou, T (...) Gerlich, DW., Rosen, MK. (2023). In diverse conditions, intrinsic chromatin condensates have liquid-like material properties. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 120(18):e2218085120

J. Mattes, J. Fieres, J. Beaudoin, D. Gerlich, J. Ellenberg, R. Eils (2001). New Tools for Visualization and Quantification in Dynamic Processes: Applicati to the Nuclear Envelope Dynamics during Mitosis Proceedings of MICCAI. :1323-1325

Guizetti, J., Schermelleh, L., Mäntler, J (...) Müller-Reichert, T., Gerlich, DW. (2011). Cortical constriction during abscission involves helices of ESCRT-III-dependent filaments. Science. 331(6024):1616-20

Ochs, F., Green, C., Szczurek, AT (...) Schermelleh, L., Nasmyth, KA. (2024). Sister chromatid cohesion is mediated by individual cohesin complexes. Science. 383(6687):1122-1130

Guizetti, J., Gerlich, DW. (2010). Cytokinetic abscission in animal cells. Semin Cell Dev Biol. 21(9):909-16

Mitter, M., Gerlich, DW. (2021). Mapping Sister Chromatid Conformation in Replicated Chromosomes. Trends Biochem Sci. 46(2):169-170

Batty, P., Gerlich, DW. (2019). Mitotic Chromosome Mechanics: How Cells Segregate Their Genome. Trends Cell Biol. 29(9):717-726

Steigemann, P., Gerlich, DW. (2009). Cytokinetic abscission: cellular dynamics at the midbody. Trends Cell Biol. 19(11):606-16

Guizetti, J., Gerlich, DW. (2012). ESCRT-III polymers in membrane neck constriction. Trends Cell Biol. 22(3):133-40

Bollen, M., Gerlich, DW., Lesage, B. (2009). Mitotic phosphatases: from entry guards to exit guides. Trends Cell Biol. 19(10):531-41