The Literature and Culture Studies Commitee of the Austrian and Hungarian Academy of Sciences

The Committee was founded over thirty years ago as a bilateral entity devoted to literature studies and operating within the framework of the Commission of the Science of Literature of the Austrian and Hungarian Academy. Today, the Committee focusses its work on multi-lateral projects, with particular emphasis on topics of relevance to Central Europe. The original focus of the Committee was on literature studies, primarily those in German; however, as the nature of the field developed, the scope of the Committee has been expanded to include the culture sciences and transdisciplinary issues.

From the year 2000 onward, the Committee has played a significant role in advancing the careers of young scientists, including not only those from Austria and Hungary, but also from neighbouring countries. Once a year, in the course of an international and interdisciplinary colloquium, doctoral candidates and post-doctoral researchers are invited to discuss their research topics with scientists from around the world. The Committee has further been able to organise financial support for individual research from third parties such as the ‘Aktion Österreich-Ungarn‘, and the ‘Aktion Österreich-Slowakei‘.


Prof. Stefan M. Newerkla, w.M., Obmann, Wien
Prof. Moritz Csáky, w.M., Obmann Stv., Wien
Doz. Christoph Leitgeb, ÖAW, Sekretär, Wien
Dr. Katalin Blaskò, Wien
Dr. Hermann Blume, ÖAW, Wien
Doz. Johannes Feichtinger, k.M., Wien
Dr. Franz L. Fillafer, Wien
Prof. Steffen Höhne, Weimar/Jena
Prof. Roland Innerhofer, Wien
Dr. Gertraud Marinelli-König, ÖAW, Wien
Prof. Helga Mitterbauer, ULB, Brüssel
Prof. Michael Rössner, w.M., Wien
Prof. Fridrun Rinner, Aix-en-Provence
Prof. Stefan Simonek, Wien
Doz. Jozef Tancer, Wien|Bratislava

Prof. Pál S. Varga, w.M., Obmann, Debrecen
Prof. Gábor Tüskés, Obmann-Stv., Budapest
Doz. András F. Balogh, Sekretär, Budapest
Doz. László Levente Balogh, Debrecen
Doz. Erzsébet Berta, Debrecen
Prof. István Bitskey, w.M., Debrecen
Prof, István Fried, Szeged
Doz. Karl Katschthaler, Debrecen
Doz. Kálmán Kovács, Debrecen
Dr. Orsolya Lénárt, Budapest
Dr. Henriett Lindner, Piliscsaba
Doz. Péter Ötvös, Szeged
Dr. Lehel Sata, Pécs
Doz. Péter Varga, Budapest

