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Click here  to get to the registration page.


Registration Fees

Euro 150 for Masters/PhDs/Postdocs

Euro 250 for Group Leaders/Academic

Euro 500 for Industry

Please note that the registration fee must be paid by credit card. If you need an invoice for a bank transfer, please contact us. The registration includes access to the scientific sessions and all meals at the conference venue (1x symposium dinner,3x lunches, coffee breaks, socializing event with drinks & snacks).



January 15, 2025: abstract deadline to apply for a talk -  UPDATE: prolongation of deadline till January 22

Notification on acceptance/rejection: February 2025

February 15, 2025:final registration deadline & abstract deadline for poster presenters


Master students can apply for a registration fee waiver. Please chose the respective registration and give a short explanation why you want to attend the meeting and what you expect to gain from it. Confirmation of the fee waiver will be sent out end of January and after the registration deadline.


Abstract submission (optional):

Abstracts must be submitted separately via an online form. You will receive the link for submission after your registration in the email with your “Events order confirmation”.

Only abstracts submitted by registered participants before the specified deadline can be considered for oral or poster presentation.


Poster information

Dimensions for our magnetic poster boards: 70 x 100 cm. The poster must be in portrait format / orientation.


Cancellation conditions:

Before 28 February 2025: 100% refund.

No refunds will be made after 28 February 2025.


Contact: lea.klement(at)imba.oeaw.ac.at