Sonstiges (5)

  • Stefan Strauß,. (2024). Interview in ÖAW Wissenschaftspodcast Makro Mikro: Sind soziale Medien eine Gefahr für die Demokratie?. Retrieved from
  • Stefan Strauß,. (2014). Overview of the joint results of SurPRISE citizen summits, Working Paper for the Stakeholder Workshop, SurPRISE Project.
  • Stefan Strauß,. (2014). Overview of the joint results of SurPRISE citizen summits. Discussion paper for the SurPRISE Stakeholder Workshop - October 15, Florence, Italy.
  • Strauß, S. (2013). Social network sites, privacy, and the blurring boundary between public and private spaces. In: Book of Abstracts: Technology Assessment and Policy Areas of Great Transitions (1st PACITA project conference, March 13-15, 2013, Prague/CZ). pp. 145-146.
  • Aichholzer, G., Allhutter, D., & Strauß, S. (2013). E-participation in local climate initiatives: participants’ assessments of impacts. In: Book of Abstracts: Technology Assessment and Policy Areas of Great Transitions (1st PACITA project conference, March 13-15, 2013, Prague/CZ). Retrieved from
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