Fri, 24.06.2022 11:00

Special Seminar: Probabilistic Machine Learning

Associate Prof. Robert Peharz (TU Graz) will introduce us to his research topic - relevant for all future projects seeking collaboration with the TU Graz in the area of artificial intelligence.

In this talk I will introduce my research on probabilistic machine learning. First, I will motivate the use of probability and probabilistic inference as a fundamental ingredient for artificial intelligence. Motivated by the hardness of probabilistic inference, I will introduce my main research area, tractable probabilistic modeling. Furthermore, I will talk about research results on probabilistic deep learning and model compression.



IWF Seminar series

Robert Peharz

Friday (!) 24.07.2022, 11.00 Uhr

Room E.A.1 (wearing an FFP2 is strongly recommended)