Thu, 19.05.2022 14:00

Seminar: Classification of spectral fine structures of Saturn kilometric radiation

Georg Fischer will present results from his ongoing international FWF project on the fine structures of auroral radio emissions.

Several theories exist about the formation of spectral fine structures of auroral radio emissions like Saturn kilometric radiation (SKR). However, until today no systematic classification of such structures has been done. We introduce a relatively simple scheme defining basic elements like dots, vertical or horizontal lines, lines of positive or negative slope, and areas in the time-frequency plane , and we apply it to fine structures of SKR recorded by the Cassini Wideband Receiver below 80 kHz and at medium frequencies around 325 kHz. We found that lines with a positive slope are much more common at medium frequencies than at low frequencies, and vertical lines are almost absent at low frequencies. We will discuss the physical implications of this and other findings and show new and special spectral features which have not been described in the literature so far.



IWF Seminar series

Georg Fischer

19.05.2022, 14.00 Uhr

Room U.a.4 (wearing an FFP2 is strongly recommended)
and Zoom Link