Born 1968 in Salzburg, Mag. Dr. Phil.
Studies of Art History at the University of Vienna. PhD at the University of Trier in 2004. Lecturer at the Universities of Vienna and Trier. Collaborator at the Sigmund Freud Museum Vienna 2000-2006; at the Gallery of Research (AAS) 2004-2005; at the Federal Monuments Office 2006-2013; in the Oral History and Exhibition Projekt “Herklotzgasse 21. A Jewish Suburban Community” 2007-2009. With the Institute of Historic Intervention: The Ancient Jewish Cemetary St. Pölten, 2009-2018; Hermann Leopoldi. A Viennese Piano Humorist, 2009-2012.
Recent Projects: Bringing Together Divided Memory. Czechoslovakia, National Socialism and the Expulsion of the German Speaking Population. Oral History and Exhibition, IKT 2014-2016; “Sounds and Voices”. An Acoustic Online City Map of Vienna, Österreichische Mediathek 2016; Sounds and Videos – An Audiovisual Atlas of Austria for Archive Recordings, Österreichische Mediathek 2017; The Photographic Oeuvre of Heimrad Bäcker. Relics and Traces of National Socialism, 2017-2018; Young Muslims in Austria. Social Anthropology and Culture Studies at Viennese Schools, Institute of Cultur Studies 2017-2019 (in the program Sparkling Science)
Oral History, Video Documentation, Exhibitions and Events in Austrian and Central European Contemporary History; Memorial Culture, Italian Painting and Literature of the Late Middle Ages.
Projects: Bringing Together Divided Memory. Czechoslovakia, National Socialism and the Expulsion of the German Speaking Population; Young Muslims in Austria. Social Anthropology and Culture Studies at Viennese Schools, 2017-2019 (in the program Sparkling Science)
Publications (selection)
Geteilte Erinnerungen. Tschechoslowakei, Nationalsozialismus und die Vertreibung der deutschsprachigen Bevölkerung 1937-1948 / Rozdělené vzpomínky. Československo, soužití, nacistická okupace a vyhnání německy mluvících obyvatel / Rozdelené spomienky. Československo, spolužitie, nacistická okupácia a vyhnanie nemeckých obyvateľov, Wien 2017
(jointly with Christoph Lind) Hermann Leopoldi. The Life of a Viennese Piano Humorist, translated by Dennis McCort, Riverside (Calif.) 2013;
(jointly with Christoph Lind) Hermann Leopoldi – Hersch Kohn. Eine Biografie, Vienna 2012
(Co-Editor) LEOPOLDIANA. Gesammelte Werke von Hermann Leopoldi und 11 Lieder von Ferdinand Leopoldi, Wien 2011
(Co-Editor) Das jüdische Vereinswesen in Österreich im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert (Schriften des Centrums für Jüdische Studien), Innsbruck 2010
Die Gesellschaft der Räume. Laikale und bürgerliche Handlungsräume in der italienischen Malerei um 1300, Kromsdorf 2009
(Co-Editor and author) Das Dreieck meiner Kindheit. Eine jüdische Vorstadtgemeinde in Wien, Wien 2008; gemeinsam mit Lydia Marinelli, Besuch einer Wohnung. Zur Architektur des Sigmund Freud-Museums, Wien 2002