Wed, 01.03.2023 17:30

»Uses and applications of the ›Burial Kit‹ «

Hybrid Lecture | Vienna

Primary burial from the Gesher cemetery (© S. Cohen)
»Uses and applications of the ›Burial Kit‹ in analysis of Middle Bronze Age southern Levantine mortuary traditions«

Susan Cohen | Montana State University

The lack of identifiable systemic organization and order in Middle Bronze Age (MBA) burials in the southern Levant is both well-known and well-documented. The variability of burial types, methods, and materials found with the dead calls into question the value of the “burial kit” for understanding MBA mortuary traditions without further qualification of what is meant by the “kit” and the ways in which it may be applied to examining such wildly diverse mortuary remains as those found in the MBA. This lecture will analyze different categories and types of burials found at sites throughout the southern Levant together with the different expressions of the “kit” found at them in order to evaluate the uses and applications of the “burial kit” as a means of examining mortuary traditions in the Middle Bronze Age.



March 1, 2023, 5.30 pm

Seminarraum, 1. Stock, Hollandstraße 11-13, 1020 Vienna

(Meeting-ID: 914 7737 5969
Kenncode: PFvGs8)


Thomas Schwarnthorer