Wed, 14.12.2022 17:30

»Kopilo, Zentralbosnien«

Hybrid Lecture | Vienna

View on the Kopilo cemetery (© OeAW-OeAI/I. Petschko)
»Kopilo, Zentralbosnien: eine neue Nekropole der Spätbronze- und Früheisenzeit im westlichen Balkan«

Mario Gavranovic | OeAI

With the discovery and excavations of the Kopilo cemetery (Central Bosnia) in 2021 and 2022, our knowledge of burial customs during the Bronze and Iron Ages in the mountainous region of the western Balkans has expanded significantly. This is the first archaeologically investigated and documented burial ground of this period in the area. A total of 46 inhumation graves were recovered, with several double and triple burials. The deceased were buried in a lateral position, within the complex grave constructions made of stone. The rich spectrum of finds consists mainly of jewelry with both local and regional forms, indicating an extensive communication network of the local community.





14 December 2022, 05.30 pm 

Seminarraum , 1. Stock, Hollandstraße 11-13, 1020 Wien
Zoom link
(Meeting-ID: 919 8389 3746, Passcode: 44t4iZ)


Thomas Schwarnthorer