Born 1975 in Vienna, Dr. phil.
Studied Theatre, Film and Media Studies at the University of Vienna; 2004/05 Junior_Fellow at the IFK (Internationales Forschungszentrum Kulturwissenschaften), 2005 Theodor-Körner-Preis for the dissertation project; 2006-2009 Austria-Lecturer at the Institute for German Studies of the Philosophical Fakulty of the Masaryk University Brno; 2011-2013 Marie-Curie-Fellow at the Institute of Theatre Studies at the University of Bern; since 2013 Research Fellow at the IASH (Institute of Advanced Study in the Humanities and the Social Sciences), University of Bern
Since May 2015 Principal Investigator (together with Prof. Cristina Urchueguía) at the SNF research project "The emergence of 20th century 'musical experience': The International Music and Theatre Exhibition in Vienna 1892"
Responsibilities at IKT
Project director of the research project "Actor Autobiographies as Sites to Negotiate Cultural Identities"
Project "Theater für die Republik? Das Burgtheater und seine Rolle für kulturelle Identitätsentwürfe in der Ersten Republik"
Areas of specialization
Theatre and cultural history of the Habsburg Monarchy, especially the Bohemian Lands (19th and 20th centuries); theatre studies as culture studies; theatre historiography; memory cultures; concepts of identity