List of Publications

Patel, A., Lee, HO., Jawerth, L (...) Hyman, AA., Alberti, S. (2015). A Liquid-to-Solid Phase Transition of the ALS Protein FUS Accelerated by Disease Mutation. Cell. 162(5):1066-77

Alberti, S., Saha, S., Woodruff, JB (...) Wang, J., Hyman, AA. (2018). A User's Guide for Phase Separation Assays with Purified Proteins. J Mol Biol. 430(23):4806-4820

Saha, S., Pollard, TD. (2012). Anillin-related protein Mid1p coordinates the assembly of the cytokinetic contractile ring in fission yeast. Mol Biol Cell. 23(20):3982-92

Patel, A., Malinovska, L., Saha, S (...) Krishnan, Y., Hyman, AA. (2017). ATP as a biological hydrotrope. Science. 356(6339):753-756

Saha, S., Pollard, TD. (2012). Characterization of structural and functional domains of the anillin-related protein Mid1p that contribute to cytokinesis in fission yeast. Mol Biol Cell. 23(20):3993-4007

Stela Jelenic, Janos Bindics, Philipp Czermak, Balashankar R Pillai, Martine Ruer, Alex S Holehouse, Shambaditya Saha (2022). Composition can buffer protein dynamics within liquid-like condensates BioRxiv.

Saha, S., Weber, CA., Nousch, M (...) Jülicher, F., Hyman, AA. (2016). Polar Positioning of Phase-Separated Liquid Compartments in Cells Regulated by an mRNA Competition Mechanism. Cell. 166(6):1572-1584.e16

Jawerth, L., Fischer-Friedrich, E., Saha, S (...) Hyman, AA., Jülicher, F. (2020). Protein condensates as aging Maxwell fluids. Science. 370(6522):1317-1323

Saha, S., Hyman, AA. (2017). RNA gets in phase. J Cell Biol. 216(8):2235-2237

Jawerth, LM., Ijavi, M., Ruer, M (...) Jülicher, F., Fischer-Friedrich, E. (2018). Salt-Dependent Rheology and Surface Tension of Protein Condensates Using Optical Traps. Phys Rev Lett. 121(25):258101