Dr. phil., Dr. jur., Univ. Prof.
Michael Rössner
Director IKT (2009-2021)
Studies of translation, Romance languages and literature and law at the University of Vienna. From 1978 Assistant, from 1987 Lecturer at the University of Vienna: as of 1991 full Professor at the University of Munich. Teaching and lecturing: the Universities of Salzburg and Innsbruck and the Vienna University of Economics (Austria); University of Queretaro (Mexico), Concepcion (Chile), B.A. and Tucuman (Argentina), and the UFRGS in Porto Alegre (Brazil). Joint editor of the journals IBEROROMANIA and SPRACHKUNST, as well of the book series studia litteraria (W. till 2016), TKKL (Publisher: Olms, H-Z-NY) and JWR (Publisher: Böhlau, W-G-K). Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Member of the Accademia degli Incamminati (Italian Art Academy), Member of the Austrian PEN Centre, Chair of the European Pirandello-Centre.
research fields
Literature of the renaissance and baroque; Literature of the avantgarde and the early 20th century. Particular focus on: Theatre (comedy), Bucolic literature, Manifestos and interlinked texts; Methodological approaches: cultural sciences, post-colonial studies, translation studies.
Selected Publications
Pirandello Mythenstürzer, Wien 1980; Gefangenschaft oder Freiheit der Negation der Freiheit (Novel, Wien, Edition S, 1981); Aufstieg und Krise der Vernunft (ed. together with Birgit WAGNER), Wien 1984; Auf der Suche nach dem verlorenen Paradies, Frankfurt 1988 (to the topic of the lost paradise in the work of Hofmannsthal, Musil, Giono, St.John-Perse, the Surrealists, Lorca, Andrade, Asturias, Carpentier, Cortázar); Lateinamerikanische Literaturgeschichte (ed.), Stuttgart 1995; ²2002; ³2007 Literarische Kaffeehäuser. Kaffeehausliteraten. Zu den Produktions- und Rezeptionsbedingungen von Literatur im Kaffeehaus in Europa und Lateinamerika 1890–1950 (ed.), Wien-Graz-Köln 1999; "?Bailá! ?Vení! ?Volá!" : El fenómeno tanguero y la literatura (Actas del Simposio "Tango y literatura" de Berlin), Frankfurt/M.: Vervuert 2000; editor (and translator) of the complete works of Luigi Pirandello, Berlin 1997–2001, 16 vols; Hermann Blume, Christoph Leitgeb, Michael Rössner (eds.), Narrated Communities - Narrated Realities. Narration as Cognitive Processing and Cultural Practice. Amsterdam: Brill/Rodopi 2015; Hermann Blume, Elisabeth Großegger, Andrea Sommer-Mathis, Michael Rössner (eds.), Inszenierung und Gedächtnis. Soziokulturelle und ästhetische Praxis. Bielefeld: Transcript 2014; Federico Italiano, Michael Rössner (eds.), Translation Narration, Media and the Staging of Differences. Bielefeld: transcript 2012.