List of Publications

Ctortecka, C., Stejskal, K., Krššáková, G., Mendjan, S., Mechtler, K. (2021). Quantitative Accuracy and Precision in Multiplexed Single-Cell Proteomics. Anal Chem.

Clara Schmidt, Alison Deyett, Tobias Ilmer, Aranxa Torres Caballero, Simon Haendeler, Lokesh Pimpale, Michael A. Netzer, Lavinia Ceci Ginistrelli, Martina Cirigliano, Estela Juncosa Mancheno, Daniel Reumann, Katherina Tavernini, Steffen Hering, Pablo Hofbauer, Sasha Mendjan (2022). Multi-chamber cardioids unravel human heart development and cardiac defects BioRxiv.

Pablo Hofbauer, Stefan Jahnel, Nora Papai, Magdalena Giesshammer, Mirjam Penc, Katherina Tavernini, Nastasja Grdseloff, Christy Meledeth, Alison Deyett, Clara Schmidt, Claudia Ctortecka, Šejla Šalic, Maria Novatchkova, Sasha Mendjan (2020). Cardioids reveal self-organizing principles of human cardiogenesis BioRxiv.

Schmidt, C., Deyett, A., Ilmer, T (...) Hofbauer, P., Mendjan, S. (2023). Multi-chamber cardioids unravel human heart development and cardiac defects. Cell. 186(25):5587-5605.e27

Lewis, J., Schuh, M., Hanna, JH (...) Petridou, NI., Mendjan, S. (2024). Developmental and stem cell biology's bright future. Cell. 187(13):3224-3228

Hofbauer, P., Jahnel, SM., Papai, N (...) Novatchkova, M., Mendjan, S. (2021). Cardioids reveal self-organizing principles of human cardiogenesis. Cell. 184(12):3299-3317.e22

Jahnel, SM., Mendjan, S. (2021). Taking Heart Development to the Next Level. Cell Stem Cell. 28(2):180-181

Mendjan, S., Mascetti, VL., Ortmann, D (...) Moreau, T., Pedersen, RA. (2014). NANOG and CDX2 pattern distinct subtypes of human mesoderm during exit from pluripotency. Cell Stem Cell. 15(3):310-325

Pedersen, RA., Mascetti, V., Mendjan, S. (2012). Synthetic organs for regenerative medicine. Cell Stem Cell. 10(6):646-647

Mendjan, S., Akhtar, A. (2007). The right dose for every sex. Chromosoma. 116(2):95-106

Hofbauer, P., Jahnel, SM., Mendjan, S. (2021). In vitro models of the human heart. Development. 148(16)

Faial, T., Bernardo, AS., Mendjan, S (...) Smith, JC., Pedersen, RA. (2015). Brachyury and SMAD signalling collaboratively orchestrate distinct mesoderm and endoderm gene regulatory networks in differentiating human embryonic stem cells. Development. 142(12):2121-35

Vallier, L., Mendjan, S., Brown, S (...) Brons, G., Pedersen, RA. (2009). Activin/Nodal signalling maintains pluripotency by controlling Nanog expression. Development. 136(8):1339-49

Haider, S., Gamperl, M., Burkard, TR (...) Knöfler, M., Latos, PA. (2019). Estrogen Signaling Drives Ciliogenesis in Human Endometrial Organoids. Endocrinology. 160(10):2282-2297

Geyer, SH., Ceci Ginistrelli, L., Ilmer, T (...) Mendjan, S., Weninger, WJ. (2024). Three-dimensional structural and metric characterisation of cardioids. Front Cell Dev Biol. 12:1426043

Bertero, A., Madrigal, P., Galli, A (...) Pauklin, S., Vallier, L. (2015). Activin/nodal signaling and NANOG orchestrate human embryonic stem cell fate decisions by controlling the H3K4me3 chromatin mark. Genes Dev. 29(7):702-17

Mendjan, S., Taipale, M., Kind, J (...) Saumweber, H., Akhtar, A. (2006). Nuclear pore components are involved in the transcriptional regulation of dosage compensation in Drosophila. Mol Cell. 21(6):811-23

Ctortecka, C., Krššáková, G., Stejskal, K (...) Mechtler, K., Stadlmann, J. (2021). Comparative proteome signatures of trace samples by multiplexed Data-Independent Acquisition. Mol Cell Proteomics. :100177

Ctortecka, C., Hartlmayr, D., Seth, A (...) Carr, SA., Mechtler, K. (2023). An automated nanowell-array workflow for quantitative multiplexed single-cell proteomics sample preparation at high sensitivity. Mol Cell Proteomics. :100665

Yelagandula, R., Stecher, K., Novatchkova, M (...) Brennecke, J., Bell, O. (2023). ZFP462 safeguards neural lineage specification by targeting G9A/GLP-mediated heterochromatin to silence enhancers. Nat Cell Biol.

Bertero, A., Brown, S., Madrigal, P (...) Mendjan, S., Vallier, L. (2018). The SMAD2/3 interactome reveals that TGFβ controls m<sup>6</sup>A mRNA methylation in pluripotency. Nature. 555(7695):256-259

Bartsch, D., Kalamkar, K., Ahuja, G (...) Papantonis, A., Kurian, L. (2023). mRNA translational specialization by RBPMS presets the competence for cardiac commitment in hESCs. Sci Adv. 9(13):eade1792

Haider, S., Meinhardt, G., Saleh, L (...) Latos, PA., Knöfler, M. (2018). Self-Renewing Trophoblast Organoids Recapitulate the Developmental Program of the Early Human Placenta. Stem Cell Reports. 11(2):537-551

Carobbio, S., Guenantin, AC., Bahri, M (...) Chiarugi, D., Vidal-Puig, A. (2021). Unraveling the Developmental Roadmap toward Human Brown AdiposeTissue. Stem Cell Reports. 16(4):1010

Carobbio, S., Guenantin, AC., Bahri, M (...) Chiarugi, D., Vidal-Puig, A. (2021). Unraveling the Developmental Roadmap toward Human Brown Adipose Tissue. Stem Cell Reports. 16(3):641-655

Sun, B., Ito, M., Mendjan, S (...) Ferguson-Smith, AC., Pedersen, RA. (2012). Status of genomic imprinting in epigenetically distinct pluripotent stem cells. Stem Cells. 30(2):161-8