Wittgenstein Centre Conference 2023

Vienna, Austria, 6.-7.12.2023

The conference was held in a hybrid format.

Please find talks on our YOUTUBE channel

Posters, presentations and abtracts can be found below.


Understanding and analyzing population heterogeneity and its drivers have long been at the heart of demographic analysis. For instance, while inequalities in health and life expectancy across socio-economic groups have been studied since long, their increase over the past decade has turned into a growing concern. In addition to “classical” markers of heterogeneity in individual behavior, such as sex/gender, age, education, urban-rural residence and socio-economic status, there are other important sources of demographic heterogeneity such as spatial, generational, environmental, etc. Their analysis is essential for modeling population developments and projecting them into the future. Equally important is to understand how these heterogeneities arise and evolve, how they are driving and driven by socioeconomic inequality, and the policy challenges they impose for socio-economic development, welfare systems and social cohesion.

From 6 to 7 December 2023 the Wittgenstein Centre Conference on “Exploring Population Heterogeneities” took place at the premises of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. The interest in the hybrid WIC2023 Conference was high, and participation lively and international. We received 272 submissions in total and 423 registrations from 66 countries overall. 128 participants from 26 countries took part on-site. We were delighted to follow the keynote lectures held by Ridhi Kashyap, Anna Matysiak and Iñaki Permanyer as well as 25 talks, 9 flash talks and 27 poster presentations. Please find impressions,  the schedule, abstracts, posters, slides and videos of talks below.

Day I: Wednesday, 6 December 2023

Chairs: Miguel Sánchez-Romero, Éva Beaujouan

  • Iñaki Permanyer, Center for Demographic Studies (CED-CERCA), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
    Mortality and Morbidity inequality dynamics: Towards an integration
    slides   |   video on youtube

Session Chairs:  Claudia Reiter, Alexia Fürnkranz-Prskawetz

  • Hal Caswell, Silke F. van Daalen
    Heterogeneity, variance, and factorial mixture models
    video on youtube  |  slides
  • Richard Foltyn, Jonna Olsson
    Health dynamics and heterogeneous life expectancies
    video on youtube | abstract  |  slides
  • Miguel Sanchez-Romero, Manuel Marsicano, Michael Kuhn
    The impact of medical progress on the increasing inequality in life expectancy
    video on youtube | slides
  • Thomas Horvath, Martin Spielauer
    Lifecourse heterogeneity and the future labour force – a dynamic microsimulation analysis for Austria
    video on youtube | abstract | slides
  • Claudia Reiter, Sonja Spitzer
    Parenthood and human capital in German-speaking countries
    video on youtube


  • Thomas Fent
    Lifespan inequality and the first demographic dividend
    abstract | poster 
  • Samir KC, Moradhvaj Dhakad
    Population heterogeneity under SSPs at the sub-national level in India
  • Raphael Villela, César Marques, Gustavo Ferreira
    Analyzing urban segregation with variograms: The case of federal district in Brazil
    abstract | poster
  • Caner Özdemir, Dilek Yildiz, Figen Uzar Özdemir
    Heterogeneities of migration to and from Turkey, 1990-2019: Incoming young men and outgoing educated women
    abstract | poster
  • Cristina Suero
    Women´s Partnership and Labour Trajectories and the Transitions to First and Second Births in Spain.
    The Role of Stability Over the Life Course on the Recuperation of Births
    abstract| poster
  • Gulnaj Basri, R. Nagarajan
    Gendered heterogeneity in wellbeing: A state level analysis of India
    abstract  | poster
  • Pauline Pohl, Philip Slepecki, Martin Spielauer
    Emigration Behaviour of Migrants in Austria - Accounting for heterogeneity in the official Austrian population projection
    abstract | poster
  • Wenxiu Du, Mathias Lerch
    Heterogeneity in Internal Migration between Differentiated Functional Urban Areas
  • Aitor Garcia
    The missing piece of the puzzle in the intergenerational transmission of Socioeconomic Health Gradients: Childhood cultural capital and long-term health consequences
    abstract | poster
  • Lara Lebedinski, Nadia Steiber, Rudolf Winter-Ebmer
    Assortative mating and heterogeneity in the magnitude of the child penalty
  • Brian Buh, Éva Beaujouan, Ann Berrington
    Belonging to the neighbourhood, residential mobility, and the transition to parenthood
    abstract |   poster
  • Zeenat Hashmi, Ashish Singh
    Trends and socioeconomic disparities in undernutrition among Muslim women in India: Evidence from the last decades (1998 – 2021)
    abstract |   poster
  • Moradhvaj Dhakad, Samir KC
    Rural-urban differences in under-five mortality by mothers’ education attainment: Evidence from the DHS Countries
  • Miguel Sanchez-Romero, Philip Schuster, Alexia Prskawetz
    Redistributive effects of pension reforms: Who are the winners and losers

Session Chairs: Guillaume Marois, Miguel Sánchez-Romero

  • Gregor Zens
    A smooth Bayesian Approach towards modeling heterogeneous multi-population data
  • Ziyue Huang, Shuqiang Xu, Guy J. Abel
    Educational distribution of immigration flows in relation to development
  • Michaela Potancokova, Guillaume Marois
    High migration events and shifts in ethnic diversity across European countries
  • Aaron Hsu
    The Scheme of migrant social classes and educational opportunity disparities in contemporary China
  • Mary Abed Al Ahad, Hill Kulu, Gunnar Andersson
    Determinants and heterogeneity of first-time homeownership across the immigrants and their descendants in Sweden
    video on youtube | abstract | slides

Session Chairs: Michael Kuhn, Miguel Sánchez-Romero

  • Anna Matysiak
    Interdisciplinary Center for Labour Market and Family Dynamics (LabFam), University of Warsaw
    Labour market inequalities and fertility in the context of ongoing globalisation and rapid technological change
    slidesvideo on youtube

Session Chairs: Tomáš Sobotka, Ingrid Setz

  • Yoann Doignon
    The spatial dynamics of nonmarital births in France and Belgium (1968-2017): emergence, spatial diffusion and borders
    vidoe on youtube | abstract | slides
  • Sanan Abdullayev, Allan Puur
    Parental leave and fertility: educational and ethnic differences in the tempo and quantum changes of second and third births
    video on youtube | abstract | slides
  • Angela Greulich, Laurent Toulemon
    Measuring the educational gradient of period fertility in all European countries. A new approach based on parity-specific fertility estimates
    video on youtube | abstract | slides
  • Hande Tugrul, Arnstein Aassve
    Cultural foundations of The Second Demographic Transition: The role of inherited values
    video on youtube | slides
  • Nadia Sturm, Jan Van Bavel
    Marginalization of women with low educational attainment on the partner market across Europe
    video on youtube  |  abstract | slides

Day II: Thursday, 7 December 2023

Chairs: Alexia Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, Anne Goujon

  • Ridhi Kashyap, Nuffield College, University of Oxford
    The digital revolution and demography: Perspectives from digital and computational demography
    slides |  video on youtube 

Session Chairs: Sonja Spitzer, Bernhard Riederer

  • Jacopo Bassetto
    Heat exposure and heterogeneities in climate change attitudes and green voting in Europe
  • Alyson van Raalte (cancelled)
    Changing kinship structures in East and West Germany before and after reunification
  • Endale Kebede
    Do desired family size questions measure current demand for childbearing? An analysis of the Demographic and Health Surveys Data
  • Roman Hoffmann
    Climate impacts affect intimate partner violence in sub-Saharan Africa: An analysis and projection using DHS microdata
    video on youtube  |slides
  • Magdalena Muszynska-Spielauer, Tim Riffe
    Life expectancy under a stationary population composition according to observed heterogeneity

Session Chairs: Valeria Bordone, Miguel Sánchez-Romero

  • Tianyu Shen, Collin Payne, Alyson van Raalte
    Changing educational attainment as a driver of cohort changes in healthy longevity: a decomposition analysis of US birth cohorts
    abstract | slides
  • Qianyi Lu, Yaqiang Qi
    Time dimension of the link between income inequality and health: The immediate, cumulative, and comparative effects
    video on youtube  |abstract | slides
  • Péter Elek, Anita Győrfi, Nóra Kungl, Dániel Prinz
    Geographic and socioeconomic variation in healthcare: Evidence from migration
    video on youtube |slides
  • Maria Karlene Shawn I. Cabaraban, Valeria Bordone, Daniela Weber
    Heterogeneities  in the association between marital dissolution and late-life cognitive functioning in Europe:
    Do gender and work history matter?
    video on youtube |abstract
  • Mariana Calderón-Jaramillo, Elisenda Rentería, Jeroen Spijker
    From curing to caring: A sequence analysis exploring trajectories of multimorbidity and social care needs among older adults in twelve European countries
    video on youtube | abstract


  • Jordan D. Klein
    Whatever goes up must come down: Mortality gradients in the emergence of COVID-19
    abstract | poster
  • Shawn Bauldry, Patricia A. Thomas, Madison R. Sauerteig-Rolston, Kenneth F. Ferraro
    Inequalities in dual-function life expectancy by education and gender
    abstract | poster
  • Orawan Prasitsiriphon
    Population dynamics and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic: A study of natural increase rates in Thai provinces
  • Patricia Stehl, Nina Vyvcharuk, Naomi Daniel, Neža Grilc, Armelle Müller, Sanne E. Verra (cancelled)
    Uncovering intersectional inequalities in healthy eating in the UK using Understanding Society data
    abstract | poster
  • Lydia Palumbo, Cecilia Potente, Marika Jalovaara
    Educational assortative mating and mortality in Finland: a couple perspective, 1987-2020
  • Atul Kumar Pandey, Isha Sharma, Alok Ranjan
    An investigation on satisfaction of life and elderly in India: Evidence from Longitudinal Ageing Study of India, 2017-19
    abstract | poster
  • Melanie Wagner, Martina Brandt, Robert Heidemann
    Coresidence in Informal Care to Older Parents across Europe
    abstract | poster
  • Subhojit Shaw, Aparajita Chattopadhyay, Sourav Dey
    Estimation of ecosystem resilience and its linkages with infant and under five mortality in India: Gender differences assessment across 707 districts, 2000-2020
  • Anna-Victoria Holtz, Jordi Gumà Lao, Iñaki Permanyer Ugartemendia, Gabriele Doblhammer
    Heterogeneity in multimorbidity and dementia trajectories at old age in Germany – A study based on health claims data
    abstract | poster
  • Esther Denecke, Markus Sauerberg (cancelled)
    Recent trends in subnational life expectancy in Austria
  • Guillaume Marois, Stuart Gietel-Basten, Wiraporn Pothisiri
    Population aging and economic dependency in Thailand: A multidimensional prospective analysis
  • Thomas Arnhold, Daniela Weber, Valeria Bordone
    The Interrelationship between Working Status and Social Networks and Its Association with Cognitive Functioning of Older Adults
    abstract | poster
  • Néstor Aldea, Dariya Ordanovich, Alberto Palloni, Diego Ramiro, Francisco Viciana
    Influence of place of birth on adult mortality: the case of Spain
    abstract | poster
  • Rosanna Gualdi, Risto Conte Keivabu
    Geographical and sex heterogeneity in temperature related deaths in Europe
    abstract | poster
  • Liming Li, Mauricio Avendano, Craig Morgan
    Do mental health support policies improve the wellbeing of adopted children? Quasi-experimental evidence from the UK

Session Chairs: Marc Luy, Vanessa di Lego

  • Marie-Pier Bergeron-Boucher, Julia Callaway, Cosmo Strozza, Jim Oeppen
    Lifespan inequalities and mortality risk across social determinants of health
    video on youtube | abstract | slides
  • Emmanuel Idohou, Philippe Bocquier, Michel Guillot
    Excess under-5 mortality of children born to immigrants: longitudinal evidence from France
    video on youtube | abstract | slides
  • Benjamin-Samuel Schlüter, Monica Alexander, Diego Alburez-Gutierrez, Mathew V Kiang
    Racial/ethnic disparities in loss of parents due to drug overdoses and firearms
    video on youtube | abstract
  • Julia Almeida Calazans, Iñaki Permanyer
    Causes of deaths diversity in Latin America and Caribbean
    video on youtube | slides
  • Sergey Timonin, David A. Leon, Emily Banks, Tim Adair, Vladimir Canudas-Romo
    Faltering survival improvements at young-middle ages in high-income English-speaking countries: period and cohort analyses
    video on youtube | abstract

Session Chairs: Paola Di Giulio, Roman Hoffmann

  • Jesús-Daniel Zazueta-Borboa, Ugofilippo Basellini, Emilio Zagheni, Leo van Wissen, Pekka Martikainen, Fanny Janssen
    The contribution of educational expansion and changes in mortality by educational attainment groups on trends in life expectancy and lifespan variation in selected European countries
  • Tetiana Dovbischuk, Stefanie Kley
    The ‘equigenic’ potential of greenery in compact cities. Green window views and residential satisfaction across social class
    abstract | slides
  • Andreas Backhaus
    Young women returning to school in sub-Saharan Africa during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Saroja Adhikari
    Modelling fertility diffusion processes among different education groups in developing countries
    video on youtube | slides
  • Setsuya Fukuda, Ester Lazzari
    Exploring educational gradients in fertility: The influence of gender imbalance in education
    video on youtube | slides


Poster award winner poster session 2:

Néstor Aldea

Influence of Place of Birth on Adult Mortality: The Case of Spain

Vienna Yearbook

A special issue of the  Vienna Yearbook of Population Research is dedicated to the topic of this conference. Conference participants and other researchers are invited to submit their papers on the conference theme to this platinum open-access journal.

Deadline for submission: 31 May 2024

call for papers

Winter School

Prior to the conference, the international Winter School on Population Heterogeneities organised by VID in collaboration with WIC, took place on 4-5 December 2023.

Conference Organisers

at the Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital (IIASA, OeAW, University of Vienna) are:

Éva Beaujouan, University of Vienna
Alexia Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, VID/OeAW, IIASA, TU Wien
Anne Goujon, IIASA, VID/OeAW
Michael Kuhn, IIASA, VID/OeAW
Miguel Sánchez-Romero, VID/OeAW, IIASA, TU Wien


For any questions regarding the conference, please contact conference.vid(at)oeaw.ac.at