
New DOC Fellowship from the Austrian Academy of Sciences

Rut Gabarró Solanas from the Urban lab at IMBA could secure a prestigious DOC fellowship by the Austrian Academy of Sciences that offers funding for highly qualified doctoral candidates in all areas of research.

Rut Gabarro Solanas (c) Caterina Tavernini

Rut Gabarró Solanas, originally from Barcelona, studied Biomedical Sciences at the University of Barcelona and earned her Master’s degree on Developmental Biology from the University Pierre and Marie Curie in Paris. Two years ago, she started her PhD in the Urban lab with the aim of combining neuroscience and stem cells. Her project focusses on understanding how diet can affect the generation of new neurons by adult neural stem cells. Therefore, she is planning to use cell-lineage tracing strategies to characterize adult neural stem cell response to “western/cafeteria" diets or dietary restrictions. “Our final goal is to characterize the relationship between diet and the regulation of adult neural stem cells to broaden our understanding of the impact of diet on adult neurogenesis, memory and behaviour,” Rut explains her research mission.


More about the research: https://www.imba.oeaw.ac.at/research/noelia-urban/