List of Publications

Abdennur, N., Fudenberg, G., Flyamer, IM (...) Imakaev, M., Venev, S. (2024). Bioframe: operations on genomic intervals in Pandas dataframes. Bioinformatics. 40(2)

Goloborodko, A., Marko, JF., Mirny, LA. (2016). Chromosome Compaction by Active Loop Extrusion. Biophys J. 110(10):2162-8

Samejima, K., Gibcus, JH., Abraham, S (...) Goloborodko, A., Earnshaw, WC. (2024). Rules of engagement for condensins and cohesins guide mitotic chromosome formation. bioRxiv.

Corsi, F., Rusch, E., Goloborodko, A. (2023). Loop extrusion rules: the next generation. Curr Opin Genet Dev. 81:102061

Goloborodko, A. (2020). Condensin: The Little Motor Protein that Could. Mol Cell. 79(1):3-5

Costea, J., Schoeberl, UE., Malzl, D (...) Goloborodko, A., Pavri, R. (2023). A de novo transcription-dependent TAD boundary underpins critical multiway interactions during antibody class switch recombination. Mol Cell. 83(5):681-697.e7

AlHaj Abed, J., Erceg, J., Goloborodko, A (...) Mirny, LA., Wu, CT. (2019). Highly structured homolog pairing reflects functional organization of the Drosophila genome. Nat Commun. 10(1):4485

Erceg, J., AlHaj Abed, J., Goloborodko, A (...) Mirny, LA., Wu, CT. (2019). The genome-wide multi-layered architecture of chromosome pairing in early Drosophila embryos. Nat Commun. 10(1):4486

Hill, L., Wutz, G., Jaritz, M (...) Goloborodko, A., Busslinger, M. (2023). Igh and Igk loci use different folding principles for V gene recombination due to distinct chromosomal architectures of pro-B and pre-B cells. Nat Commun. 14(1):2316

Mitter, M., Gasser, C., Takacs, Z (...) Micura, R., Gerlich, DW. (2020). Conformation of sister chromatids in the replicated human genome. Nature. 586(7827):139-144

Abdennur, N., Abraham, S., Fudenberg, G (...) Venev, SV., Xiao, Y. (2024). Cooltools: Enabling high-resolution Hi-C analysis in Python. PLoS Comput Biol. 20(5):e1012067

Abdennur, N., Fudenberg, G., Flyamer, IM (...) Imakaev, M., Venev, SV. (2024). Pairtools: From sequencing data to chromosome contacts. PLoS Comput Biol. 20(5):e1012164