
Ab aquilone: conceptions of space and identities...

...in Europe's far north in the middle ages | International Workshop | Hybrid

Workshop of the Project

Mapping Medieval Peoples | Visualizing Semantic Landscapes in Early Medieval Europe

This one-day workshop brings together scholars working in different aspects of space, identity and digital mapping of the medieval world, with a special focus on northern Europe, in particular Scandinavia and Iceland.


Alexandra Petrulevich | Uppsala University, Sweden
Sara Ellis-Nilsson | Linnaeus University, Sweden
Dale Kedwards | Arnamagnaean Institute, Iceland
Benjamin Allport | Oslo University, Norway
Caitlin Ellis | Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies
Laura Gazzoli | Austrian Academy of Sciences


Registration for participation via zoom


Programme  |  PDF

Friday 10 June 


Welcome and project introduction:
Laura Gazzoli, Veronika Wieser


Session 1


Alexandra Petrulevich:
Spatiality in Medieval East Norse Literature

Dale Kedwards:
Í veraldir veralda: mappa mundi as Utopia




Session 2


Caitlin Ellis:
Remapping the Viking Age: Representations of ‘Expansion’ and Connectivity

Benjamin Allport:
A Voyager‘s Guide to the North Way:
The Use and Misuse of Ohthere‘s Voyage as a Source for the Political Geography of Viking Age Scandinavia




 Session 3


Sara Ellis Nilsson:
Saints in the (Digital) Landscape: Mapping Medieval Lived Religion in Sweden and Finland

Laura Gazzoli:
Mapping Morals? Visualising Europe’s Far North in Adam of Bremen and Ailnoth’s Accounts





10 June 2022
Start: 10:00 h
Hollandstraße 11-13
1020 Vienna
Library IMAFO 3rd floor


Laura Gazzoli (IMAFO)

Funded by the Innovationsfond Forschung, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft ÖAW

In cooperation with theAustrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage (ACDH-CH)