Wed, 12.10.2022 9:15

»Vorsorge, Verbote und Sanktionen«

Conference | Hamburg

Funerary inscription of Ti. Claudius Eutychos, Ephesus ©The Trustees of the British Museum
»Vorsorge, Verbote und Sanktionen. Grabschutz in der griechisch-römischen Antike im Spiegel der epigraphischen Quellen«


One of the most striking features characterizing the epigraphic culture of the Greek East is the plentitude of funerary inscriptions. Their spectrum ranges from brief epitaphs only revealing the name of the deceased to texts displaying comprehensive provisions geared towards the future, with their memorial content clearly receding behind efforts of regulating the use of the monument.

This latter type is prominently attested in Asia Minor, with several thousand examples dating to the Hellenistic and Imperial periods; numerous examples are furthermore known from Macedonia, the lower Danube regions, as well as Rome and the Italic peninsula. On the one hand, the regulations given in these texts show considerable similarities, e.g. when seeking to keep unauthorized persons from using the tomb. On the other hand, local particularities can be observed regarding the chosen formulae, the selection of the specific prohibitions, the details of the sanctions imposed and the recipients of the fines. Recent scholarship has seen a rising interest in this particular set of evidence. It is, thus, the intention of the conference to equally map the traditions and the diversity of this peculiar epigraphic phenomenon as well as to further our understanding of the underlying legal and social frameworks.

Speakers: Ulrike Babusiaux (Zurich), Christer Bruun (Toronto), Francesco Guizzi (Rome), Dragoş Halmagi (Bucarest), Kaja Harter-Uibopuu (Hamburg), Dennis Hoffmann (Frankfurt a. Main), Marietta Horster (Mainz), Selen Kılıç Aslan (Munich), Kallia Lempidaki (Athens), Andrew Lepke (Münster), Krešimir Matijević (Flensburg), Michela Nocita (Rome), Lyuba Radulova (Sofia), Tullia Ritti (Rome), Clément Sarrazanas (Amiens), Mustafa Sayar (Istanbul), Veronika Scheibelreiter-Gail (Vienna), Gerhard Thür (Vienna), Karin Wiedergut (Vienna), Klaus Zimmermann (Münster)

The conference will be held at the »Gästehaus« of the Hamburg university. The keynote by Tullia Ritti on Wednesday, 12 October, 6:30 pm will be given via Zoom, the link is embedded in the programme.



12-14 October 2022, 9.15 

Gästehaus, University of Hamburg
Rothenbaumchaussee 34
20148 Hamburg
(in presence; Keynote online)

University of Hamburg

Kaja Harter-Uibopuu
Karin Wiedergut

