List of Publications

Abdusselamoglu, MD., Eroglu, E., Burkard, TR., Knoblich, JA. (2019). The transcription factor odd-paired regulates temporal identity in transit-amplifying neural progenitors via an incoherent feed-forward loop. Elife. 8

Abdusselamoglu, MD., Landskron, L., Bowman, SK (...) Kingston, RE., Knoblich, JA. (2019). Dynamics of activating and repressive histone modifications in <i>Drosophila</i> neural stem cell lineages and brain tumors. Development. 146(23)

Abramczuk, MK., Burkard, TR., Rolland, V (...) Reichert, H., Knoblich, JA. (2017). The splicing co-factor Barricade/Tat-SF1 is required for cell cycle and lineage progression in <i>Drosophila</i> neural stem cells. Development. 144(21):3932-3945

Akbari, OS., Bellen, HJ., Bier, E (...) Ueda, R., Wildonger, J. (2015). BIOSAFETY. Safeguarding gene drive experiments in the laboratory. Science. 349(6251):927-9

Ayukawa, T., Akiyama, M., Mummery-Widmer, JL (...) Sasaki, T., Yamazaki, M. (2014). Dachsous-dependent asymmetric localization of spiny-legs determines planar cell polarity orientation in Drosophila. Cell Rep. 8(2):610-21

Bagley, JA., Reumann, D., Bian, S., Lévi-Strauss, J., Knoblich, JA. (2017). Fused cerebral organoids model interactions between brain regions. Nat Methods. 14(7):743-751

Bajaj, S., Bagley, JA., Sommer, C (...) Lévi-Strauss, J., Knoblich, JA. (2021). Neurotransmitter signaling regulates distinct phases of multimodal human interneuron migration. EMBO J. :e108714

Ballard, MS., Zhu, A., Iwai, N (...) Knoblich, JA., Hinck, L. (2015). Mammary Stem Cell Self-Renewal Is Regulated by Slit2/Robo1 Signaling through SNAI1 and mINSC. Cell Rep. 13(2):290-301

Bardet, AF., Steinmann, J., Bafna, S (...) Zeitlinger, J., Stark, A. (2013). Identification of transcription factor binding sites from ChIP-seq data at high resolution. Bioinformatics. 29(21):2705-13

Barral, Y., Knoblich, J. (2008). Cell division, growth and death. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 20(6):647-9

Bassett, DS., Cullen, KE., Eickhoff, SB (...) Sur, M., Ueda, HR. (2020). Reflections on the past two decades of neuroscience. Nat Rev Neurosci. 21(10):524-534

Benetka, W., Mehlmer, N., Maurer-Stroh, S (...) Teige, M., Eisenhaber, F. (2008). Experimental testing of predicted myristoylation targets involved in asymmetric cell division and calcium-dependent signalling. Cell Cycle. 7(23):3709-19

Berdnik, D., Knoblich, JA. (2002). Drosophila Aurora-A is required for centrosome maturation and actin-dependent asymmetric protein localization during mitosis. Curr Biol. 12(8):640-7

Berdnik, D., Török, T., González-Gaitán, M., Knoblich, JA. (2002). The endocytic protein alpha-Adaptin is required for numb-mediated asymmetric cell division in Drosophila. Dev Cell. 3(2):221-31

Berger, C., Harzer, H., Burkard, TR (...) Reichert, H., Knoblich, JA. (2012). FACS purification and transcriptome analysis of drosophila neural stem cells reveals a role for Klumpfuss in self-renewal. Cell Rep. 2(2):407-18

Betschinger, J., Eisenhaber, F., Knoblich, JA. (2005). Phosphorylation-induced autoinhibition regulates the cytoskeletal protein Lethal (2) giant larvae. Curr Biol. 15(3):276-82

Betschinger, J., Knoblich, JA. (2004). Dare to be different: asymmetric cell division in Drosophila, C. elegans and vertebrates. Curr Biol. 14(16):R674-85

Betschinger, J., Mechtler, K., Knoblich, JA. (2006). Asymmetric segregation of the tumor suppressor brat regulates self-renewal in Drosophila neural stem cells. Cell. 124(6):1241-53

Betschinger, J., Mechtler, K., Knoblich, JA. (2003). The Par complex directs asymmetric cell division by phosphorylating the cytoskeletal protein Lgl. Nature. 422(6929):326-30

Bhalerao, S., Berdnik, D., Török, T., Knoblich, JA. (2005). Localization-dependent and -independent roles of numb contribute to cell-fate specification in Drosophila. Curr Biol. 15(17):1583-90

Bian, S., Repic, M., Guo, Z (...) Krauditsch, C., Knoblich, JA. (2018). Author Correction: Genetically engineered cerebral organoids model brain tumor formation. Nat Methods. 15(9):748

Bian, S., Repic, M., Guo, Z (...) Krauditsch, C., Knoblich, JA. (2018). Genetically engineered cerebral organoids model brain tumor formation. Nat Methods. 15(8):631-639

Blumer, JB., Bernard, ML., Peterson, YK (...) Knoblich, JA., Lanier, SM. (2003). Interaction of activator of G-protein signaling 3 (AGS3) with LKB1, a serine/threonine kinase involved in cell polarity and cell cycle progression: phosphorylation of the G-protein regulatory (GPR) motif as a regulatory mechanism for the interaction of GPR motifs with Gi alpha. J Biol Chem. 278(26):23217-20

Bock, C., Boutros, M., Camp, JG (...) Treutlein, B., Vries, RGJ. (2021). The Organoid Cell Atlas. Nat Biotechnol. 39(1):13-17

Bonnay, F., Knoblich, JA. (2020). Prospero Phase-Separating the Way to Neuronal Differentiation. Dev Cell. 52(3):251-252

Bonnay, F., Veloso, A., Steinmann, V (...) Zinzen, RP., Knoblich, JA. (2020). Oxidative Metabolism Drives Immortalization of Neural Stem Cells during Tumorigenesis. Cell. 182(6):1490-1507.e19

Bowman, SK., Neumüller, RA., Novatchkova, M., Du, Q., Knoblich, JA. (2006). The Drosophila NuMA Homolog Mud regulates spindle orientation in asymmetric cell division. Dev Cell. 10(6):731-42

Bowman, SK., Rolland, V., Betschinger, J (...) Emery, G., Knoblich, JA. (2008). The tumor suppressors Brat and Numb regulate transit-amplifying neuroblast lineages in Drosophila. Dev Cell. 14(4):535-46

Bredenoord, AL., Clevers, H., Knoblich, JA. (2017). Human tissues in a dish: The research and ethical implications of organoid technology. Science. 355(6322)

Bulgheresi, S., Kleiner, E., Knoblich, JA. (2001). Inscuteable-dependent apical localization of the microtubule-binding protein Cornetto suggests a role in asymmetric cell division. J Cell Sci. 114(Pt 20):3655-62

Camp, JG., Badsha, F., Florio, M (...) Huttner, WB., Treutlein, B. (2015). Human cerebral organoids recapitulate gene expression programs of fetal neocortex development. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 112(51):15672-7

Conder, R., Knoblich, JA. (2009). Fly stem cell research gets infectious. Cell. 137(7):1185-7

Corsini, NS., Knoblich, JA. (2018). Tracing Stem Cell Division in Adult Neurogenesis. Cell Stem Cell. 22(2):143-145

Corsini, NS., Knoblich, JA. (2022). Human organoids: New strategies and methods for analyzing human development and disease. Cell. 185(15):2756-2769

Corsini, NS., Peer, AM., Moeseneder, P (...) Moll, I., Knoblich, JA. (2018). Coordinated Control of mRNA and rRNA Processing Controls Embryonic Stem Cell Pluripotency and Differentiation. Cell Stem Cell. 22(4):543-558.e12

Coumailleau, F., Fürthauer, M., Knoblich, JA., González-Gaitán, M. (2009). Directional Delta and Notch trafficking in Sara endosomes during asymmetric cell division. Nature. 458(7241):1051-5

Eichmüller, OL., Corsini, NS., Vértesy, Á (...) Feucht, M., Knoblich, JA. (2022). Amplification of human interneuron progenitors promotes brain tumors and neurological defects. Science. 375(6579):eabf5546

Eichmüller, OL., Knoblich, JA. (2022). Human cerebral organoids - a new tool for clinical neurology research. Nat Rev Neurol.

Emery, G., Hutterer, A., Berdnik, D (...) Gaitan, MG., Knoblich, JA. (2005). Asymmetric Rab 11 endosomes regulate delta recycling and specify cell fate in the Drosophila nervous system. Cell. 122(5):763-73

Emery, G., Knoblich, JA. (2006). Endosome dynamics during development. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 18(4):407-15

Eroglu, E., Burkard, TR., Jiang, Y (...) Reichert, H., Knoblich, JA. (2014). SWI/SNF complex prevents lineage reversion and induces temporal patterning in neural stem cells. Cell. 156(6):1259-1273

Esk, C., Lindenhofer, D., Haendeler, S (...) von Haeseler, A., Knoblich, JA. (2020). A human tissue screen identifies a regulator of ER secretion as a brain-size determinant. Science. 370(6519):935-941

Falk, S., Bugeon, S., Ninkovic, J (...) Knoblich, JA., Götz, M. (2017). Time-Specific Effects of Spindle Positioning on Embryonic Progenitor Pool Composition and Adult Neural Stem Cell Seeding. Neuron. 93(4):777-791.e3

Fededa, JP., Esk, C., Mierzwa, B (...) Knoblich, JA., Gerlich, DW. (2016). MicroRNA-34/449 controls mitotic spindle orientation during mammalian cortex development. EMBO J. 35(22):2386-2398

Frise, E., Knoblich, JA., Younger-Shepherd, S., Jan, LY., Jan, YN. (1996). The Drosophila Numb protein inhibits signaling of the Notch receptor during cell-cell interaction in sensory organ lineage. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 93(21):11925-32

Gallagher, CM., Knoblich, JA. (2006). The conserved c2 domain protein lethal (2) giant discs regulates protein trafficking in Drosophila. Dev Cell. 11(5):641-53

Glotzer, M., Knoblich, JA. (1998). Cell multiplication - editorial overview. Current Opinion in Cell Biology. 10:739-41

Goulas, S., Conder, R., Knoblich, JA. (2012). The Par complex and integrins direct asymmetric cell division in adult intestinal stem cells. Cell Stem Cell. 11(4):529-40

Hagelkruys, A., Horrer, M., Taubenschmid-Stowers, J (...) Knoblich, JA., Penninger, JM. (2022). The HUSH complex controls brain architecture and protocadherin fidelity. Sci Adv. 8(44):eabo7247

Hagelkruys, A., Lagger, S., Krahmer, J (...) Knoblich, JA., Seiser, C. (2014). A single allele of Hdac2 but not Hdac1 is sufficient for normal mouse brain development in the absence of its paralog. Development. 141(3):604-616

Hampoelz, B., Hoeller, O., Bowman, SK., Dunican, D., Knoblich, JA. (2005). Drosophila Ric-8 is essential for plasma-membrane localization of heterotrimeric G proteins. Nat Cell Biol. 7(11):1099-105

Hampoelz, B., Knoblich, JA. (2004). Heterotrimeric G proteins: new tricks for an old dog. Cell. 119(4):453-6

Harzer, H., Berger, C., Conder, R., Schmauss, G., Knoblich, JA. (2013). FACS purification of Drosophila larval neuroblasts for next-generation sequencing. Nat Protoc. 8(6):1088-1099

Homem, CC., Knoblich, JA. (2012). Drosophila neuroblasts: a model for stem cell biology. Development. 139(23):4297-310

Homem, CC., Reichardt, I., Berger, C., Lendl, T., Knoblich, JA. (2013). Long-term live cell imaging and automated 4D analysis of drosophila neuroblast lineages. PLoS One. 8(11):e79588

Homem, CC., Repic, M., Knoblich, JA. (2015). Proliferation control in neural stem and progenitor cells. Nat Rev Neurosci. 16(11):647-59

Homem, CCF., Steinmann, V., Burkard, TR (...) Esterbauer, H., Knoblich, JA. (2014). Ecdysone and mediator change energy metabolism to terminate proliferation in Drosophila neural stem cells. Cell. 158(4):874-888

Huch, M., Knoblich, JA., Lutolf, MP., Martinez-Arias, A. (2017). The hope and the hype of organoid research. Development. 144(6):938-941

Hutterer, A., Berdnik, D., Wirtz-Peitz, F (...) Schleiffer, A., Knoblich, JA. (2006). Mitotic activation of the kinase Aurora-A requires its binding partner Bora. Dev Cell. 11(2):147-57

Hutterer, A., Betschinger, J., Petronczki, M., Knoblich, JA. (2004). Sequential roles of Cdc42, Par-6, aPKC, and Lgl in the establishment of epithelial polarity during Drosophila embryogenesis. Dev Cell. 6(6):845-54

Hutterer, A., Knoblich, JA. (2005). Numb and alpha-Adaptin regulate Sanpodo endocytosis to specify cell fate in Drosophila external sensory organs. EMBO Rep. 6(9):836-42

Huynh, JR., Petronczki, M., Knoblich, JA., St Johnston, D. (2001). Bazooka and PAR-6 are required with PAR-1 for the maintenance of oocyte fate in Drosophila. Curr Biol. 11(11):901-6

Hyun, I., Clayton, EW., Cong, Y (...) Takahashi, J., Knoblich, JA. (2021). ISSCR guidelines for the transfer of human pluripotent stem cells and their direct derivatives into animal hosts. Stem Cell Reports. 16(6):1409-1415

Jacobs, HW., Knoblich, JA., Lehner, CF. (1998). Drosophila Cyclin B3 is required for female fertility and is dispensable for mitosis like Cyclin B. Genes Dev. 12(23):3741-51

Jafar-Nejad, H., Andrews, HK., Acar, M (...) Knoblich, JA., Bellen, HJ. (2005). Sec15, a component of the exocyst, promotes notch signaling during the asymmetric division of Drosophila sensory organ precursors. Dev Cell. 9(3):351-63

Jüschke, C., Dohnal, I., Pichler, P (...) Mechtler, K., Knoblich, JA. (2013). Transcriptome and proteome quantification of a tumor model provides novel insights into post-transcriptional gene regulation. Genome Biol. 14(11):r133

Jüschke, C., Knoblich, JA. (2008). Purification of Drosophila protein complexes for mass spectrometry. Methods Mol Biol. 420:347-58

Jüschke, C., Xie, Y., Postiglione, MP., Knoblich, JA. (2014). Analysis and modeling of mitotic spindle orientations in three dimensions. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 111(3):1014-9

Khazaei, MR., Bunk, EC., Hillje, AL (...) Young, P., Schwamborn, JC. (2011). The E3-ubiquitin ligase TRIM2 regulates neuronal polarization. J Neurochem. 117(1):29-37

Kim, J., Koo, BK., Knoblich, JA. (2020). Human organoids: model systems for human biology and medicine. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 21(10):571-584

Knoblich, J. (2007). On the backroads to cellular asymmetry. Development (Cambridge, England). 134(24):4311-3

Knoblich, JA. (2005). Pins for spines. Nat Cell Biol. 7(12):1157-8

Knoblich, JA. (2001). The Drosophila nervous system as a model for asymmetric cell division. Symp Soc Exp Biol. (53):75-89

Knoblich, JA. (2006). Cell biology. Sara splits the signal. Science. 314(5802):1094-6

Knoblich, JA. (2000). Epithelial polarity: the ins and outs of the fly epidermis. Curr Biol. 10(21):R791-4

Knoblich, JA. (2008). Mechanisms of asymmetric stem cell division. Cell. 132(4):583-97

Knoblich, JA. (2001). Asymmetric cell division during animal development. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2(1):11-20

Knoblich, JA. (2005). Neurobiology: getting axons going. Nature. 436(7051):632-3

Knoblich, JA. (2010). Asymmetric cell division: recent developments and their implications for tumour biology. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 11(12):849-60

Knoblich, JA. (2016). Lab-Built Brains. Sci Am. 316(1):26-31

Knoblich, JA. (1997). Mechanisms of asymmetric cell division during animal development. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 9(6):833-41

Knoblich, JA., Jan, LY., Jan, YN. (1999). Deletion analysis of the Drosophila Inscuteable protein reveals domains for cortical localization and asymmetric localization. Curr Biol. 9(3):155-8

Knoblich, JA., Jan, LY., Jan, YN. (1997). Asymmetric segregation of the Drosophila numb protein during mitosis: facts and speculations. Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol. 62:71-7

Knoblich, JA., Jan, LY., Jan, YN. (1995). Asymmetric segregation of Numb and Prospero during cell division. Nature. 377(6550):624-7

Knoblich, JA., Jan, LY., Jan, YN. (1997). The N terminus of the Drosophila Numb protein directs membrane association and actin-dependent asymmetric localization. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 94(24):13005-10

Knoblich, JA., Lehner, CF. (1993). Synergistic action of Drosophila cyclins A and B during the G2-M transition. EMBO J. 12(1):65-74

Knoblich, JA., Sauer, K., Jones, L (...) Saint, R., Lehner, CF. (1994). Cyclin E controls S phase progression and its down-regulation during Drosophila embryogenesis is required for the arrest of cell proliferation. Cell. 77(1):107-20

Kraut, R., Chia, W., Jan, LY., Jan, YN., Knoblich, JA. (1996). Role of inscuteable in orienting asymmetric cell divisions in Drosophila. Nature. 383(6595):50-5

Krenn, V., Bosone, C., Burkard, TR (...) Mirazimi, A., Knoblich, JA. (2021). Organoid modeling of Zika and herpes simplex virus 1 infections reveals virus-specific responses leading to microcephaly. Cell Stem Cell. 28(8):1362-1379.e7

Kreutzer, MA., Richards, JP., De Silva-Udawatta, MN (...) Lehner, CF., Bennett, KL. (1995). Caenorhabditis elegans cyclin A- and B-type genes: a cyclin A multigene family, an ancestral cyclin B3 and differential germline expression. J Cell Sci. 108 ( Pt 6):2415-24

Lancaster, MA., Corsini, NS., Wolfinger, S (...) Livesey, FJ., Knoblich, JA. (2018). Publisher Correction: Guided self-organization and cortical plate formation in human brain organoids. Nat Biotechnol. 36(10):1016

Lancaster, MA., Corsini, NS., Wolfinger, S (...) Livesey, FJ., Knoblich, JA. (2017). Guided self-organization and cortical plate formation in human brain organoids. Nat Biotechnol. 35(7):659-666

Lancaster, MA., Knoblich, JA. (2014). Generation of cerebral organoids from human pluripotent stem cells. Nat Protoc. 9(10):2329-40

Lancaster, MA., Knoblich, JA. (2014). Organogenesis in a dish: modeling development and disease using organoid technologies. Science. 345(6194):1247125

Lancaster, MA., Knoblich, JA. (2012). Spindle orientation in mammalian cerebral cortical development. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 22(5):737-46

Lancaster, MA., Renner, M., Martin, CA (...) Jackson, AP., Knoblich, JA. (2013). Cerebral organoids model human brain development and microcephaly. Nature. 501(7467):373-9

Landskron, L., Bonnay, F., Burkard, TR., Knoblich, JA. (2020). DigiTAG-a RNA Sequencing Approach to Analyze Transcriptomes of Rare Cell Populations in <i>Drosophila melanogaster</i>. Bio Protoc. 10(21):e3809

Landskron, L., Knoblich, JA. (2016). You Are What You Eat: Linking Metabolic Asymmetry and Cell Fate Choice. Dev Cell. 37(3):206-8

Landskron, L., Steinmann, V., Bonnay, F (...) Reichert, H., Knoblich, JA. (2018). The asymmetrically segregating lncRNA cherub is required for transforming stem cells into malignant cells. Elife. 7

Lehmann, R., Lee, CM., Shugart, EC (...) Nelson, CM., Wilson, KM. (2019). Human organoids: a new dimension in cell biology. Mol Biol Cell. 30(10):1129-1137

Lehner, CF., Ried, G., Stern, B., Knoblich, JA. (1992). Cyclins and cdc2 kinases in Drosophila: genetic analyses in a higher eukaryote. Ciba Found Symp. 170:97-109; discussion 110-4

Li, C., Fleck, JS., Martins-Costa, C (...) Treutlein, B., Knoblich, JA. (2023). Single-cell brain organoid screening identifies developmental defects in autism. Nature. 621(7978):373-380

Li, Y., Muffat, J., Omer, A (...) Knoblich, JA., Jaenisch, R. (2017). Induction of Expansion and Folding in Human Cerebral Organoids. Cell Stem Cell. 20(3):385-396.e3

Lindenhofer, D., Haendeler, S., Esk, C (...) von Haeseler, A., Knoblich, JA. (2024). Cerebral organoids display dynamic clonal growth and tunable tissue replenishment. Nat Cell Biol. 26(5):710-718

Lovell-Badge, R., Anthony, E., Barker, RA (...) Zettler, PJ., Zhai, X. (2021). ISSCR Guidelines for Stem Cell Research and Clinical Translation: The 2021 update. Stem Cell Reports. 16(6):1398-1408

Luo, C., Lancaster, MA., Castanon, R (...) Knoblich, JA., Ecker, JR. (2016). Cerebral Organoids Recapitulate Epigenomic Signatures of the Human Fetal Brain. Cell Rep. 17(12):3369-3384

Marchetti, G., Reichardt, I., Knoblich, JA., Besse, F. (2014). The TRIM-NHL protein Brat promotes axon maintenance by repressing src64B expression. J Neurosci. 34(41):13855-64

Martins-Costa, C., Pham, VA., Sidhaye, J (...) Corsini, NS., Knoblich, JA. (2023). Morphogenesis and development of human telencephalic organoids in the absence and presence of exogenous extracellular matrix. EMBO J. 42(22):e113213

Martins-Costa, C., Wiegers, A., Pham, VA (...) Corsini, NS., Knoblich, JA. (2024). ARID1B controls transcriptional programs of axon projection in an organoid model of the human corpus callosum. Cell Stem Cell. 31(6):866-885.e14

Masselink, W., Reumann, D., Murawala, P (...) Knoblich, JA., Tanaka, EM. (2019). Broad applicability of a streamlined ethyl cinnamate-based clearing procedure. Development. 146(3)

Mauri, F., Reichardt, I., Mummery-Widmer, JL., Yamazaki, M., Knoblich, JA. (2014). The conserved discs-large binding partner Banderuola regulates asymmetric cell division in Drosophila. Curr Biol. 24(16):1811-25

Mayer, B., Emery, G., Berdnik, D., Wirtz-Peitz, F., Knoblich, JA. (2005). Quantitative analysis of protein dynamics during asymmetric cell division. Curr Biol. 15(20):1847-54

Mummery-Widmer, JL., Yamazaki, M., Stoeger, T (...) Dickson, BJ., Knoblich, JA. (2009). Genome-wide analysis of Notch signalling in Drosophila by transgenic RNAi. Nature. 458(7241):987-92

Najm, R., Knoblich, JA. (2024). Making sense of Timothy syndrome with 3D human neuronal models. Neuron. 112(11):1730-1732

Neumüller, RA., Betschinger, J., Fischer, A (...) Cohen, SM., Knoblich, JA. (2008). Mei-P26 regulates microRNAs and cell growth in the Drosophila ovarian stem cell lineage. Nature. 454(7201):241-5

Neumüller, RA., Knoblich, JA. (2009). Dividing cellular asymmetry: asymmetric cell division and its implications for stem cells and cancer. Genes Dev. 23(23):2675-99

Neumüller, RA., Knoblich, JA. (2009). Wicked views on stem cell news. Nat Cell Biol. 11(6):678-9

Neumüller, RA., Richter, C., Fischer, A (...) Neumüller, KG., Knoblich, JA. (2011). Genome-wide analysis of self-renewal in Drosophila neural stem cells by transgenic RNAi. Cell Stem Cell. 8(5):580-93

Oliver L. Eichmüller, Nina S. Corsini, Ábel Vértesy, Theresa Scholl, Victoria-Elisabeth Gruber, Angela M. Peer, Julia Chu, Maria Novatchkova, Mercedes F. Paredes, Martha Feucht, Jürgen A. Knoblich (2020). Cerebral organoid model reveals excessive proliferation of human caudal late interneuron progenitors in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex BioRxiv.

Pașca, SP., Arlotta, P., Bateup, HS (...) Treutlein, B., Vaccarino, FM. (2022). A nomenclature consensus for nervous system organoids and assembloids. Nature. 609(7929):907-910

Petronczki, M., Knoblich, JA. (2001). DmPAR-6 directs epithelial polarity and asymmetric cell division of neuroblasts in Drosophila. Nat Cell Biol. 3(1):43-9

Postiglione, MP., Jüschke, C., Xie, Y (...) Charalambous, C., Knoblich, JA. (2011). Mouse inscuteable induces apical-basal spindle orientation to facilitate intermediate progenitor generation in the developing neocortex. Neuron. 72(2):269-84

Rajewsky, N., Almouzni, G., Gorski, SA (...) Vidal, M., Voet, T. (2021). Publisher Correction: LifeTime and improving European healthcare through cell-based interceptive medicine. Nature. 592(7852):E8

Rajewsky, N., Almouzni, G., Gorski, SA (...) Vidal, M., Voet, T. (2020). LifeTime and improving European healthcare through cell-based interceptive medicine. Nature. 587(7834):377-386

Reichardt, I., Bonnay, F., Steinmann, V (...) Meister, G., Knoblich, JA. (2018). The tumor suppressor Brat controls neuronal stem cell lineages by inhibiting Deadpan and Zelda. EMBO Rep. 19(1):102-117

Reichardt, I., Knoblich, JA. (2013). Cell biology: Notch recycling is numbed. Curr Biol. 23(7):R270-2

Renner, M., Lancaster, MA., Bian, S (...) Chung, K., Knoblich, JA. (2017). Self-organized developmental patterning and differentiation in cerebral organoids. EMBO J. 36(10):1316-1329

Reumann, D., Krauditsch, C., Novatchkova, M (...) Parmar, M., Knoblich, JA. (2023). In vitro modeling of the human dopaminergic system using spatially arranged ventral midbrain-striatum-cortex assembloids. Nat Methods. 20(12):2034-2047

Rhyu, MS., Knoblich, JA. (1995). Spindle orientation and asymmetric cell fate. Cell. 82(4):523-6

Richter, C., Oktaba, K., Steinmann, J., Müller, J., Knoblich, JA. (2011). The tumour suppressor L(3)mbt inhibits neuroepithelial proliferation and acts on insulator elements. Nat Cell Biol. 13(9):1029-39

Ritzau-Reid, KI., Callens, SJP., Xie, R (...) Knoblich, JA., Stevens, MM. (2023). Microfibrous Scaffolds Guide Stem Cell Lumenogenesis and Brain Organoid Engineering. Adv Mater. :e2300305

Sauer, K., Knoblich, JA., Richardson, H., Lehner, CF. (1995). Distinct modes of cyclin E/cdc2c kinase regulation and S-phase control in mitotic and endoreduplication cycles of Drosophila embryogenesis. Genes Dev. 9(11):1327-39

Schaefer, M., Knoblich, JA. (2001). Protein localization during asymmetric cell division. Exp Cell Res. 271(1):66-74

Schaefer, M., Petronczki, M., Dorner, D., Forte, M., Knoblich, JA. (2001). Heterotrimeric G proteins direct two modes of asymmetric cell division in the Drosophila nervous system. Cell. 107(2):183-94

Schaefer, M., Shevchenko, A., Shevchenko, A., Knoblich, JA. (2000). A protein complex containing Inscuteable and the Galpha-binding protein Pins orients asymmetric cell divisions in Drosophila. Curr Biol. 10(7):353-62

Schober, M., Schaefer, M., Knoblich, JA. (1999). Bazooka recruits Inscuteable to orient asymmetric cell divisions in Drosophila neuroblasts. Nature. 402(6761):548-51

Schwamborn, JC., Berezikov, E., Knoblich, JA. (2009). The TRIM-NHL protein TRIM32 activates microRNAs and prevents self-renewal in mouse neural progenitors. Cell. 136(5):913-25

Schwamborn, JC., Knoblich, JA. (2008). LIS1 and spindle orientation in neuroepithelial cells. Cell Stem Cell. 2(3):193-4

Shen, CP., Knoblich, JA., Chan, YM (...) Jan, LY., Jan, YN. (1998). Miranda as a multidomain adapter linking apically localized Inscuteable and basally localized Staufen and Prospero during asymmetric cell division in Drosophila. Genes Dev. 12(12):1837-46

Sidhaye, J., Knoblich, JA. (2021). Brain organoids: an ensemble of bioassays to investigate human neurodevelopment and disease. Cell Death Differ. 28(1):52-67

Sidhaye, J., Trepte, P., Sepke, N (...) Mechtler, K., Knoblich, JA. (2023). Integrated transcriptome and proteome analysis reveals posttranscriptional regulation of ribosomal genes in human brain organoids. Elife. 12

Sparmann, A., Xie, Y., Verhoeven, E (...) Knoblich, JA., van Lohuizen, M. (2013). The chromodomain helicase Chd4 is required for Polycomb-mediated inhibition of astroglial differentiation. EMBO J. 32(11):1598-612

Speicher, S., Fischer, A., Knoblich, J., Carmena, A. (2008). The PDZ protein Canoe regulates the asymmetric division of Drosophila neuroblasts and muscle progenitors. Curr Biol. 18(11):831-7

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