Fri, 05.05.2023 10:00

Graz-Vienna Exoplanet Scientist Meeting II

The second meeting will be held on the 5th of May, at the IWF in Graz.

© Dr. Jack Madden/CSI

The Graz-Vienna Exoplanet Scientist Meeting (GVESM) is a series of meetings, focused on strengthening connections between researchers working in Austria in the field of exoplanet science. GVSEM is organized by Dominic Samra, IWF/ÖAW, and Oliver Herbort, Department of Astrophysics of the University of Vienna.

The meetings will take place twice a year, alternating between Graz and Vienna.

Graz-Vienna Exoplanet Scientist Meeting




Graz-Vienna Exoplanet Scientist Meeting

5 May 2023

IWF Graz