The conference was held in a hybrid format.
Please find talks on our YOUTUBE channel
Posters, presentations and abtracts can be found below.
Understanding and analyzing population heterogeneity and its drivers have long been at the heart of demographic analysis. For instance, while inequalities in health and life expectancy across socio-economic groups have been studied since long, their increase over the past decade has turned into a growing concern. In addition to “classical” markers of heterogeneity in individual behavior, such as sex/gender, age, education, urban-rural residence and socio-economic status, there are other important sources of demographic heterogeneity such as spatial, generational, environmental, etc. Their analysis is essential for modeling population developments and projecting them into the future. Equally important is to understand how these heterogeneities arise and evolve, how they are driving and driven by socioeconomic inequality, and the policy challenges they impose for socio-economic development, welfare systems and social cohesion.
From 6 to 7 December 2023 the Wittgenstein Centre Conference on “Exploring Population Heterogeneities” took place at the premises of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. The interest in the hybrid WIC2023 Conference was high, and participation lively and international. We received 272 submissions in total and 423 registrations from 66 countries overall. 128 participants from 26 countries took part on-site. We were delighted to follow the keynote lectures held by Ridhi Kashyap, Anna Matysiak and Iñaki Permanyer as well as 25 talks, 9 flash talks and 27 poster presentations. Please find impressions, the schedule, abstracts, posters, slides and videos of talks below.
Chairs: Miguel Sánchez-Romero, Éva Beaujouan
Session Chairs: Claudia Reiter, Alexia Fürnkranz-Prskawetz
Raphael Villela
Analyzing urban segregation with variograms: The case of federal district in Brazil
Session Chairs: Guillaume Marois, Miguel Sánchez-Romero
Session Chairs: Michael Kuhn, Miguel Sánchez-Romero
Session Chairs: Tomáš Sobotka, Ingrid Setz
Chairs: Alexia Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, Anne Goujon
Session Chairs: Sonja Spitzer, Bernhard Riederer
Session Chairs: Valeria Bordone, Miguel Sánchez-Romero
Session Chairs: Marc Luy, Vanessa di Lego
Session Chairs: Paola Di Giulio, Roman Hoffmann
Raphael Villela
Analyzing urban segregation with variograms: The case of federal district in Brazil
Néstor Aldea
Influence of Place of Birth on Adult Mortality: The Case of Spain
A special issue of the Vienna Yearbook of Population Research is dedicated to the topic of this conference. Conference participants and other researchers are invited to submit their papers on the conference theme to this platinum open-access journal.
Deadline for submission: 31 May 2024
call for papers
Prior to the conference, the international Winter School on Population Heterogeneities organised by VID in collaboration with WIC, took place on 4-5 December 2023.
at the Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital (IIASA, OeAW, University of Vienna) are:
Éva Beaujouan, University of Vienna
Alexia Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, VID/OeAW, IIASA, TU Wien
Anne Goujon, IIASA, VID/OeAW
Michael Kuhn, IIASA, VID/OeAW
Miguel Sánchez-Romero, VID/OeAW, IIASA, TU Wien