Conference Presentations & Papers - peer reviewed
, Salzburg
Rathmann, M. Rozgonyi, K. Krakovsky, C. Eberwein, T.
The value of differences: A transnational qualitative document analysis on the presence of inclusivity and diversity in codes of ethics
Annual conference of the International and Intercultural Division of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) -
, Ljubljana
Oggolder, C. Roth-Ebner, C.
The Office as a Reflection and Projection of Social Change
ECREA 2024 – 10th European Communication Conference -
, Ljubljana
Schulz-Tomančok, A. Asboth, E.M. Melischek, G. Seethaler, J.
Mapping the Austrian News Media Landscape: Challenges and progress in the development of a scientific News Media Infrastructure
10th Annual European Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) -
, Ljubljana
Rozgonyi, K. Duvekot, S. de Haan, Y. Eberwein, T. Juraite, K. Milosavljević, M. Poler Kovačič, M. Rathmann, M. Uszkiewicz, E.
Competing, conquering or correlating? The interplay of concepts on diversity in European legal frameworks, policies and codes of ethical conduct
10th European Communication Conference -
, Krakau
Seethaler, J. Beaufort, M.
Analysing legal and (self-)regulatory frameworks for media in the EU - Current status and future development. Presentation at the 4th MeDeMAP [Mapping media for future democracies] Plenary Meeting
Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Actions Grant Agreement 101094984 - Task 3. -
, Berlin
Krakovsky, Ch. Jäger, I. Rozgonyi, K. Riedl, A.
Geschlechtergerechtigkeit und Diversität im partizipativen Journalismus: Redaktionelle Arbeitsprozesse und Publikumsbeteiligung am Beispiel des Wiener Zeitungsprojekts Zeitreisen
DGPuK Tagung der Fachgruppen „Medien, Öffentlichkeit und Geschlecht“ und „Journalistik/Journalismusforschung“ -
, Goldcoast
Schulz-Tomančok, A. Woschnagg, F.
Credibility at Stake. Hate Speech and its Impact on Supporting Climate Protection Measures: A Comparative Analysis of different Hate Speech Comments on Journalistic Credibility
74 Annual International Conference of the ICA -
, Leeuwarden
Von Rimscha, B. Voci, D. Medina, M. Crespo, M. Karmasin, M.
Public Service Motivation at Public Service Media
Annual Conference of the European Media Management Association (emma) -
, Leeuwarden
Voci, D. Luef, S. Kaltenbrunner, A. Förster, S. Karmasin, M.
Trust Has a Price? Unraveling the Dynamics in Post-pandemic Media Consumption
Emma Conference 2024: Media Innovation and Transformation: Understanding and Envisioning the Future of Media Management -
, Leeuwarden
Voci, D., Förster, S. Luef, S. Kaltenbrunner, A. Karmasin, M.
Innovation Through Crisis? The Case of Covid-19 for the Media Industry
Emma Conference 2024: Media Innovation and Transformation: Understanding and Envisioning the Future of Media Management -
, Klagenfurt
Biringer, K.
Plötzlich digital?! Mediensozialisation bildungsarmer Erwachsener. [Suddenly digital?! Media socialization of poorly educated people]
Vortrag im Rahmen des MK-research-Cafés des Instituts für Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft der AAU Klagenfurt -
, Vienna
Beaufort, M. Seethaler, J.
Monitoring political communication on social media – Audience Side: Concept and theoretical overview
Presentation at the International Workshop for Comparative Research in the EU “Monitoring political communication on social media” -
, Vienna
Beaufort, M. & Seethaler, J.
Monitoring political communication on social media – Audience Side: Methodological design
Presentation at the International Workshop for Comparative Research in the EU “Monitoring political communication on social media” -
, Sydney
Eberwein, T.
More true stories: Literary journalism in Europe – towards a transnational history
18th annual conference of the International Association for Literary Journalism Studies (IALJS) -
, Macquarie University, Sydney
Eberwein, T.
More true stories: Literary journalism in Europe – towards a transnational history.
18th annual conference of the International Association for Literary Journalism Studies (IALJS) -
, Sydney
McDonald, W. Joseph, S. Ricketson, M. Eberwein, T. Nery, I. Alexander, R., Lerner, K.
Literary Journalism and the wond’rous glory of the everlasting stars
18th annual conference of the International Association for Literary Journalism Studies (IALJS), Macquarie University -
, Lisbon
Von Rimscha, B. Voci, D. Medina, M. Crespo, M. Karmasin, M.
Public Service Motivation at Public Service Media. Re-Visionary Interpretation of the Public enterprise in Media
Seethaler, J. Beaufort, M.
Analysing legal and (self-)regulatory frameworks for media in the EU - Current status and future development. Presentation at MeDeMAP [Mapping media for future democracies] Workshop “The Methodological Approach” [Online]
Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Actions Grant Agreement 101094984 - Task 3. -
, Lisbon
Seethaler, Josef Beaufort, Maren
Analysing legal and (self-)regulatory frameworks for media in the EU – Part 2
3rd MeDeMAP Plenary Meeting -
, Lisbon
Seethaler, J. Beaufort, M.
Analysing legal and (self-)regulatory frameworks for media in the EU – Part 2. Presentation at the 3rd MeDeMAP [Mapping media for future democracies] Plenary Meeting
Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Actions Grant Agreement 101094984 - Task 3. -
, Lisbon
Seethaler, J. Beaufort, M.
Analysing legal and (self-)regulatory frameworks for media in the EU – Part 1. Presentation at the 3rd MeDeMAP [Mapping media for future democracies] Plenary Meeting
Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Actions Grant Agreement 101094984 - Task 3. -
, Lisbon
Seethaler, Josef Beaufort, Maren
Analysing legal and (self-)regulatory frameworks for media in the EU – Part 1
3rd MeDeMAP Plenary Meeting -
, München
Eberwein, T. Krakovsky, C., Oggolder, C.
Media Monitoring als Chance für die nachhaltige Entwicklung von Mediensystemen: Das Beispiel Österreich [Media monitoring as an opportunity for sustainable media systems development: The case of Austria]
Jahrestagung des Netzwerks Medienethik und der DGPuK-Fachgruppe Kommunikations- und Medienethik, Hochschule für Philosophie -
, Etmaal
Duvekot, S. Eberwein, T. de Haan, Y. Rathmann, M. Rozgonyi, K.
From accountability to dialogue: A content analysis of ethical codes of public communication in eight European countries
Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap (24 hours of Communication Science) -
, Vienna
Eberwein, T. Krakovsky, C. Oggolder, C.
Project workshop MEDIAdelcom
Austrian Academy of Sciences -
, Klagenfurt
Preibisch, K. D. Götzenbrucker, G. Griesbeck, M.
“Mobil without fear”: Using ICTs to Empower People with Anxiety Disorders in Public Transportation.
EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON HEALTH COMMUNICATION (ECHC) 2023. Joint Annual Conference of the Health Communication Divisions of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) & the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) -
, Vienna
Asboth, E. T. Scholz, R.
DigicomHis:Her. Methodische Impulse für eine Digital Communication History
(Non-)binarity in Binary Structures – The Digital Communication of Identity and Diversity: Joint Annual Conference of the DGPuK-Divisions Digital Communication and “Media, Public Spheres and Gender” -
, Vienna
Schulz-Tomančok, A. Woschnagg, F.
Credibility at Stake: A Comparative Analysis of Different Hate Speech User Comments on Journalistic Credibility: The example of Climate Protection Reporting
Joint Annual Conference of the DGPuK-Divisions Digital Communication and Media, Public Spheres and Gender -
, Vienna
Schulz-Tomančok, A.
50 Shades of Hate: Eine systematisierende Untersuchung zur empirischen Diversität und Rezeption von verschiedenen Hate Speech-Typen
Gemeinsamer Workshop der DGPuK-Fachgruppen Digitale Kommunikation & Medien, Öffentlichkeit und Geschlecht für Doktorand*innen und Masterabsolvent*innen -
, Salzburg
Rozgonyi, K. Weinand, J. Wistehube, S.
Media pluralism online: exploring new safeguards for PSM content delivery
Paper Presentation (In-Person) at the 2023 ECREA COMMUNICATION LAW AND POLICY WORKSHOP